目的就是在溫度轉換上再進一步的瞭解數學計算。 shell
代碼: rest
#!/bin/sh # loancalc.sh -- 指定貸款的本金、稅率、年限 # 公式: M = P * (J / (1- (1 + J)** - N)) # 其中, P = 本金、J = 每個月稅率、N = 年限(月表示) # 用戶輸入P、I(年利率)、L(長度,年份) # 注意,公式中後面的 (1 + J)** - N 是一個總體,表示指數 # 好比,(1 + 1)** - 2 就是 2 ^ -2,至關於 1/2*2 = 0.25 #source library.sh if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then echo "Usage: `basename $0` principal interest loan-duration-years" >&2 exit 1 fi # 這兒用到的scriptbc.sh是第九個腳本的程序 # 傳給它的參數是一個公式,部分運算符號須要轉義 # 轉義的有: ( ) * ^ P=$1 I=$2 L=$3 J="$(scriptbc.sh -p 8 $I/\(12 \* 100\))" N="$(($L*12))" M="$(scriptbc.sh -p 8 $P\*\($J/\(1-\(1+$J\)\^-$N\)\))" dollars="$(echo $M | cut -d. -f1)" cents="$(echo $M | cut -d. -f2 | cut -c1-2)" # newnicenum.sh是第4個腳本中的程序 cat << EOF A $L year loan at $I% interest with a principal amount of $(newnicenum.sh $P 1) results in a payment of \$$dollars.$cents each month for the duration of the loan($N payments). EOF exit 0運行結果:
$ loancalc 40000 6.75 4 A 4 year loan at 6.75% interest with a principal amount of 40,000 results in a payment of $953.21 each month for the duration of the loan (48 payments). $ loancalc 40000 6.75 5 A 5 year loan at 6.75% interest with a principal amount of 40,000 results in a payment of $787.33 each month for the duration of the loan (60 payments).分析腳本: