【問題描述】 IntelliJ IDEA 中,Docker Integration 插件,啓動 MySql 容器,而後使用 Navicat for MySQL 來鏈接。只要鏈接數據庫就會出現:mbind: Operation not permitted,可是對訪問數據沒有任何影響,任何數據庫都可以正常訪問。 mysql
【出現緣由】 The server use mbind for NUMA (non-uniform memory access) operations, but Docker blocks this access by default. It's possible to provide a custom profile that allows it, but the syntax of the profile files has changed across Docker versions, so it's kind of messy. There's more about this here: docs.docker.com/engine/secu…git
【解決辦法】 在 docker-compose.yml 中添加github
- seccomp:unconfined