const createEmitter = () => {
const subscriptions = new Map();
return {
emit: (v) => subscriptions.forEach(fn => fn(v)),
subscribe: (fn) => {
const key = Symbol();
subscriptions.set(key, fn);
return () => subscriptions.delete(key);
const createStore = (init) => {
// create an emitter
const emitter = createEmitter();
let store = null;
const get = () => store;
const set = (op) => (
store = op(store),
// notify all subscriptions when the store updates
store = init(get, set);
const useStore = () => {
// intitialize component with latest store
const [localStore, setLocalStore] = useState(get());
// update our local store when the global
// store updates.
// emitter.subscribe returns a cleanup
// function, so react will clean this
// up on unmount.
useEffect(() => emitter.subscribe(setLocalStore), []);
return localStore;
return useStore;