


 select * from( 
        t.id not in(
         CERTIFICATE_TIMES <= 6   
        order by t.UPDATED_DATE asc , t.id asc
      ) where  rownum <= 1000;

  select count(*) from OAS_CERTIFICATE_TASK where
updated_date >= to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-MM-dd'),'yyyy-MM-dd')
and updated_date < to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-MM-dd'),'yyyy-MM-dd')+1   ;

   select count(*) from OAS_CERTIFICATE_TASK_RECORD where
updated_date >= to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-MM-dd'),'yyyy-MM-dd')
and updated_date < to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-MM-dd'),'yyyy-MM-dd')+1   ;

-- 科技視頻  雪球  螞蟻  身份證升爲  密碼重置  修改手機號碼
-- 若是見證狀態爲未審覈
select count(*) from (select
              from t_accepted_witnessvideo t1 left join t_accepted_customer_info t2 on t1.cust_id = t2.id     
              where t1.flow_sn is not null
                     and t1.channel_id in ('xqkh')
                     --and t2.mobileno in('','')
                     --and t1.cust_id = ''
                     --and t2.cuacct_code = ''
                    -- and t2.idno = ''
                    -- and t2.user_code = ''
                                        -- and (t1.approve_stat = '0' or t1.approve_stat is null)
                    -- and t1.srv_id = ''
                     --and t1.call_time >= '2018-07-25'
                     --and t1.call_time <= '2018-10-25'
                     and t1.cust_name like '金宇'
              order by t1.channel_id desc, t1.call_time desc) t where 10000 > rownum

select count(*) from (select
              from t_accepted_witnessvideo t1 left join t_accepted_customer_info t2 on t1.cust_id = t2.id     
              where t1.flow_sn is not null
                     and t1.channel_id in ('xqkh')
                    and t2.mobileno in('177172252948946619562011')
                and t1.cust_id = '10603264'
                    and t2.cuacct_code = '307000012278'
                   and t2.idno = '340825199712207422'
                   and t2.user_code = '150309931'
                                        --and (t1.approve_stat = '0' or t1.approve_stat is null) and t1.reject_reason is  null  --未審覈
                                        --and t1.approve_stat = '2'--審覈不經過PA18只有狀態2纔是不經過
                                    --and  t1.reject_reason is not null and t1.approve_stat < '4'--駁回
                                        --and t1.approve_stat = '4'--審覈經過
                                        --and t1.approve_stat = '1'--見證經過
                   and t1.srv_id = 'CHENCESHI012'
                    and t1.call_time >= to_char(sysdate - INTERVAL '3' MONTH, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')--這裏表示最近三個月數據
                     and t1.call_time <= to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
                   and t1.cust_name like '林機'
              order by t1.channel_id desc, t1.call_time desc) t where 10000 > rownum

select * from (select
              from t_accepted_witnessvideo t1 left join t_accepted_customer_info t2 on t1.cust_id = t2.id     
                     t1.channel_id in ('ant')
                    --and t2.mobileno in('13536703840')
               -- and t1.cust_id = '10523246'
                  -- and t2.cuacct_code = '301719985055'
                   --and t2.idno = '310103197805282033'
                 -- and t2.user_code = '180909369'
                                        --and (t1.approve_stat = '0' or t1.approve_stat is null) and t1.reject_reason is  null  --未審覈
                                        --and t1.approve_stat = '2'--審覈不經過PA18只有狀態2纔是不經過
                                --    and  t1.reject_reason is not null and t1.approve_stat < '4'--駁回
                                    --    and t1.approve_stat = '4'--審覈經過
                                        --and t1.approve_stat = '1'--見證經過
              --and t1.srv_id = 'YANCESHI437'
                    and t1.call_time >= to_char(sysdate - INTERVAL '3' MONTH, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')--這裏表示最近三個月數據
                     and t1.call_time <= to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
                   and t1.cust_name = '王賽'
              order by t1.channel_id desc, t1.call_time desc) t where 10000 > rownum

--信託雙錄, 補充客戶影像資料(xtsl,wszlkh)

SELECT w.cust_id AS custId,
         w.cust_name AS custName,
         c.user_code AS userCode,
         c.cuacct_code AS cuacctCode,
         c.mobileno AS mobileNo,
         c.idno AS idNo,
         w.srv_id AS srvId,
         w.srv_name AS srvName,
         w.approve_stat AS approveStat,
         w.approve_date AS approveDate,
         w.flow_sn AS flowSn,
         w.channel_id AS channelId,
         w.call_time AS callTime
        FROM t_openacc_witnessvideo_info w 
     LEFT JOIN  oas_openacc_customer_info c ON to_char(c.id)=w.cust_id
    where w.channel_id = 'xtsl'
        and w.call_time >= '2018-07-25 16:50:14'
        and w.call_time <= '2018-10-25 16:50:14'
        and w.cust_name='雙錄一'
--信託雙錄, 補充客戶影像資料(xtsl,wszlkh)
SELECT i.rowid,i.mobilestate,i.* FROM oas_openacc_customer_info i where i.userid='10606209' ORDER BY ID DESC;
--帳戶檢測視頻資料(信託雙錄, 補充客戶影像資料視頻表)
SELECT t.rowid,t.approve_stat,t.approve_date,t.address_description,t.* FROM t_openacc_witnessvideo_info t where t.channel_id='wszlkh' and t.cust_id='10603888'and t.call_time is not null ORDER BY t.call_time DESC for update;

SELECT t.rowid,t.approve_stat,t.approve_date,t.address_description,t.* FROM t_openacc_witnessvideo_info t where t.channel_id='xtsl' and t.cust_id='10606209'and t.call_time is not null ORDER BY t.call_time DESC for update;

select * from (sELECT w.user_id as custId,c.cust_name as custName,c.user_code as userCode,c.cuacct_code as cuacctCode,
c.mobile_no as mobileNo,
c.id_no as idNo,
w.srv_id as srvId,
w.srv_name as srvName,
nvl(w.review_status, '0') as approveStat,
w.review_date as approveDate,
 w.video_sn as videoSn,
'wsxh' channelId,
w.call_time callTime
FROM oas_cancelacc_video_witness w, oas_cancelacc_customer_info c
 where c.id=w.user_id
-- and w.user_id = ''
-- and c.user_code = ''
 and c.cuacct_code = '123456'
and c.mobile_no in('13110000539')
 and c.id_no = '350500199402281895'
--and w.srv_id =? ''
--and (w.review_status = '0' or w.review_status is null)
--and w.call_time >=to_char(sysdate - INTERVAL '3' MONTH, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')--這裏表示最近三個月數據to_char(sysdate - INTERVAL '3' MONTH, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
and w.call_time >='2018-10-16 15:49:08'
and w.call_time<= to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
and w.srv_id ='LIANGCESHI869'order by w.call_time desc) where 10000 > rownum

-- anychat flush
              FROM (
              t_accepted_witnessvideo t1, t_accepted_customer_info t2
              where t1.cust_id = t2.id 
                     and (t1.cust_stream like '%flv' or t1.cust_stream like '%mp4')
                  and t1.call_time >= to_char(sysdate - interval '3' month, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
                     and t1.call_time <= to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
                     and t1.cust_name=''
              order by t1.call_time desc) TEMP WHERE 10000 > ROWNUM
-- anychat 
              FROM (select
              t_accepted_witnessvideo t1, t_accepted_customer_info t2
              where t1.cust_id = t2.id 
                     and t1.cust_stream like '%flv'
                  and t1.call_time >= to_char(sysdate - interval '3' month, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
                     and t1.call_time <= to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
                     and t1.cust_name=''
              order by t1.call_time desc) TEMP WHERE 10000 > ROWNUM
-- flush
              FROM (select
              t_accepted_witnessvideo t1, t_accepted_customer_info t2
              where t1.cust_id = t2.id 
                     and t1.cust_stream like '%mp4'
                  and t1.call_time >= to_char(sysdate - interval '3' month, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
                     and t1.call_time <= to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
                     and t1.cust_name=''
              order by t1.call_time desc) TEMP WHERE 10000 > ROWNUM
-- h5
              FROM (SELECT t1.call_time, t1.flow_sn, t1.approve_stat, t1.approve_date, t1.reject_reason, t1.srv_id, t1.srv_name, 
                     t1.channel_id, t1.cust_id, t1.cust_name, t2.userid, t2.idno, t2.mobileno, t2.cuacct_code, t2.user_code
              FROM t_openacc_witnessvideo_info t1 LEFT JOIN t_accepted_customer_info t2 ON t1.cust_id = t2.id
              WHERE t1.flow_sn IS NOT NULL AND t1.channel_id = 'h5kh'
                     and t1.call_time >= to_char(sysdate - interval '3' month, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
                     and t1.call_time <= to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
                  and t1.cust_name=''
              order by t1.call_time desc ) TEMP WHERE 10000 > ROWNUM

SELECT t1.call_time, t1.flow_sn, t1.approve_stat, t1.approve_date, t1.reject_reason, t1.srv_id, t1.srv_name, 
t1.channel_id, t1.cust_id, t1.cust_name, t2.userid, t2.idno, t2.mobileno, t2.cuacct_code, t2.user_code
FROM t_openacc_witnessvideo_info t1 LEFT JOIN t_accepted_customer_info t2 ON t1.cust_id = t2.id
WHERE t1.flow_sn IS NOT NULL AND t1.channel_id = 'h5kh' and t1.call_time is not null order by t1.call_time desc for update

select l.cuacct_code,l.user_code,l.* from t_accepted_customer_info l where l.userid='10607371' for update

-- 兩融  金證雲(金證雲視頻是好早之前的了)
select * 
from (select
w.witnessid, w.userinfoid,w.srvid,w.srvname,w.reviewdate,w.reviewstatus,w.videosn,w.create_date,
w.calltime, i.idno,i.custname,i.mobileno,i.channelid,i.channelname,i.Infoid
from oas_third_openacc_witness w left join oas_third_openacc_info i on w.userinfoId = i.Infoid 

i.channelid = 'rzrqkh'

--and w.userinfoid = '78792C30BD43FBD3E05387A5190AA12E'
-- and c.user_code = ''--表中沒有,不須要查
 --and c.cuacct_code = ''--表中沒有,不須要查
--and c.mobileno in('15907852535')
-- and i.idno = '220000198403275234'
--and i.custname = '徵信違約'--這個用戶能夠查以視頻
--and (w.review_status = '0' or w.review_status is null)
and w.calltime >=to_char(sysdate - INTERVAL '3' MONTH, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')--這裏表示最近三個月數據to_char(sysdate - INTERVAL '3' MONTH, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
--and w.calltime >='2018-10-16 15:49:08'
and w.calltime<= to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
and w.srvid ='LIANGCESHI869'
order by i.channelid desc, w.calltime desc) t where 10000 > rownum 

select * 
from (select
w.witnessid, w.userinfoid,w.srvid,w.srvname,w.reviewdate,w.reviewstatus,w.videosn,w.create_date,
w.calltime, i.idno,i.custname,i.mobileno,i.channelid,i.channelname,i.Infoid
from oas_third_openacc_witness w left join oas_third_openacc_info i on w.userinfoId = i.Infoid 

i.channelid = 'jzykh'and w.calltime is not null order by w.calltime desc

--and w.userinfoid = '78792C30BD43FBD3E05387A5190AA12E'
-- and c.user_code = ''--表中沒有
 --and c.cuacct_code = ''--表中沒有
--and c.mobileno in('15907852535')
-- and i.idno = '220000198403275234'
--and i.custname = '徵信違約'--這個用戶能夠查以視頻
--and (w.review_status = '0' or w.review_status is null)
--and w.calltime >=to_char(sysdate - INTERVAL '3' MONTH, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')--這裏表示最近三個月數據to_char(sysdate - INTERVAL '3' MONTH, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
and w.calltime >='2017-01-16 15:49:08'
and w.calltime<= to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')
--and w.srvid ='LIANGCESHI869'
order by i.channelid desc, w.calltime desc) t where 10000 > rownum 

select * from oas_third_openacc_info m where m.c
select * from oas_third_openacc_witness  k where k.srvid='LIANGCESHI869' and k.calltime is not null order by  k.calltime desc for update

w.witnessid, w.userinfoid,w.srvid,w.srvname,w.reviewdate,w.reviewstatus,w.videosn,w.create_date,
w.calltime, i.idno,i.custname,i.mobileno,i.channelid,i.channelname,i.Infoid
from oas_third_openacc_witness w left join oas_third_openacc_info i on w.userinfoId = i.Infoid 

i.channelid = 'jzykh' for update


select *
                from (select y.recommendidno as recommendNo,
                             y.source        as source,
                             y.banktype      as thrBankNo,
                             z.ouid          as ouid,
                             z.aid           as aid,
                             z.sid           as sid
                        from t_accepted_customer_info y
                        left join t_accepted_analyse z on y.userid = z.userid
                       where y.userid = '10517357'
                       order by y.createdate desc)
               where rownum = 1 
select id          as id,
         channel_name   as channelName,
         channel_title  as channelTitle,
         describ        as describ,
         Speech_short   as SpeechShort,
         Speech_full    as SpeechFull,
         Speech_extend  as SpeechExtend,
         recom_financy  as recomfinancy,
         recom_download as recomDownload,
         double_mutation as doubleMutation,
         remark         as remark,
         extension1     as extension1,
         extension2     as extension2
     from oas_channel_speech

1.    SQL:

    count(distinct a.cust_id) as allUserNum,-- 總客戶數 
    count(1) as allVedioNum,-- 總接入量 
    count(case when a.srv_id !='null'  then 1 else null end) as allAccVedioNum, -- 應答總量 
    count(case when a.approve_stat = '4' then 1 else null end) as allApproveVideoNum -- 審覈經過量  
    from t_accepted_witnessvideo a 
where a.call_time >='2017-01-01' 
    and a.call_time < '2017-09-04' 
    and a.flow_sn is null
    and a.ant_uuid is null;

select * from t_accepted_openacc_report_log A where A.Created_Date >= to_date('2017-09-08 08','yyyy-MM-dd HH24') and A.Created_Date <= to_date( '2017-09-08 17','yyyy-MM-dd HH24') and A.Created_By='anyChat' --建立時間是指去定時抓數據的時間,即抓的是8點到16點的數據

select a.call_time,a.flow_sn,a.ant_uuid,a.approve_stat,a.cust_stream,a.cust_id,a.srv_id,a.srv_stream,a.sate
    from t_accepted_witnessvideo a 
      a.call_time >='2017-09-13'  and 
      a.call_time < '2017-09-14'    and 
      a.flow_sn is null  and 
      a.ant_uuid is null
      order by a.approve_stat desc ,a.srv_id;




     --1.未審覈,SQL拼接條件爲:w.reviewstatus = '0' 
     --2.見證經過,SQL拼接條件爲:w.reviewstatus = '1' 
    --3.駁回,SQL拼接條件爲:w.reviewstatus = '2' 
    --4.審覈不經過,SQL拼接條件爲:w.reviewstatus= '3' 
    --5.審覈經過,SQL拼接條件爲:w.reviewstatus = '4' 
       w.reviewstatus = '3' and

    --1.未審覈,SQL拼接條件爲:t1.approve_stat = '0'  and  1.reject_reason is null 
    --2.駁回,SQL拼接條件爲:t1.reject_reason is not null  and  t1.approve_stat !='4'
    --3.審覈不經過,SQL拼接條件爲:t1.approve_stat = '2' 
    --4.審覈經過,SQL拼接條件爲:t1.approve_stat = '4' 
    --  t1.approve_stat = '2' and  --當pa18查詢未審覈、審覈不經過、審覈經過時拼接到查詢條件中
    -- t1.reject_reason is not null and --僅當pa18查詢駁回的時候拼接到查詢條件中

from t_accepted_witnessvideo t1 left join t_accepted_customer_info t2 on t1.cust_id = t2.id  
where t1.flow_sn is not null   
    and t2.mobileno = #mobileNo#
    and t1.cust_id = #custId#
    t2.cuacct_code = #cuacctCode#
    t2.idno = #idNo#
    t2.user_code = #userCode#
    and (t1.approve_stat = '0' or t1.approve_stat is null)
    and t1.approve_stat = #approveStat#
    and t1.reject_reason is not null  and t1.approve_stat != '4'
    and t1.srv_id = #srvId#
    and  t1.call_time >= #strBeginDate# and t1.call_time <= #strEndDate# 
order by t1.call_time desc

          w.witnessid, w.userinfoid,i.idno,i.custname,i.mobileno,i.channelid,i.channelname,
from oas_third_openacc_witness w  left join oas_third_openacc_info i on w.userinfoId = i.Infoid
        i.idno = #idNo#
     and   i.Infoid = #custId#
   and   i.mobileno = #mobileNo#
    and   (w.reviewstatus = '0' or w.reviewstatus is null)
    and      w.reviewstatus = #approveStat#
    and  w.srvid =  #srvId#
    and w.create_date >= to_date(#strBeginDate#,'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss') 
    and w.create_date <= to_date(#strEndDate#,'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss')  
order by w.create_date desc

PA18:t_accepted_witnessvideo-審覈狀態 0未審覈,4經過,2不經過
OAS:oas_third_openacc_info-審覈狀態 0待審覈 1已經過;oas_third_openacc_witness-見證狀態  0未審覈 1見證經過 2駁回 3審覈不經過 4審覈經過