命令 | 描述 |
awk | 支持全部的正則表達式 |
sed | 默認不支持擴展表達式,加-r 選項開啓 ERE,若是不加-r 使用花括號要加轉義符\{\} |
grep | 默認不支持擴展表達式,加-E 選項開啓 ERE,若是不加-E 使用花括號要加轉義符\{\} |
egrep | 支持基礎和擴展表達式 |
awk [option] 'pattern {action}' filename 命令 + 選項 + 找誰 + 幹啥 + 文件名
-F :指定分隔符(不指定默認以空格爲分隔符)編程
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ awk ‘NR>=2&&NR<=5{print $0}’ test bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin i#adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/sbin/nologin
- 讀取文本第一行,首先會和匹配模式進行相匹配,若是發現第一行內容不和模式相匹配的話,就繼續讀取下一行
- 讀取到第二行發現和模式相匹配,就會執行花括號裏面的動做
- 而後繼續讀取下一行,發現和模式相匹配,就會執行花括號裏面的動做
…- 依次讀取全文
概念 | 屬性 |
記錄(record) | 一行就是一個記錄 |
分隔符(field separator) | 進行對記錄進行切割的時候所使用的字符 |
字段(field) | 將一條記錄分割成的每一段 |
FILENAME | 當前處理文件的文件名 |
FS(Field Separator) | 字段分隔符(默認是以空格爲分隔符=) |
NR(Number of Rrecord) | 記錄的編號(awk每讀取一行,NR就加1==) |
NF(Number of Field) | 字段數量(記錄了當前這條記錄包含多少個字段==) |
ORS(Output Record Separator) | 指定輸出記錄分隔符 (指定在輸出結果中記錄末尾是什麼,默認是\n,也就是換行) |
OFS(Output Field Separator) | 輸出字段分隔符(默認值是一個空格) |
RS | 記錄分隔符(默認是一個換行符) |
變量名 | 屬性 |
$1 $2 …$n | 當前記錄的第n個字段,字段間由FS分隔 |
$NF | 輸出最後一個字段 |
$0 | 輸出整條記錄 |
運算符 | 描述 |
= += -= *= /= %= ^= **= | 賦值 |
|| | 邏輯或 |
&& | 邏輯與 |
~ ~! | 匹配正則表達式和不匹配正則表達式 |
< <= > >= != == | 關係運算符 |
+ - | 加,減 |
* / & | 乘,除與求餘 |
+ - ! | 一元加,減和邏輯非 |
^ *** | 求冪 |
++ -- | 增長或減小,做爲前綴或後綴 |
符號 | 描述 |
. | 匹配任意單個字符(必須存在) |
^ | 匹配以某個字符開頭的行 |
$ | 配以什麼字符結尾的行 |
* | 匹配前面的一個字符出現0次或者屢次;eg:a*b |
.* | 表示任意長度的任意字符 |
[] | 表示匹配括號內的一個字符 |
[^] | 匹配[^字符]以外的任意一個字符 |
^[^] | 匹配非[^字符]內字符開頭的行 |
\< | 錨定 單詞首部;eg:\<root |
\> | 錨定 單詞尾部:eg:\>root |
符號 | 描述 |
+ | 表示前面的字符至少出現1次的狀況 |
| | 表示「或」 |
? | 表示前面的字符至多出現1次的狀況 |
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ awk '/^root/{print $0}' test root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash ╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ awk '/^root/'test root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
# 第五個字段包含root 打印出來( 「~ 」 正則匹配) ╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ awk -F ":" '$5~/root/{print $0}' test root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ ip a|grep global|awk -F " +|/" '{print $3}' # 或 ╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ ip a|awk -F " +|/" '$0~/global/{print $3}'
awk BEGIN{coms} /pattern/{coms} END{coms} awk + 開始模塊 + 找誰幹啥 + 結束模塊
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ cat test root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin i#adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/sbin/nologin shutdown:x:6:0:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdown halt:x:7:0:halt:/sbin:/sbin/halt mail:x:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail:/sbin/nologin operator:x:11:0:operator:/root:/sbin/nologin ╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ awk 'BEGIN{i=0}/root/{i++}END{print i}' test 2 ╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ awk '/root/{i++}END{print i}' test 2
#用cut+sort+uniq的方法 ╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ cat test | cut -d "/" -f 3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn 25 www.taobao.com 13 www.sina.com 7 www.qq.com #用awk+sort的方法 ╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ cat test | awk -F "/+" '{du[$2]++}END{ for ( i in du) print du[i],i}' | sort -rn 25 www.taobao.com 13 www.sina.com 7 www.qq.com ##分析awk都幹了些什麼? #第一步:awk一行一行讀取test文件,切割出訪問域名eg:www.qq.com # 定義一個數組:數組名爲du 元素名爲訪問域名 # 每行讀取到相同元素名,值+1 例:du[www.qq.com]+=1 #第二步:END模塊 for循環輸出數組;
- sed讀取一行,首先將這行放入到緩存中
- 而後,纔對這行進行處理
- 處理完成之後,將緩衝區的內容發送到終端
- 存儲sed讀取到的內容的緩存區空間稱之爲:模式空間(Pattern Space)
選項 | 解釋說明 |
-n(no) | 取消默認的sed的輸出,常與p連用 |
-e(entry) | 多點操做 |
-r(ruguler) | 使用使用擴展正則表達式,默認sed只識別基本正則表達式 |
-i(inside) | 直接修改文件內容,而不是輸出到終端, 若是不使用-i選項sed軟件只是修改在內存中的數據,並不會影響磁盤上的文件 |
command | 解釋 |
a(append) | 追加,在指定行後面添加一行或多行文本 |
i(insert) | 插入,指在指定行前添加一行或多行文本 |
c(chenge) | 取代指定行 |
d(delete) | 刪除指定行 |
p(print ) | 打印模式空間內容,一般與-n一塊兒使用 |
! | 對指定行之外全部行應用命令 |
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ cat test this is the first line this is the second line this is the third line this is the forth line this is the fivth line this is the sixth line this is the seventh line this is the eighth line this is the ninth line this is the tenth line
a :追加,在指定行後面添加一行或多行文本
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed "2a new" test this is the first line this is the second line new this is the third line this is the forth line this is the fivth line this is the sixth line this is the seventh line this is the eighth line this is the ninth line this is the tenth line
i : 指在指定行前添加一行或多行文本
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed "2i new" test this is the first line new this is the second line this is the third line this is the forth line this is the fivth line this is the sixth line this is the seventh line this is the eighth line this is the ninth line this is the tenth line
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed "2a new\nnew\nnew" test this is the first line this is the second line new new new this is the third line this is the forth line this is the fivth line this is the sixth line this is the seventh line this is the eighth line this is the ninth line this is the tenth line
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed "d" test
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed "3d" test this is the first line this is the second line this is the forth line this is the fivth line this is the sixth line this is the seventh line this is the eighth line this is the ninth line this is the tenth line
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed "2,4d" test this is the first line this is the fivth line this is the sixth line this is the seventh line this is the eighth line this is the ninth line this is the tenth line
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed "/f.*/d" test this is the second line this is the third line this is the sixth line this is the seventh line this is the eighth line this is the ninth line this is the tenth line
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed '/f.*/!d' test this is the first line this is the forth line this is the fivth line
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed '2c change' test this is the first line change this is the third line this is the forth line this is the fivth line this is the sixth line this is the seventh line this is the eighth line this is the ninth line this is the tenth line
s///g :替換
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed 's/is/ese/' test these is the first line these is the second line these is the third line these is the forth line these is the fivth line these is the sixth line these is the seventh line these is the eighth line these is the ninth line these is the tenth line ╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed 's/is/ese/g' test these ese the first line these ese the second line these ese the third line these ese the forth line these ese the fivth line these ese the sixth line these ese the seventh line these ese the eighth line these ese the ninth line these ese the tenth line
# 尋找(以d開頭的行)並替換 [root@localhost ~]# sed -i '/^d/ {s/ss/dd/g}' /root/test [root@localhost ~]# a=dd [root@localhost ~]# b=ss [root@localhost ~]# sed -i '/^d/ {s/'$a'/'$b'/g}' /root/test [root@localhost ~]# echo '$a' $a
-r 擴展正則:指定替換
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed -r 's/(first) line/\1 hang/g' test this is the first hang this is the second line this is the third line this is the forth line this is the fivth line this is the sixth line this is the seventh line this is the eighth line this is the ninth line this is the tenth line
p (print):輸出指定內容,但默認會輸出2次匹配的結果,所以使用-n選項取消默認輸出
/ / 正則:匹配
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed -r -n '/f.*/p' test this is the first line this is the forth line this is the fivth line
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ sed -n -e '5p' -e '7p' -e '1p' test this is the first line this is the fivth line this is the seventh line
選項 | 描述 |
-E :--extended--regexp | 模式是擴展正則表達式(ERE) |
-i :--ignore--case | 忽略大小寫 |
-n: --line--number | 打印行號 |
-o:--only--matching | 只打印匹配的內容 |
-c:--count | 只打印每一個文件匹配的行數 |
-B:--before--context=NUM | 打印匹配的前幾行 |
-A:--after--context=NUM | 打印匹配的後幾行 |
-C:--context=NUM | 打印匹配的先後幾行 |
--color[=WHEN] | 匹配的字體顏色,別名已定義了 |
-v:--invert--match | 打印不匹配的行 |
-e | 多點操做eg:grep -e "^s" -e "s$" |
[root@ken ~]# cat test dlakdlad ad ad a dFSAF A F F AS F f sf as f
實例1:打印出全部的a不管大小寫 : -i選項
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ grep -i 「a」 test dlakdlad ad ad a dFSAF A AS as
實例2:打印出全部的a不管大小寫,而且顯示該字符串所在的行 : -n選項
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ grep -i -n 「a」 test 1:dlakdlad 2:ad 3:ad 4:a 5:dFSAF 6:A 9:AS 13:as
實例3:僅僅打印出全部匹配的字符串: -o選項
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ grep -i -o 「a」 test a a a a a A A A a
實例4:打印出匹配的字符串有多少行 -c選項
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ grep -i -c 「a」 test 8
實例5:打印出字符S前面的2行 -B
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ grep -B 2 「S」 test ad a dFSAF — F F AS
實例6:打印出字符S後面的2行 -A
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ grep -A 2 「S」 test dFSAF A F — AS F f
實例7:打印出字符S先後2行 -C
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ grep -C 2 「S」 test ad a dFSAF A F F AS F f
實例8:打印出不包含大小s的全部行 取反 -v
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ grep -i -v 「s」 test dlakdlad ad ad a A F F F f f
╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ grep root /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash operator:x:11:0:operator:/root:/sbin/nologin ╭─root@localhost.localdomain ~ ╰─➤ cat /etc/passwd | grep 「root」 root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash operator:x:11:0:operator:/root:/sbin/nologin
- 功能就是用來檢索、替換那些符合某個模式(規則)的文本,正則表達式在每種語言中都會有;
- 正則表達式就是爲了處理大量的文本或字符串而定義的一套規則和方法
- 經過定義的這些特殊符號的輔助,系統管理員就能夠快速過濾,替換或輸出須要的字符串
- Linux正則表達式通常以行爲單位處理
符號 | 描述 |
. | 匹配任意單個字符(必須存在) |
^ | 匹配以某個字符開頭的行 |
$ | 配以什麼字符結尾的行 |
* | 匹配前面的一個字符出現0次或者屢次;eg:a*b |
.* | 表示任意長度的任意字符 |
[] | 表示匹配括號內的一個字符 |
[^] | 匹配[^字符]以外的任意一個字符 |
^[^] | 匹配非[^字符]內字符開頭的行 |
\< | 錨定 單詞首部;eg:\<root |
\> | 錨定 單詞尾部:eg:\>root |
\{m,n\} | 表示匹配前面的字符出現至少m次,至多n次 |
\(\) | 表示對某個單詞進行分組;\1表示第一個分組進行調用 |
- egrep ...
- grep -E ...
- 擴展正則支持全部基礎正則;並有補充
- 擴展正則中{}和[]不用轉義能夠直接使用;
符號 | 描述 |
+ | 表示前面的字符至少出現1次的狀況 |
| | 表示「或」 |
? | 表示前面的字符至多出現1次的狀況 |