module.exports = (req, res) => { // TODO replace the codes bellow and add your own codes here const wx_app_id = server.get('wx-app-id'); let pay_info = { [wx_app_id]: { // 定義能支付的商戶,可能存在多個 mch_id: server.get('wx-mch-id'), pay_key: server.get('wx-pay-key') } }if(!(req.body.appid in pay_info)) { res.send({ successed: false, message: '商戶不支持支付', datalist: '暫不支持支付的appid' }); return } let sendtowx = { appid: req.body.appid, mch_id: pay_info[req.body.appid].mch_id, nonce_str: moment().valueOf(), body: req.body.body, // detail: req.body.detail, // attach: req.body.attach, out_trade_no: getOrderNo(), //訂單在同一商家不能重複 total_fee: req.body.total_fee, spbill_create_ip: req.headers['x-real-ip'] || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.connection.remoteAddress, notify_url: req.body.notify_url, // 訂單支付反饋通知接口,通常作修改訂單完成狀態用,微信支付成功後會在後臺調用 trade_type: 'JSAPI', openid: req.body.openid } sendtowx.sign = wx_sign(sendtowx, pay_info[req.body.appid].pay_key); //生成MD5加密字符,傳入字段不能有undefined。不然會報簽名錯誤 let request_str = '<xml>' for (let item in sendtowx) { request_str = request_str + '<' + item + '>' request_str = request_str + sendtowx[item] request_str = request_str + '</' + item + '>' } request_str = request_str + '</xml>' console.log('request_str:', request_str); const AppOrder = server.models.AppOrder; AppOrder.findOrCreate({where:req.body.where},{ // 首先建立系統訂單,此時狀態爲待支付 status:"0", pay_price: sendtowx.total_fee/100, order_no: sendtowx.out_trade_no }, function(err, data, created) { console.log(data,created,'s;s/'); if (err) { console.log(err); } else if(created){ console.log("建立預付訂單成功",data); request.post( // 調用微信支付統一下單接口,返回微信預訂單數據 { url : 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder', // headers: { // 'Content-Type':'text/xml; charset=utf-8', // 'Content-Length': data.length // }, body: request_str, rejectUnauthorized: false }, function(err, httpResponse, body){ // 請求完成以後的回調函數 console.log(body) parseString(body, {explicitArray:false}, function (err, result) { let res_body = { } if(result.xml.return_code == 'SUCCESS') { res_body.successed = true res_body.message = 'ok' let temp = { appId: result.xml.appid, timeStamp: moment().format('X'), nonceStr: moment().format('x'), package: 'prepay_id='+result.xml.prepay_id, signType: "MD5" } temp.paySign = wx_sign(temp, pay_info[result.xml.appid].pay_key) result.xml = temp } else { res_body.successed = false res_body.message = '支付失敗' } if(res_body.message) { res_body.datalist = result.xml res.send(res_body); } }); }) } else { res.send({ code: "applied", successed: false, message: '不能重複提交訂單!' }); } }); }
payNow: function (e) { let that = this; let data = { openid: app.globalData.openId, appid: app.globalData.app_id, body: this.data.applyGame.name + "測試", // attach: this.data.applyGame.id,//附加信息,暫時不添加 total_fee: 1, notify_url: app.globalData.appUrl + 'sdk/wxpayvnotify', // 微信支付成功反饋通知接口 where:{ // 不能重複提交訂單條件 status: orderStatus.pay, } }; pay(data, (res) => { if (res.statusCode == 200) { if (res.data.successed == true) { let backobj = res.data.datalist; let timestamp = backobj.timeStamp; let nonceStr = backobj.nonceStr; let prepay_id = backobj.package; let signType = backobj.signType; let paySign = backobj.paySign; wx.requestPayment({ 'timeStamp': timestamp, 'nonceStr': nonceStr, 'package': prepay_id, 'signType': signType, 'paySign': paySign, 'notify_url': app.globalData.appUrl + 'sdk/wxpayverify', success: function (res) { wx.navigateTo({ url: "/pages/my-game/index", }) wx.switchTab({ url: '/pages/my-game/index', }) }, fail: function (res) { console.log(res,'支付失敗'); wx.showToast({ title: '支付失敗!', icon: 'none', }) // wx.navigateTo({ // url: "../pay/payfail/payfail", // }) }, }) } else { if (res.data.code === 'applied'){ wx.showToast({ title: '已經報名', icon: 'none', }) }else{ wx.showToast({ title: res.data.message, icon: 'none', }) } } }else{ wx.showToast({ title: '支付失敗!', icon: 'none', }) } }) }