<style> .word-0{ background-color: yellow; } .word-1{ border:1px solid red; } </style> <?php header('Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); /* 標記Web頁面 */ $body = ' <p>I like pickles and hrrring.</p> <a href="pickle.php"><img width="200" src="pickle.png">A pickle pic</a> I have herringbone-patterned toaster cozy. <herring>Herring is not a real HTML element!</herring> '; $words = array('pickle', 'herring'); $replacements = array(); foreach($words as $i => $word) { $replacements[] = "<span class='word-$i'>$word</span>"; } // 將頁面分解爲多個塊 // 由看上去相似HTML元素的部分分隔 $parts = preg_split("{(<(?:\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'|[^'\">])*>)}", $body, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); //var_dump($parts); /* array (size=15) 0 => string ' ' (length=2) 1 => string '<p>' (length=3) 2 => string 'I like pickles and hrrring.' (length=27) 3 => string '</p>' (length=4) 4 => string ' ' (length=2) 5 => string '<a href="pickle.php">' (length=21) 6 => string '' (length=0) 7 => string '<img width="200" src="pickle.png">' (length=34) 8 => string 'A pickle pic' (length=12) 9 => string '</a>' (length=4) 10 => string ' I have herringbone-patterned toaster cozy. ' (length=46) 11 => string '<herring>' (length=9) 12 => string 'Herring is not a real HTML element!' (length=35) 13 => string '</herring>' (length=10) 14 => string ' ' (length=2) */ foreach($parts as $i => $part) { //若是這個部分是HTML元素則跳過 if(isset($part[0]) && ($part[0] == '<')) { continue; } //將這些單詞用<span/>包圍起來 $parts[$i] = str_replace($words, $replacements, $part); } $body = implode('', $parts); echo $body;
preg_split() 函數中使用的正則表達式匹配 HTML 標籤正則表達式
< //開始尖括號 (?:\ //任意數量的 "[^\"]*\" //雙引號字符串 | //或 '[^']*' //單引號字符串 | //或 [^'\">] //除去單引號、雙引號和>的其餘文本 )* > //結束尖括號
可是這種方法沒法高亮最後一個 Herring,由於它的首字母是大寫的。要徹底不區分大小寫的更改,須要把 str_replace() 方法 改成 preg_replace() 方法:spa
<style> .word-0{ background-color: yellow; } .word-1{ border:1px solid red; } </style> <?php header('Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); /* 標記Web頁面 */ $body = ' <p>I like pickles and hrrring.</p> <a href="pickle.php"><img width="200" src="pickle.png">A pickle pic</a> I have herringbone-patterned toaster cozy. <herring>Herring is not a real HTML element!</herring> '; $words = array('pickle', 'herring'); $replacements = array(); foreach($words as $i => $word) { $patterns[] = '/'.preg_quote($word).'/i'; //preg_quote()須要參數 str 並向其中 每一個正則表達式語法中的字符前增長一個反斜線。正則表達式特殊字符有: . \ + * ? [ ^ ] $ ( ) { } = ! < > | : - $replacements[] = "<span class='word-$i'>\\0</span>"; } // 將頁面分解爲多個塊 // 由看上去相似HTML元素的部分分隔 $parts = preg_split("{(<(?:\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'|[^'\">])*>)}", $body, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); var_dump($parts); /* array (size=15) 0 => string ' ' (length=2) 1 => string '<p>' (length=3) 2 => string 'I like pickles and hrrring.' (length=27) 3 => string '</p>' (length=4) 4 => string ' ' (length=2) 5 => string '<a href="pickle.php">' (length=21) 6 => string '' (length=0) 7 => string '<img width="200" src="pickle.png">' (length=34) 8 => string 'A pickle pic' (length=12) 9 => string '</a>' (length=4) 10 => string ' I have herringbone-patterned toaster cozy. ' (length=46) 11 => string '<herring>' (length=9) 12 => string 'Herring is not a real HTML element!' (length=35) 13 => string '</herring>' (length=10) 14 => string ' ' (length=2) */ foreach($parts as $i => $part) { //若是這個部分是HTML元素則跳過 if(isset($part[0]) && ($part[0] == '<')) { continue; } //將這些單詞用<span/>包圍起來 $parts[$i] = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $part); } $body = implode('', $parts); echo $body;
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