With the release of kubeadm and kops, however, this became significantly easier.promise
kops is a tool that fully automates the creation of a Kubernetes cluster (currently supported on AWS),工具
analogous to the way users of GKE are able to create one-click Kubernetes clusters.flex
In other words, kops handles infrastructure orchestration and installs all necessary software.ui
This isn’t, however, what every user requires.this
For those desiring automation but also a certain level of flexibility, kubeadm is a far better option.component
kubeadm does not (and will likely never) manage infrastructure provisioning,htm
but can easily be integrated into an orchestration tool. Most excitingly,blog
kubeadm promises to become more modular and incorporate features such as component updates.ci
As these changes come to fruition, users will have another mode by which they can have self-hosted Kubernetes clusters.
kubeadm would not provision machines. Instead, the only assumption it makes is that the user has some computers running Linux.
Kubeadm VS Kops