Vue Cli3出來也一段時間了,我想嘗試下Vue結合TypeScript搭建個工程,感覺下Vue下用TS...網上有一篇講的很是詳細的教程 vue-cli3.0 搭建項目模版教程(ts+vuex+axios) 做者:陳小生_1017css
我看完教程後(好長的一篇博文,不得不服做者的用心,贊!),我去博主留的git地址 克隆一份下來,安裝完依賴後,發現好多錯誤...汗...我在原博客評論區和git issue區均爲發現問題的解決辦法,我嘗試着一番google後,項目能跑起來了,順便研究了下vuex-class的用法,下面會貼出具體的用法。出現的錯誤有:vue
// vue-cli3-tpl/src/components/test/test.vue ... <style lang="scss"> /*@import "@/assets/scss/variables";*/ @import "../../assets/scss/variables"; .test-wrap { width: 100%; color: $background-color; } </style>
// vue-cli3-tpl/src/assets/scss/variables.scss $background-color : #4c94f1;
// vue.config.js css: { modules: false, // 啓用 CSS modules extract: true, // 是否使用css分離插件 sourceMap: true, // 開啓 CSS source maps? loaderOptions: { // 給 sass-loader 傳遞選項 sass: { // @/ 是 src/ 的別名 // 因此這裏假設你有 `src/assets/scss/variables.scss` 這個文件 data: `@import "@/assets/scss/variables.scss";` } } // css預設器配置項 },
2.TS報錯: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type 'LoginState'. No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type 'LoginState'github
// vue-cli3-tpl/src/store/module/login.ts // 更改state const mutations: MutationTree<LoginState> = { // 更新state都用該方法 UPDATE_STATE(state: LoginState, data: LoginState) { for (const key in data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return } state[key] = data[key] // TS7053錯誤 } } }
// vue-cli3-tpl/src/types/views/login.interface.ts // VUEX login.State 參數類型 export interface LoginState { [key: string]: any }
最後貼下我 vuex-class 的使用:
// vue-cli3-tpl/src/store/index.ts import Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' Vue.use(Vuex) // modules import login from './module/login' import index from './module/index' export default new Vuex.Store({ state: { // }, mutations: { // }, actions: { // }, modules: { login, index } })
// vue-cli3-tpl/src/store/module/login.ts import { LoginState } from '@/types/views/login.interface' import { GetterTree, MutationTree, ActionTree } from 'vuex' import * as LoginApi from '@/api/login' const state: LoginState = { author: 'edison', age: 18, obj: null } // 強制使用getter獲取state const getters: GetterTree<LoginState, any> = { getAuthor: (state: LoginState) => } // 更改state const mutations: MutationTree<LoginState> = { // 更新state都用該方法 UPDATE_STATE(state: LoginState, data: LoginState) { for (const key in data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return } state[key] = data[key] } } } const actions: ActionTree<LoginState, any> = { UPDATE_STATE_ASYN({ commit, state: LoginState }, data: LoginState) { commit('UPDATE_STATE', data) }, async GET_DATA_ASYN({ commit, state: LoginState }) { const result = await LoginApi.getData() commit('UPDATE_STATE', {'obj':}) return } } export default { namespaced: true, state, getters, mutations, actions }
// vue-cli3-tpl/src/views/login/login.ts import { Component, Vue } from "vue-property-decorator" import {Getter, Action, namespace, State} from "vuex-class" import { LoginData } from '@/types/views/login.interface' import { Test } from "@/components" // 組件 const LoginModule = namespace('login') @Component({ components: { Test } }) export default class About extends Vue { // Getter // @Getter // Action // 和 @State("author") author 相同 @LoginModule.State('author') author!: string // 直接映射 @State age @LoginModule.State age!: number @LoginModule.State obj!: any /** * state映射到組件時,是放在computed下的,所以自己爲計算屬性 * */ // 只從state獲取 @LoginModule.State(state => author1!: string // 從 state 和 getters 上獲取 @LoginModule.State((state, getters) => + getters.getAuthor) author2!: string // 內部使用namespace 若是不想在外部使用namespace,能夠使用參數傳遞namespace @State('author', {namespace: 'login'}) author3!: string // Getter @Getter("login/getAuthor") getAuthor!:string; @Getter("getAuthor",{namespace:"login"}) getAuthor1!:string; @LoginModule.Getter('getAuthor') getAuthor2!:string; // Action @LoginModule.Action GET_DATA_ASYN!: Function @LoginModule.Action UPDATE_STATE_ASYN!: Function // data data: LoginData = { pageName: 'login' } created() { this.GET_DATA_ASYN() .then((data: any) => { console.log('data ', data) debugger }) console.log('state用法') console.log(' ', console.log('this.author1 ', this.author1) console.log('this.author2 ', this.author2) console.log('this.author3 ', this.author3) console.log('getter用法') console.log('this.getAuthor ', this.getAuthor) console.log('this.getAuthor1 ', this.getAuthor1) console.log('this.getAuthor2 ', this.getAuthor2) console.log('this.age ', this.age) console.log('action用法') this.UPDATE_STATE_ASYN( { author: 'edison modified' } ) console.log('modified author ', } activated() { // } mounted() { // } // 初始化函數 init() { // } }
參考博文:如何使用 vue + typescript 編寫頁面 ( vuex裝飾器部分 )typescript