Database connections will be migratedphp
Posted by: Max Hugen
Date: May 23, 2017 07:22PMmysql
The Notifier has been popping up for the last couple of days with the msg:
Database connections will be migrated
Connections will be migrated to use MySQL Workbench's connections file.
I don't really know what it means, so I'm very concerned that it may affect connections to clients' MySQL servers etc. I use SQLyog to connect remotely.
Will it affect things like this?
Max Hugen
Re: Database connections will be migratedapp
Posted by: Javier Treviño
Date: August 08, 2017 04:25PMless
Hi All,
I am going to attempt to answer your question.
Some products are able to share connection information to MySQL Server instances with MySQL Workbench. The products that do this are MySQL for Excel, MySQL Notifier and MySQL for Visual Studio.
By sharing connection information this means that if MySQL Workbench is installed in the same computer, all of these programs will attempt to use the same configuration file where MySQL Workbench stores the information about connections.
So, if any of the 3 aforementioned products are installed but MySQL Workbench is not, they will fallback to use their own separate configuration file to store connection information, but as soon as they detect MySQL Workbench is present, they will attempt to migrate or move the connections stored in the separate configuration file to the file MySQL Workbench uses.
The product presents a dialog with the message you have been talking about in this forum thread. You should notice there is a More Info button displayed in that dialog. If you click it an information message like this will be shown:
{APP_NAME} now works with the connections file used by MySQL Workbench if it is installed.
{APP_NAME} will attempt to merge all existing connections with MySQL Workbench and in order to do this MySQL Workbench must not be running.
Please make sure MySQL Workbench is closed to continue with the merging operation.
If you choose not to migrate connections now, you will be prompted later to perform the migration.
Also note that in the latest versions of the 3 aforementioned products the migration of connection information can be delayed to be done at a later time or delayed indefinitely, which means the connection information will remain in the product's configuration file until a manual migration of this information is performed.
Best regards.
Javier Treviño
MySQL on Windows Teamide
Re: Database connections will be migratedthis
Posted by: Bob Smith
Date: November 02, 2017 01:42AMidea
So is it a good idea to let it happen or not?orm
Re: Database connections will be migratedserver
Posted by: Javier Treviño
Date: January 15, 2018 12:42PM
Hi Bob,
I can't answer that question for you.
It all depends on your preference to have different connections for each separate MySQL client application (in which case you should NOT migrate them), or if you prefer to see the same connections shared among MySQL client applications regardless of which client app you used to create it (in which case you should migrate them).
Best regards.
Javier Treviño
MySQL on Windows Team
本文內容所有摘錄自MySQL官方問答:Database connections will be migrated