當前正在執行腳本的文件名,與 document root 相關。舉例來講,在 URL 地址爲 http://www.jb51.net/test.php/foo.bar 的腳本中使用 $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] 將會獲得 /test.php/foo.bar 這個結果。__FILE__ 常量包含當前(例如包含)文件的絕對路徑和文件名。
包含當前腳本的路徑。這在頁面須要指向本身時很是有用。__FILE__ 包含當前文件的絕對路徑和文件名(例如包含文件)。
一般在本機測試 $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] 跟 $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] 大概看不出有什麼不一樣,因為大部分的PHP不是以CGI模式運行的。
但 DreamHost 上的 PHP 是以 CGI 方式運行,兩者就有明顯不一樣的差異。
echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; // (/cgi-system/php.cgi)
echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; // (/admin/test.php)
從http://lists.nyphp.org/pipermail/talk/2005-July/015339.html 發現了一個說明。老外說的。
SCRIPT_NAME solves all the problems mentioned
in this thread - it's just the script name, without any extra garbage
that might be tacked on by the user. PHP_SELF explicitly includes that
extra garbage, so solutions in this thread that involve stripping the
garbage off of PHP_SELF to make it safe are really, really missing the
point - just use SCRIPT_NAME instead. Please don't use FORM ACTION=」";
according to the spec, what the browser does with that is undefined, so
even if it works in current browsers, it might not work in future ones