根據CoffeeSQL的功能模塊組成來劃分,能夠分爲:數據庫鏈接管理、SQL命令執行入口、SQL命令生成器、SQL查詢引擎、ORM緩存機制、實體數據驗證 這六個部分,CoffeeSQL的操做入口與其餘的ORM框架同樣,都是以數據庫上下文(DBContext)的方式進行操做。總體結構圖以下:程序員
數據庫鏈接的管理實際上就是對數據庫鏈接字符串與其對應的數據庫鏈接對象的管理機制,它能夠保證在進行一主多從的數據庫部署時ORM幫助咱們自動地切換鏈接的數據庫,並且還支持 <最小使用>與 <輪詢>兩種數據庫鏈接切換策略。數據庫
1 /// <summary> 2 /// Auto Fill Adapter 3 /// => Fill DataRow to Entity 4 /// </summary> 5 public class EntityFillAdapter<Entity> 6 { 7 private static readonly Func<DataRow, Entity> funcCache = GetFactory(); 8 9 public static Entity AutoFill(DataRow row) 10 { 11 return funcCache(row); 12 } 13 14 private static Func<DataRow, Entity> GetFactory() 15 { 16 #region get Info through Reflection 17 var entityType = typeof(Entity); 18 var rowType = typeof(DataRow); 19 var convertType = typeof(Convert); 20 var typeType = typeof(Type); 21 var columnCollectionType = typeof(DataColumnCollection); 22 var getTypeMethod = typeType.GetMethod("GetType", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null, new[] { typeof(string) }, null); 23 var changeTypeMethod = convertType.GetMethod("ChangeType", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null, new[] { typeof(object), typeof(Type) }, null); 24 var containsMethod = columnCollectionType.GetMethod("Contains"); 25 var rowIndexerGetMethod = rowType.GetMethod("get_Item", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null, new[] { typeof(string) }, new[] { new ParameterModifier(1) }); 26 var columnCollectionIndexerGetMethod = columnCollectionType.GetMethod("get_Item", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null, new[] { typeof(int) }, new[] { new ParameterModifier(1) }); 27 var entityIndexerSetMethod = entityType.GetMethod("set_Item", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new[] { typeof(string), typeof(object) }, null); 28 var properties = entityType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); 29 #endregion 30 31 #region some Expression class that can be repeat used 32 //DataRow row 33 var rowDeclare = Expression.Parameter(rowType, "row"); 34 //Student entity 35 var entityDeclare = Expression.Parameter(entityType, "entity"); 36 //Type propertyType 37 var propertyTypeDeclare = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Type), "propertyType"); 38 //new Student() 39 var newEntityExpression = Expression.New(entityType); 40 //row == null 41 var rowEqualnullExpression = Expression.Equal(rowDeclare, Expression.Constant(null)); 42 //row.Table.Columns 43 var rowTableColumns = Expression.Property(Expression.Property(rowDeclare, "Table"), "Columns"); 44 //int loopIndex 45 var loopIndexDeclare = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "loopIndex"); 46 //row.Table.Columns[loopIndex].ColumnName 47 var columnNameExpression = Expression.Property(Expression.Call(rowTableColumns, columnCollectionIndexerGetMethod, loopIndexDeclare), "ColumnName"); 48 //break; 49 LabelTarget labelBreak = Expression.Label(); 50 //default(Student) 51 var defaultEntityValue = Expression.Default(entityType); 52 #endregion 53 54 var setRowNotNullBlockExpressions = new List<Expression>(); 55 56 #region entity = new Student();loopIndex = 0; 57 setRowNotNullBlockExpressions.Add(Expression.Assign(entityDeclare, newEntityExpression)); 58 setRowNotNullBlockExpressions.Add(Expression.Assign(loopIndexDeclare, Expression.Constant(0))); 59 60 #endregion 61 62 #region loop Fill DataRow's field to Entity Indexer 63 /* 64 * while (true) 65 * { 66 * if (loopIndex < row.Table.Columns.Count) 67 * { 68 * entity[row.Table.Columns[loopIndex].ColumnName] = row[row.Table.Columns[loopIndex].ColumnName]; 69 * loopIndex++; 70 * } 71 * else break; 72 * } 73 */ 74 75 setRowNotNullBlockExpressions.Add( 76 77 Expression.Loop( 78 Expression.IfThenElse( 79 Expression.LessThan(loopIndexDeclare, Expression.Property(rowTableColumns, "Count")), 80 Expression.Block( 81 Expression.Call(entityDeclare, entityIndexerSetMethod, columnNameExpression, Expression.Call(rowDeclare, rowIndexerGetMethod, columnNameExpression)), 82 Expression.PostIncrementAssign(loopIndexDeclare) 83 ), 84 Expression.Break(labelBreak) 85 ), 86 labelBreak 87 ) 88 ); 89 #endregion 90 91 #region assign for Entity property 92 foreach (var propertyInfo in properties) 93 { 94 var columnAttr = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ColumnAttribute), true) as ColumnAttribute; 95 96 // no column , no translation 97 if (null == columnAttr) continue; 98 99 if (propertyInfo.CanWrite) 100 { 101 var columnName = Expression.Constant(columnAttr.GetName(propertyInfo.Name), typeof(string)); 102 103 //entity.Id 104 var propertyExpression = Expression.Property(entityDeclare, propertyInfo); 105 //row["Id"] 106 var value = Expression.Call(rowDeclare, rowIndexerGetMethod, columnName); 107 //default(string) 108 var defaultValue = Expression.Default(propertyInfo.PropertyType); 109 //row.Table.Columns.Contains("Id") 110 var checkIfContainsColumn = Expression.Call(rowTableColumns, containsMethod, columnName); 111 //!row["Id"].Equals(DBNull.Value) 112 var checkDBNull = Expression.NotEqual(value, Expression.Constant(System.DBNull.Value)); 113 114 var propertyTypeName = Expression.Constant(propertyInfo.PropertyType.ToString(), typeof(string)); 115 116 /* 117 * if (row.Table.Columns.Contains("Id") && !row["Id"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) 118 * { 119 * propertyType = Type.GetType("System.String"); 120 * entity.Id = (string)Convert.ChangeType(row["Id"], propertyType); 121 * } 122 * else 123 * entity.Id = default(string); 124 */ 125 setRowNotNullBlockExpressions.Add( 126 127 Expression.IfThenElse( 128 Expression.AndAlso(checkIfContainsColumn, checkDBNull), 129 Expression.Block( 130 Expression.Assign(propertyTypeDeclare, Expression.Call(getTypeMethod, propertyTypeName)), 131 Expression.Assign(propertyExpression, Expression.Convert(Expression.Call(changeTypeMethod, value, propertyTypeDeclare), propertyInfo.PropertyType)) 132 ), 133 Expression.Assign(propertyExpression, defaultValue) 134 ) 135 ); 136 } 137 } 138 139 #endregion 140 141 var checkIfRowIsNull = Expression.IfThenElse( 142 rowEqualnullExpression, 143 Expression.Assign(entityDeclare, defaultEntityValue), 144 Expression.Block(setRowNotNullBlockExpressions) 145 ); 146 147 var body = Expression.Block( 148 149 new[] { entityDeclare, loopIndexDeclare, propertyTypeDeclare }, 150 checkIfRowIsNull, 151 entityDeclare //return Student; 152 ); 153 154 return Expression.Lambda<Func<DataRow, Entity>>(body, rowDeclare).Compile(); 155 } 156 } 157 158 #region 159 //public class Student : EntityDesign.EntityBase 160 //{ 161 // [Column] 162 // public string Id { get; set; } 163 164 // [Column("StudentName")] 165 // public string Name { get; set; } 166 //} 167 ////this is the template of "GetFactory()" created. 168 //public static Student StudentFillAdapter(DataRow row) 169 //{ 170 // Student entity; 171 // int loopIndex; 172 // Type propertyType; 173 174 // if (row == null) 175 // entity = default(Student); 176 // else 177 // { 178 // entity = new Student(); 179 // loopIndex = 0; 180 181 // while (true) 182 // { 183 // if (loopIndex < row.Table.Columns.Count) 184 // { 185 // entity[row.Table.Columns[loopIndex].ColumnName] = row[row.Table.Columns[loopIndex].ColumnName]; 186 // loopIndex++; 187 // } 188 // else break; 189 // } 190 191 // if (row.Table.Columns.Contains("Id") && !row["Id"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) 192 // { 193 // propertyType = Type.GetType("System.String"); 194 // entity.Id = (string)Convert.ChangeType(row["Id"], propertyType); 195 // } 196 // else 197 // entity.Id = default(string); 198 199 // if (row.Table.Columns.Contains("StudentName") && !row["StudentName"].Equals(DBNull.Value)) 200 // { 201 // propertyType = Type.GetType("System.String"); 202 // entity.Name = (string)Convert.ChangeType(row["StudentName"], propertyType); 203 // } 204 // else 205 // entity.Name = default(string); 206 // } 207 208 // return entity; 209 //} 210 #endregion
下載CoffeeSql源碼進行編譯,你會獲得 CoffeeSql.Core.dll、CoffeeSql.Oracle.dll、CoffeeSql.Mysql.dll 三個dll文件,其中CoffeeSql.Core.dll爲必選,而後根據你的數據庫類型選擇是CoffeeSql.Oracle.dll或者CoffeeSql.Mysql.dll,目前還只支持這兩種數據庫,後續會支持更多數據庫。
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