ACM 數字圖書館免費開放,全部期刊、論文 6 月 30 日前都可免費下載!

ACM 在 3 月 20 日發出公告,爲了盡他們所能幫助科研工做者度過此次新冠疫情,ACM 數字圖書館開放了全部會議、期刊文章的訪問權限,目前已經不須要特定的大學校園 IP 或者登錄任何帳戶,直接訪問便可下載全部 ACM 的文章。在接下來的 3 個月時間一直到 6 月 30 日ACM出版的做品均可以避免費下載。git

ACM 數字圖書館網址:數據庫


ACM 公告原文以下

Open Access to ACM Digital Library During Coronavirus Pandemicexpress

March 30, 2020ide

Dear ACM Members:ui

As the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic continues, we at ACM would like to do what we can to help support the computing community. Many computing researchers and practitioners are now working remotely. In addition, teaching and learning have also moved online as more and more campuses close.this

We believe that ACM can help support research, discovery and learning during this time of crisis by opening theACM Digital Libraryto all. For the next three months, there will be no fees assessed for accessing or downloading work published by ACM. We hope this will help researchers, practitioners and students maintain access to our publications as well as increasing visibility and awareness of ACM’s journals, proceedings and magazines. Please be sure to inform your colleagues that the ACM DL is now open, and will continue that way through June 30,

This global health crisis is a unique challenge that has impacted many ACM members. We would like to express our concern and support for all who are affected by this

Stay well!orm

Cherri Pancake
ACM Presidentblog

ACM Digital Library(美國計算機協會數字圖書館)簡介

ACM(Association for Computing Machinery) 創立於 1947年, 是全球歷史最悠久和最大的計算機教育、科研機構。ACM致力於發展信息技術教育、科研和應用,出版最具權威和前瞻性的文獻,如專業期刊、會議錄和新聞快報,並於 1999年開始提供在線數據庫服務-ACM Digital Library。

在過去的幾年裏,ACM 全文數據庫增長了 1950 年代至今的全部出版物的全文內容,以及 Special Interest Group的相關出版物,包括快報和會議錄。同時 ACM還整合了第三方出版社的內容,全面集成了「在線計算機文獻指南」(The Guide to Computing Literature)這個書目文摘數據庫。它集合了 ACM和其餘 7,000多家出版社的出版物,旨在爲專業和非專業人士提供瞭解計算機和信息技術領域資源的窗口。ACM 期刊主要覆蓋計算機科學與軟件工程、計算機科學與信息系統、計算機科學與硬件結構以及計算機科學與理論方法四大學科。

