Application Snapshotapp
Application handle = 17180 (本進程ID)
Application status = Lock-wait
Status change time = 02/20/2017 08:55:00.296739
Application code page = 1208
Application country/region code = 0
DUOW correlation token =
Application name = db2jcc_application
Application ID =
Sequence number = 04501
TP Monitor client user ID =
TP Monitor client workstation name =
TP Monitor client application name =
TP Monitor client accounting string =oop
Connection request start timestamp = 02/17/2017 21:30:00.138387
Connect request completion timestamp = 02/17/2017 21:30:00.139153
Application idle time =
CONNECT Authorization ID = ESUSR
Client login ID = ESUSR
Configuration NNAME of client =
Client database manager product ID = JCC04170
Process ID of client application = 0
Platform of client application = Unknown via DRDA
Communication protocol of client = TCP/IPfetch
Inbound communication address = 56425spa
Database name = ESERVICE
Database path = /db2data/db2inst2/NODE0000/SQL00001/MEMBER0000/
Client database alias = ESERVICE
Input database alias =
Last reset timestamp =
Snapshot timestamp = 02/20/2017 09:05:01.418152
Authorization level granted =
User authority:
DBADM authority
CREATETAB authority
BINDADD authority
CONNECT authority
LOAD authority
CREATE_EXT_RT authority
QUIESCE_CONN authority
DATAACCESS authority
ACCESSCTRL authority
Group authority:
CREATETAB authority
BINDADD authority
CONNECT authority
Coordinator member number = 0
Current member number = 0
Coordinator agent process or thread ID = 99621
Current Workload ID = 1
Agents stolen = 0
Agents waiting on locks = 1
Maximum associated agents = 1
Priority at which application agents work = 0
Priority type = Dynamicscala
Lock timeout (seconds) = -1
Locks held by application = 4
Lock waits since connect = 45
Time application waited on locks (ms) = 608278
Deadlocks detected = 0
Lock escalations = 0
Exclusive lock escalations = 0
Number of Lock Timeouts since connected = 0
Total time UOW waited on locks (ms) = 601121code
Total sorts = 466
Total sort time (ms) = 0
Total sort overflows = 0orm
Buffer pool data logical reads = 58757753
Buffer pool data physical reads = 12480
Buffer pool temporary data logical reads = 1249736
Buffer pool temporary data physical reads = 0
Buffer pool data writes = 6
Buffer pool index logical reads = 152877
Buffer pool index physical reads = 3381
Buffer pool temporary index logical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary index physical reads = 0
Buffer pool index writes = 0
Buffer pool xda logical reads = 0
Buffer pool xda physical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda logical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda physical reads = 0
Buffer pool xda writes = 0
Total buffer pool read time (milliseconds) = 22030
Total buffer pool write time (milliseconds)= 402
Time waited for prefetch (ms) = 22201
Unread prefetch pages = 189
Direct reads = 107427
Direct writes = 1976
Direct read requests = 48364
Direct write requests = 720
Direct reads elapsed time (ms) = 19346
Direct write elapsed time (ms) = 1367token
Number of SQL requests since last commit = 3
Commit statements = 4500
Rollback statements = 0
Dynamic SQL statements attempted = 61338
Static SQL statements attempted = 4500
Failed statement operations = 0
Select SQL statements executed = 60257
Xquery statements executed = 0
Update/Insert/Delete statements executed = 1081
DDL statements executed = 0
Inactive stmt history memory usage (bytes) = 0
Internal automatic rebinds = 0
Internal rows deleted = 0
Internal rows inserted = 0
Internal rows updated = 0
Internal commits = 1
Internal rollbacks = 0
Internal rollbacks due to deadlock = 0
Binds/precompiles attempted = 0
Rows deleted = 1
Rows inserted = 361
Rows updated = 719
Rows selected = 78960
Rows read = 466649501
Rows written = 626336進程
UOW log space used (Bytes) = 0
Previous UOW completion timestamp = 02/20/2017 08:55:00.103832
Elapsed time of last completed uow ( 0.003641
UOW start timestamp = 02/20/2017 08:55:00.118089
UOW stop timestamp =
UOW completion status =ci
Open remote cursors = 1
Open remote cursors with blocking = 1
Rejected Block Remote Cursor requests = 0
Accepted Block Remote Cursor requests = 60257
Open local cursors = 0
Open local cursors with blocking = 0
Total User CPU Time used by agent (s) = 174.546662
Total System CPU Time used by agent (s) = 6.890321
Host execution elapsed time = 738.017911
Package cache lookups = 61096
Package cache inserts = 521
Application section lookups = 183624
Application section inserts = 9162
Catalog cache lookups = 7894
Catalog cache inserts = 20
Catalog cache overflows = 0
Catalog cache high water mark = 0
Workspace Information
Most recent operation = Fetch
Cursor name = SQL_CURSH200C1
Most recent operation start timestamp = 02/20/2017 08:55:00.118165
Most recent operation stop timestamp =
Agents associated with the application = 1
Number of hash joins = 1596
Number of hash loops = 0
Number of hash join overflows = 654
Number of small hash join overflows = 38
Number of OLAP functions = 0
Number of OLAP function overflows = 0
Statement type = Dynamic SQL Statement
Statement = Fetch
Section number = 1
Application creator = NULLID
Package name = SYSSH200
Consistency Token =
Package Version ID =
Cursor name = SQL_CURSH200C1
Statement member number = 0
Statement start timestamp = 02/20/2017 08:55:00.118165
Statement stop timestamp =
Elapsed time of last completed stmt( 0.000011
Total Statement user CPU time = 0.045551
Total Statement system CPU time = 0.016325
SQL compiler cost estimate in timerons = 62182
SQL compiler cardinality estimate = 4272
Degree of parallelism requested = 1
Number of agents working on statement = 1
Number of subagents created for statement = 1
Statement sorts = 0
Total sort time = 0
Sort overflows = 0
Rows read = 101589
Rows written = 872
Rows deleted = 0
Rows updated = 0
Rows inserted = 0
Rows fetched = 0
Buffer pool data logical reads = 7280
Buffer pool data physical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary data logical reads = 872
Buffer pool temporary data physical reads = 0
Buffer pool index logical reads = 0
Buffer pool index physical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary index logical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary index physical reads = 0
Buffer pool xda logical reads = 0
Buffer pool xda physical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda logical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda physical reads = 0
Blocking cursor = YES
Dynamic SQL statement text: (這是本進程的語句,還沒執行)
select georder2_.ORDERID as ORDERID115_, georder2_.ALONEQUOTEPAGE as ALONEQUO2_115_, georder2_.APPFROM as APPFROM115_, georder2_.BANKCODE as BANKCODE115_, georder2_.BANKKEY as BANKKEY115_, georder2_.BINDSTATUS as BINDSTATUS115_, georder2_.CIRCPAYMENTNO as CIRCPAYM7_115_, georder2_.CREATEDATE as CREATEDATE115_, georder2_.CREATEUSER as CREATEUSER115_, georder2_.CURRENCY as CURRENCY115_, georder2_.DISTRIBUTIONSTATUS as DISTRIB11_115_, georder2_.ENTRYCOUNT as ENTRYCOUNT115_, georder2_.ENTRYSTATUS as ENTRYST13_115_, georder2_.GIFTFLAG as GIFTFLAG115_, georder2_.IDNO as IDNO115_, georder2_.INVOICEFLAG as INVOICE16_115_, georder2_.INVOICETITLE as INVOICE17_115_, georder2_.ISADULT as ISADULT115_, georder2_.ORDERAMOUNT as ORDERAM19_115_, georder2_.ORDERFROM as ORDERFROM115_, georder2_.ORDERNO as ORDERNO115_, georder2_.ORGFROM as ORGFROM115_, georder2_.PAYMENTERNAME as PAYMENT23_115_, georder2_.PAYMENTPLATFORM as PAYMENT24_115_, georder2_.PAYSTATUS as PAYSTATUS115_, georder2_.PAYTIME !
as PAYTIME115_, georder2_.PAYWAY as PAYWAY115_, georder2_.PLANCODE as PLANCODE115_, georder2_.PLANNAME as PLANNAME115_, georder2_.PRODUCTCODE as PRODUCT30_115_, georder2_.QUOTENO as QUOTENO115_, georder2_.RECIPIENTADDRESS as RECIPIE32_115_, georder2_.RECIPIENTMOBILE as RECIPIE33_115_, georder2_.RECIPIENTNAME as RECIPIE34_115_, georder2_.RECOMMENDER as RECOMME35_115_, georder2_.RECOMMENDERTYPE as RECOMME36_115_, georder2_.REFUNDMENTFLAG as REFUNDM37_115_, georder2_.SALECODE as SALECODE115_, georder2_.SECURITYCODE as SECURIT39_115_, georder2_.SENDDATE as SENDDATE115_, georder2_.SERVICEAREACITY as SERVICE41_115_, georder2_.SERVICEAREAPROVINCE as SERVICE42_115_, georder2_.STATUS as STATUS115_, georder2_.SUBMITTIME as SUBMITTIME115_, georder2_.UPDATEDATE as UPDATEDATE115_, georder2_.UPDATEUSER as UPDATEUSER115_, georder2_.USERID as USERID115_, georder2_.USERTYPE as USERTYPE115_, georder2_.WECHATOPENID as WECHATO49_115_, georder2_.ZIPCODE as ZIPCODE115_ from ge_final_status gefin!
alsta0_, ge_policy gepolicy1_ inner join ge_order georder2_ on gepolicy1_.ORDERID=georder2_.ORDERID cross join ge_order georder4_ where gefinalsta0_.POLICYID=gepolicy1_.POLICYID and gepolicy1_.ORDERID=georder4_.ORDERID and gefinalsta0_.INSUREDSTATUS='1' and gefinalsta0_.THIRDACTSTATUS<>'1' and (gefinalsta0_.THIRDACCUNT<5 or gefinalsta0_.THIRDACCUNT is null) and georder4_.GIFTFLAG='2'
Agent process/thread ID = 99621
Memory usage for application:
Memory Pool Type = Application Heap
Current size (bytes) = 131072
High water mark (bytes) = 131072
Configured size (bytes) = 1048576
Agent process/thread ID = 99621
Agent Lock timeout (seconds) = -1
Memory usage for agent:
Memory Pool Type = Other Memory
Current size (bytes) = 458752
High water mark (bytes) = 458752
Configured size (bytes) = 25769803776
ID of agent holding lock = 17181 (表被鎖住了,是由於這個ID的進程鎖了,能現場開監控,還能夠找到致使問題進程的語句) Application ID holding lock = Lock name = 0x000210080000001BAE29000A52 Lock attributes = 0x00000000 Release flags = 0x00000000 Lock object type = Row Lock mode = Exclusive Lock (X) Lock mode requested = Next Key Share (NS) Name of tablespace holding lock = USERSPACE1 Schema of table holding lock = ESERVICE Name of table holding lock = GE_FINAL_STATUS Data Partition Id of table holding lock = 0 Lock wait start timestamp = 02/20/2017 08:55:00.296741