Java NIO Channel to Channel Transfers

Java Nio 


1 Java NIO Tutorial
2 Java NIO Overview
3 Java NIO Channel
4 Java NIO Buffer
5 Java NIO Scatter / Gather
6 Java NIO Channel to Channel Transfers
7 Java NIO Selector
8 Java NIO FileChannel
9 Java NIO SocketChannel
10 Java NIO ServerSocketChannel
11 Java NIO DatagramChannel
12 Java NIO Pipe
13 Java NIO vs. IO

Java NIO Channel to Channel Transfers

By Jakob Jenkov
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In Java NIO you can transfer data directly from one channel to another, if one of the channels is a FileChannel. TheFileChannel class has a transferTo() and a transferFrom() method which does this for


The FileChannel.transferFrom() method transfers data from a source channel into the FileChannel. Here is a simple example:less

RandomAccessFile fromFile = new RandomAccessFile("fromFile.txt", "rw");
FileChannel      fromChannel = fromFile.getChannel();

RandomAccessFile toFile = new RandomAccessFile("toFile.txt", "rw");
FileChannel      toChannel = toFile.getChannel();

long position = 0;
long count    = fromChannel.size();

toChannel.transferFrom(fromChannel, position, count);

The parameters position and count, tell where in the destination file to start writing (position), and how many bytes to transfer maximally (count). If the source channel has fewer than count bytes, less is transfered.dom

Additionally, some SocketChannel implementations may transfer only the data the SocketChannel has ready in its internal buffer here and now - even if the SocketChannel may later have more data available. Thus, it may not transfer the entire data requested (count) from the SocketChannel into FileChannel.socket


The transferTo() method transfer from a FileChannel into some other channel. Here is a simple example:svg

RandomAccessFile fromFile = new RandomAccessFile("fromFile.txt", "rw");
FileChannel      fromChannel = fromFile.getChannel();

RandomAccessFile toFile = new RandomAccessFile("toFile.txt", "rw");
FileChannel      toChannel = toFile.getChannel();

long position = 0;
long count    = fromChannel.size();

fromChannel.transferTo(position, count, toChannel);

Notice how similar the example is to the previous. The only real difference is the which FileChannel object the method is called on. The rest is the

The issue with SocketChannel is also present with the transferTo() method. The SocketChannelimplementation may only transfer bytes from the FileChannel until the send buffer is full, and then stop.this
