int START_DOCUMENT = 0; int END_DOCUMENT = 1; int START_TAG = 2; int END_TAG = 3; int TEXT = 4;
/** * Returns the type of the current event (START_TAG, END_TAG, TEXT, etc.) * 大意就是返回當前的事件類型(返回的字段都是xml文件中某些特定位置,好比標籤開始標誌,標籤結束標誌,文檔結束標誌等) * */ int getEventType();
/** * For START_TAG or END_TAG events, the (local) name of the current * element is returned when namespaces are enabled. When namespace * processing is disabled, the raw name is returned. * 大意就是對於 START_TAG,END_TAG,這兩種事件,有無使用命名空間狀況下返回的標籤名。至於命名空間的詳情,能夠去參考xml的具體介紹(囧:我也不懂) * */ String getName();
/** * Returns the text content of the current event as String. * 返回text內容 * */ String getText();
/** * Returns the local name of the specified attribute * if namespaces are enabled or just attribute name if namespaces are disabled. * 大意就是返回指定位置的屬性名,位置從0開始 * * @param index zero-based index of attribute * @return attribute name (null is never returned) */ String getAttributeName(int index);
/** * Returns the given attributes value. * 大意就是返回指定位置的屬性值,位置從0開始 * * @param index zero-based index of attribute * @return value of attribute (null is never returned) */ String getAttributeValue(int index);
/** * Returns the attributes value identified by namespace URI and namespace localName. * If namespaces are disabled namespace must be null. * 大意就是返回指定的屬性名對應的屬性值,若是沒有使用命名空間,則第一個參數傳入null * * @param namespace Namespace of the attribute if namespaces are enabled otherwise must be null * @param name If namespaces enabled local name of attribute otherwise just attribute name * @return value of attribute or null if attribute with given name does not exist */ String getAttributeValue(String namespace,String name);
/** * Get next parsing event - element content will be coalesced and only one * TEXT event must be returned for whole element content * 大意就是獲取下一個要解析的事件,通俗點說就是相似於將光標往下移 */ int next()
XmlResourceParser具體如何解析xml不清楚,但解析過程有點相似於sqlite cursor
遍歷。首先都是初始定位在文檔開始處,經過調用 next()
來將光標往下移,經過 getEventType()
來獲取當前光標停留在哪裏,而後再經過對應的 get××××()
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xml> <Node att1="hello" att2="world"/> HelloWorld! </xml>
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private static final String TAG = "MainActivity"; private Button btn1; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); btn1 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btn1); btn1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { logXmlData(); } }); } public void logXmlData() { XmlResourceParser xmlParser = getResources().getXml(R.xml.xml); try { int event = xmlParser.getEventType(); //先獲取當前解析器光標在哪 while (event != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT){ //若是還沒到文檔的結束標誌,那麼就繼續往下處理 switch (event){ case XmlPullParser.START_DOCUMENT: Log.i(TAG,"xml解析開始"); break; case XmlPullParser.START_TAG: //通常都是獲取標籤的屬性值,因此在這裏數據你須要的數據 Log.d(TAG,"當前標籤是:"+xmlParser.getName()); if (xmlParser.getName().equals("Node")){ //兩種方法獲取屬性值 Log.d(TAG,"第一個屬性:" + xmlParser.getAttributeName(0) + ": " + xmlParser.getAttributeValue(0)); Log.d(TAG,"第二個屬性:" + xmlParser.getAttributeName(1)+": " + xmlParser.getAttributeValue(null,"att2")); } break; case XmlPullParser.TEXT: Log.d(TAG,"Text:" + xmlParser.getText()); break; case XmlPullParser.END_TAG: break; default: break; } event = xmlParser.next(); //將當前解析器光標往下一步移 } } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }