使用博客比較少,一則是文筆有限,怕寫出的東西狗屁不通,有礙觀瞻, 二則是懶,很討厭要登陸到網站上寫東西,也沒有那麼多時間(藉口)。我的最喜歡用於記錄的工具是Zim https://zim-wiki.org/ ,記錄東西超級方便,惋惜只支持PC版本, 記錄的東西能夠處處爲MarkDown 格式,很是方便(你如今看到的這篇就是用Zim寫的)。html
無心間看到Vs Code上有博客園的插件,做爲程序員,順手google/百度了一下,原來通用博客都支持使用metaweblog API來訪問,還支持直接發佈markdown 格式,簡直不要太好。 找了找2年前註冊的博客源帳號,用來測試一下。python
在博客設置最的最末端,有MetaWeblog 的訪問地址連接
點擊進入頁面,有metaweblog API 的詳細說明
使用python3 進行API測試,直接上代碼:
#encoding = utf-8
#!/bin/sh python3github
import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib import json ''' 配置字典: type | description(example) str | metaWeblog url, 博客設置中有('https://rpc.cnblogs.com/metaweblog/1024th') str | appkey, Blog地址名('1024th') str | blogid, 這個無需手動輸入,經過getUsersBlogs獲得 str | usr, 登陸用戶名 str | passwd, 登陸密碼 str | rootpath, 博文存放根路徑(添加git管理) ''' ''' POST: dateTime dateCreated - Required when posting. string description - Required when posting. string title - Required when posting. array of string categories (optional) struct Enclosure enclosure (optional) string link (optional) string permalink (optional) any postid (optional) struct Source source (optional) string userid (optional) any mt_allow_comments (optional) any mt_allow_pings (optional) any mt_convert_breaks (optional) string mt_text_more (optional) string mt_excerpt (optional) string mt_keywords (optional) string wp_slug (optional) ''' class MetablogClient(): def __init__(self, configpath): ''' @configpath: 指定配置文件路徑 ''' self._configpath = configpath self._config = None self._server = None self._mwb = None def createConfig(self): ''' 建立配置 ''' while True: cfg = {} for item in [("url", "metaWeblog url, 博客設置中有\ ('https://rpc.cnblogs.com/metaweblog/blogaddress')"), ("appkey", "Blog地址名('blogaddress')"), ("usr", "登陸用戶名"), ("passwd", "登陸密碼"), ("rootpath", "博文本地存儲根路徑")]: cfg[item[0]] = input("輸入"+item[1]) try: server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(cfg["url"]) userInfo = server.blogger.getUsersBlogs( cfg["appkey"], cfg["usr"], cfg["passwd"]) print(userInfo[0]) # {'blogid': 'xxx', 'url': 'xxx', 'blogName': 'xxx'} cfg["blogid"] = userInfo[0]["blogid"] break except: print("發生錯誤!") with open(self._configpath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(cfg, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) def existConfig(self): ''' 返回配置是否存在 ''' try: with open(self._configpath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: try: cfg = json.load(f) if cfg == {}: return False else: return True except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: # 文件爲空 return False except: with open(self._configpath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump({}, f) return False def readConfig(self): ''' 讀取配置 ''' if not self.existConfig(): self.createConfig() with open(self._configpath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: self._config = json.load(f) self._server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self._config["url"]) self._mwb = self._server.metaWeblog def getUsersBlogs(self): ''' 獲取博客信息 @return: { string blogid string url string blogName } ''' userInfo = self._server.blogger.getUsersBlogs(self._config["appkey"], self._config["usr"], self._config["passwd"]) return userInfo def getRecentPosts(self, num): ''' 讀取最近的博文信息 ''' return self._mwb.getRecentPosts(self._config["blogid"], self._config["usr"], self._config["passwd"], num) def newPost(self, post, publish): ''' 發佈新博文 @post: 發佈內容 @publish: 是否公開 ''' while True: try: postid = self._mwb.newPost(self._config['blogid'], self._config['usr'], self._config['passwd'], post, publish) break except: time.sleep(5) return postid def editPost(self, postid, post, publish): ''' 更新已存在的博文 @postid: 已存在博文ID @post: 發佈內容 @publish: 是否公開發布 ''' self._mwb.editPost(postid, self._config['usr'], self._config['passwd'], post, publish) def deletePost(self, postid, publish): ''' 刪除博文 ''' self._mwb.deletePost(self._config['appkey'], postid, self._config['usr'], self._config['passwd'], post, publish) def getCategories(self): ''' 獲取博文分類 ''' return self._mwb.getCategories(self._config['blogid'], self._config['usr'], self._config['passwd']) def getPost(self, postid): ''' 讀取博文信息 @postid: 博文ID @return: POST ''' return self._mwb.getPost(postid, self._config['usr'], self._config['passwd']) def newMediaObject(self, file): ''' 資源文件(圖片,音頻,視頻...)上傳 @file: { base64 bits string name string type } @return: URL ''' return self._mwb.newMediaObject(self._config['blogid'], self._config['usr'], self._config['passwd'], file) def newCategory(self, categoray): ''' 新建分類 @categoray: { string name string slug (optional) integer parent_id string description (optional) } @return : categorayid ''' return self._server.wp.newCategory(self._config['blogid'], self._config['usr'], self._config['passwd'], categoray) ```
import core.metablogclient as blogclient client = blogclient.MetablogClient('blog_config.json') client.readConfig() catLst = client.getCategories() print(catLst)
[{'description': '[發佈至博客園首頁]', 'htmlUrl': '', 'rssUrl': '', 'title': '[發佈至博客園首頁]', 'categoryid': '0'}, {'description': '[Markdown]', 'htmlUrl': '', 'rssUrl': '', 'title': '[Markdown]', 'categoryid': '-5'}...]
import core.metablogclient as blogclient client = blogclient.MetablogClient('blog_config.json') client.readConfig() catid = client.newCategory({ "name": "[隨筆分類]測試分類", "slug": "", "parent_id": 0, "description": "測試創建一個隨筆子分類" }) print("新建分類:", catid)
新建分類: 1536823
import core.metablogclient as blogclient client = blogclient.MetablogClient('blog_config.json') client.readConfig() posts = client.getRecentPosts(9999) print(posts)
[{'dateCreated': <DateTime '20190829T11:21:00' at 0x2a80990>, 'description': '<p>測試</p>', 'title': '測試', 'enclosure': {'length': 0}, 'link': 'https://www.cnblogs.com/robert-9/p/11428668.html', 'permalink': 'https://www.cnblogs.com/robert-9/p/11428668.html', 'postid': '11428668', 'source': {}, 'userid': '-2'}]
import core.metablogclient as blogclient import datetime client = blogclient.MetablogClient('blog_config.json') client.readConfig() postid = client.newPost({ "time": datetime.datetime.now(), "title": "metaweblog API隨筆發佈", "description": "##metaweblog API隨筆發佈\n測試\n", "categories": ["[Markdown]"], "mt_keywords": "metaweblog;python" }, False) print('發佈隨筆:', postid)
測試發佈成功,並能在網站上看到該隨筆, 若是想發佈爲文章,日誌或新聞,加入必要的分類便可。markdown
import datetime import base64 import core.metablogclient as blogclient client = blogclient.MetablogClient('blog_config.json') client.readConfig() with open('abc.png', 'rb') as f: bs64_str = base64.b64encode(f.read()) url = client.newMediaObject({ "bits": bs64_str, "name": "abc.png", "type": "image/png" }) print(url)
{'url': 'https://img2018.cnblogs.com/blog/1211514/201908/1211514-20190829114435333-814710358.png'}
測試成功, 這樣就能夠在上傳Markdown 格式以前,自動將本地的圖片上傳到服務器上了。