


11.13.1 Simple Assignment ( = )數組

The production AssignmentExpression : LeftHandSideExpression = AssignmentExpression is evaluated as follows:數據結構

  1. Let lref be the result of evaluating LeftHandSideExpression.
  2. Let rref be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression.
  3. Let rval be GetValue(rref).
  4. Throw a SyntaxError exception if the following conditions are all true:
  • Type(lref) is Reference is true
  • IsStrictReference(lref) is true
  • Type(GetBase(lref)) is Environment Record
  • GetReferencedName(lref) is either "eval" or "arguments"
  1. Call PutValue(lref, rval).
  2. Return rval.

產生式AssignmentExpression : LeftHandSideExpression = AssignmentExpression按照下面的過程執行 :app

  1. lref爲解釋執行LeftHandSideExpression的結果
  2. rref爲解釋執行AssignmentExpression的結果
  3. rvalGetValue(rref)
  4. 拋出一個SyntaxError異常,當如下條件都成立:
  • Type(lref)Reference
  • IsStrictReference(lref)true
  • Type(GetBase(lref))爲環境記錄項
  • GetReferencedName(lref)爲"eval"或"arguments"
  1. 調用PutValue(lref, rval)
  2. 返回rval


  1. 計算表達式A,獲得一個引用lrefA
  2. 計算表達式B,獲得一個值rvalB
  3. rvalB賦給lrefA指向的名稱綁定
  4. 返回結果rvalB



// 實例一
var x = 1;
var obj = {
  x: 2,
  foo: function() {
    console.log(this.x); // 2
    function bar() {
      console.log(this.x); // 1




executionContext: {
    variable object:vars, functions, arguments
    scope chain: variable object + all parents scopes
    thisValue: context object

  每一個執行上下文中都有一個變量對象(Variable object),變量對象包含了函數形參、函數聲明以及全部的變量聲明。


foo_VO = {
  bar: <reference to FunctionDeclaration 'bar'> } 複製代碼


10.1.6 Activation Object

When control enters an execution context for function code, an object called the activation object is created and associated with the execution context. The activation object is initialised with a property with name arguments and attributes { DontDelete }. The initial value of this property is the arguments object described below.


The activation object is then used as the variable object for the purposes of variable instantiation.



10.2.3 Function Code

  • The scope chain is initialised to contain the activation object followed by the objects in the scope chain stored in the [[Scope]] property of the Function object.
  • Variable instantiation is performed using the activation object as the variable object and using property attributes { DontDelete }.
  • The caller provides the this value. If the this value provided by the caller is not an object (including the case where it is null), then the this value is the global object.

  咱們只要先看第二點,變量實例化,活動對象被用做了變量對象。這麼說建立執行上下文的時候,有變量對象, 當執行的時候,活動對象被用做變量對象。


foo_AO = {
  arguments: {
    length: 0
  bar: <reference to FunctionExpression "bar"> } 複製代碼



// 實例一改寫
var x = 1;
var obj = {
  x: 2,
  foo: function() {
    console.log(this.x); // 2
    function bar() {
      console.log(this.x); // 1
    }; // bar()


foo_AO.bar_reference = {
  base: foo_AO,
  name: 'bar

  由於foo_AO.bar會被解釋執行爲一個Referencefoo_AO也是一個對象,因此thisValue = GetBase(foo_AO.bar_reference),也就是foo_AO,然而在ECMAScript程序中咱們是不能直接接觸到活動對象,只是內部實現,那this真正的指向是指向哪裏呢,咱們來看看規範(3.1)中怎麼說的:

10.1.6 Activation Object

The activation object is purely a specification mechanism. It is impossible for an ECMAScript program to access the activation object. It can access members of the activation object, but not the activation object itself. When the call operation is applied to a Reference value whose base object is an activation object, null is used as the this value of the call.



10.2.3 Function Code

The caller provides the this value. If the this value provided by the caller is not an object (including the case where it is null), then the this value is the global object.

  當thisnull的是,this又會指向全局對象,也就是window。因此實例一中第二個控制檯輸出的this是執行window,即this.x = 1



// 實例二
function foo() {
var obj2 = {
    a: 1,
    foo: foo

var obj1 = {
    a: 2,
    obj2: obj2
};; // 1





// 改寫實例二
function foo() {
var obj2 = {
    a: 1,
    foo: foo

var obj1 = {
    a: 2,
    obj2: obj2
var result = obj1.obj2;; // 1

  咱們須要先知道result的值,result = obj1.obj2很明顯,這就是一個簡單賦值,上面有介紹簡單賦值。


obj1.obj2 = {
  a: 1,
  foo: function() {
result = {
  a: 1,
  foo: function() {

  也就是說對於result = obj1.obj2result的值是一個對象。


result = {
  a: 1,
  foo: function() {


reference_result_foo = {
	base: result,
	name: "foo"



// 實例二
function foo() {
var obj2 = {
    a: 1,
    foo: foo

var obj1 = {
    a: 2,
    obj2: obj2
};; // 1




// 實例三
function foo() {
  console.log(this.a); // 1
var obj = {
  a: 2,
  foo: foo
var bar =;
var a = 1;





apply() Function.prototype.apply (thisArg, argArray)

When the apply method is called on an object func with arguments thisArg and argArray, the following steps are taken:

  1. If IsCallable(func) is false, then throw a TypeError exception.
  2. If argArray is null or undefined, then

a. Return the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of func, providing thisArg as the this value and an empty list of arguments.

  1. ...
  1. Return the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of func, providing thisArg as the this value and argList as the list of arguments.

NOTE The thisArg value is passed without modification as the this value. This is a change from Edition 3, where a undefined or null thisArg is replaced with the global object and ToObject is applied to all other values and that result is passed as the this value.



  1. 若是IsCallable(func)false, 則拋出一個TypeError異常
  2. 若是argArraynullundefined, 則
  • 返回提供thisArg做爲this值並以空參數列表調用 func[[Call]]內部方法的結果
  1. 提供thisArg做爲this值並以argList做爲參數列表,調用func[[Call]]內部方法,返回結果


// 實例四
function foo(param){
  console.log(this.a); // 10
  console.log(param); // 1
var obj = {
  a : 10
foo.apply(obj, [1]);


  須要注意的是,thisArgundefinednull時它會被替換成全局對象,全部其餘值會被應用ToObject 並將結果做爲this值。參考實例五:

// 實例五
function foo(param){
  console.log(this.a); // 2
  console.log(param); // 1
var obj = {
  a : 10
var a = 2;
foo.apply(null, [1]);

call()[ , arg1 [ , arg2, … ]])

When the call method is called on an object func with argument thisArg and optional arguments arg1, arg2 etc, the following steps are taken:

  1. If IsCallable(func) is false, then throw a TypeError exception.
  2. t argList be an empty List.
  3. If this method was called with more than one argument then in left to right order starting with arg1 append each argument as the last element of argList
  4. Return the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of func, providing thisArg as the this value and argList as the list of arguments.

NOTE The thisArg value is passed without modification as the this value. This is a change from Edition 3, where a undefined or null thisArg is replaced with the global object and ToObject is applied to all other values and that result is passed as the this value.


  1. 若是IsCallable(func)false, 則拋出一個TypeError異常
  2. argList爲一個空列表
  3. 若是調用這個方法的參數多餘一個,則從arg1開始以從左到右的順序將每一個參數插入爲argList的最後一個元素
  4. 提供thisArg做爲this值並以argList做爲參數列表,調用func[[Call]]內部方法,返回結果


// 實例六
function foo(param){
  console.log(this.a); // 10
  console.log(param); // 1
var obj = {
  a : 10
};, 1);



bind() Function.prototype.bind (thisArg [, arg1 [, arg2, …]])

The bind method takes one or more arguments, thisArg and (optionally) arg1, arg2, etc, and returns a new function object by performing the following steps:

  1. Let Target be the this value.
  2. If IsCallable(Target) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
  3. Let A be a new (possibly empty) internal list of all of the argument values provided after thisArg (arg1, arg2 etc), in order.
  4. Let F be a new native ECMAScript object
  5. ...
  6. Return F


  bind方法須要一個或更多參數,thisArg和(可選的)arg1, arg2, 等等,執行以下步驟返回一個新函數對象:

  1. Targetthis
  2. 若是IsCallable(Target)false, 拋出一個TypeError異常
  3. A爲一個(可能爲空的)新內部列表,它包含按順序的thisArg 後面的全部參數(arg1, arg2等等)
  4. F爲一個新原生ECMAScript對象
  5. ...
  6. 返回F



// 實例七
function foo(param){
  console.log(this.a); // 10
  console.log(param); // 1
var obj = {
  a : 10
var foo = foo.bind(obj, 1);





// 實例八
function Foo() {
  this.x = 10;
var foo = new Foo();
console.log(foo.x); // 10


11.2.2 The new Operator

The production NewExpression : new NewExpression is evaluated as follows:

  1. Let ref be the result of evaluating NewExpression.
  2. Let constructor be GetValue(ref).
  3. If Type(constructor) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception
  4. If constructor does not implement the [[Construct]] internal method, throw a TypeError exception
  5. Return the result of calling the [[Construct]] internal method on constructor, providing no arguments (that is, an empty list of arguments)

  產生式NewExpression : new NewExpression按照下面的過程執行:

  1. ref爲解釋執行NewExpression的結果
  2. constructorGetValue(ref)
  3. 若是Type(constructor) 不是Object,拋出一個TypeError異常
  4. 若是constructor沒有實現[[Construct]]內置方法 ,拋出一個TypeError異常
  5. 返回調用constructor[[Construct]]內置方法的結果 , 傳入按無參數傳入參數列表 ( 就是一個空的參數列表 )


constructor = function Foo() {
  this.x = 10;

  最後是返回調用constructor[[Construct]] 內置方法的結果。咱們再來看看[[Construct]]內置方法是怎麼執行的:

13.2.2 [[Construct]]

When the [[Construct]] internal method for a Function object F is called with a possibly empty list of arguments, the following steps are taken:

  1. Let obj be a newly created native ECMAScript object
  2. Set all the internal methods of obj as specified in 8.12
  3. Set the [[Class]] internal property of obj to "Object"
  4. Set the [[Extensible]] internal property of obj to true
  5. Let proto be the value of calling the [[Get]] internal property of F with argument "prototype"
  6. If Type(proto) is Object, set the [[Prototype]] internal property of obj to proto.
  7. Type(proto) is not Object, set the [[Prototype]] internal property of obj to the standard built-in Object prototype object as described in 15.2.4
  8. Let result be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal property of F, providing obj as the this value and providing the argument list passed into [[Construct]] as args
  9. If Type(result) is Object then return result
  10. Return obj

  當以一個可能的空的參數列表調用函數對象F[[Construct]] 內部方法,採用如下步驟

  1. obj爲新建立的ECMAScript原生對象
  2. 依照8.12設定obj的全部內部方法
  3. 設定obj[[Class]]內部方法爲"Object"
  4. 設定obj[[Extensible]]內部方法爲true
  5. proto爲以參數"prototype"調用F[[Get]]內部屬性的值
  6. 若是Type(proto)Object,設定obj[[Prototype]]內部屬性爲proto
  7. 若是Type(proto)不是Object,設定obj[[Prototype]]內部屬性爲15.2.4描述的標準內置的Objectprototype對象
  8. objthis值,調用[[Construct]]的參數列表爲args,調用F[[Call]]內部屬性,令result爲調用結果
  9. 若是Type(result)Object,則返回result
  10. 返回obj


var foo = new Foo() = {
  var obj = {};
  obj.__proto__ = Foo.prototype;
  var result =;
  return typeof result === 'Object' ? result : obj;

  上面也就是面試常常問到的手動實現new原理,能夠作爲參考。因此當執行var foo = new Foo()時,this就指向新的對象,最後把執行結果返回給了foofoo真實的值也就是對象。




  在ECMAScript6中有這麼一句話: Environment Records

A function Environment Record is a declarative Environment Record that is used to represent the top-level scope of a function and, if the function is not an ArrowFunction, provides a this binding.



If the value is "lexical", this is an ArrowFunction and does not have a local this value.


9.2.4FunctionInitialize (F, kind, ParameterList, Body, Scope)

  1. If kind is Arrow, set the [[ThisMode]] internal slot of F to lexical.   當箭頭函數初始化時,[[ThisMode]]設置爲lexical


lexical means that this refers to the this value of a lexically enclosing function.

  當[[ThisMode]]是lexical時,表示this值是當前封閉函數lexical scope ( F, calleeContext, thisArgument )

  1. If thisMode is lexical, return NormalCompletion(undefined)
  2. Return envRec.BindThisValue(thisValue)



14.2.16 Runtime Semantics: Evaluation

An ArrowFunction does not define local bindings for arguments, super, this, or Any reference to arguments, super, this, or within an ArrowFunction must resolve to a binding in a lexically enclosing environment. Typically this will be the Function Environment of an immediately enclosing function.




// 實例九
function foo() {
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log(this.a); // 2
  }, 100);
var a = 1;{ a: 2 });



// 實例十
var obj= {
  that: this,
  bar: function() {
    return () => {
  baz: () => {
  bam: function() {
console.log(obj.that);  // window; // obj
obj.baz(); // window
obj.bam(); // obj


  1. obj的當前做用域是windowobj.that === window
  2. 若是不用functionfunction有本身的函數做用域)將其包裹起來,this會指向window,如上面的baz函數
  3. function包裹的目的就是將箭頭函數綁定到當前的對象上。函數的做用域是當前這個對象,而後箭頭函數會自動指向函數所在做用域的this,即obj





