final Socket socket = new Socket();//使用不可變對象,用於鏈接 SocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress("", 443); try { socket.connect(address); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }// 鏈接遠程主機 Thread reader = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { byte[] buffer = new byte[512]; InputStream stream = socket.getInputStream(); socket.getInputStream().read(buffer); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }; reader.start();
java.lang.Objecthtml //是Socketaddress 的子類api
public class InetSocketAddressextends SocketAddress
This class implements an IP Socket Address (IP address + port number) It can also be a pair (hostname + port number), in which case an attempt will be made to resolve the hostname.socket
這個類 inetAddress是Java對IP地址的封裝,表明互聯網協議(IP)地址;ide
If resolution fails then the address is said to be unresolved but can still be used on some circumstances like connecting through a
It provides an immutable object used by sockets for binding, connecting, or as returned
The wildcard is a special local IP address. It usually means "any" and can only be used for bind
See Also:
All Implemented Interfaces:
InetAddress add=InetAddress.getByName("BOPZKQZ9SSY5ECY");
public class InetAddressextends Objectimplements Serializable
This class represents an Internet Protocol (IP) address.
An IP address is either a 32-bit or 128-bit unsigned number used by IP, a lower-level protocol on which protocols like UDP and TCP are built. The IP address architecture is defined by RFC 790: Assigned Numbers, RFC 1918: Address Allocation for Private Internets, RFC 2365: Administratively Scoped IP Multicast, and RFC 2373: IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture. An instance of an InetAddress consists of an IP address and possibly its corresponding host name (depending on whether it is constructed with a host name or whether it has already done reverse host name resolution).
Direct Known Subclasses:
All Implemented Interfaces: