感謝:尤大大的 vue、有讚的 vant、async-validator、以及 asseekjavascript
在下不才在 asseek 的基礎上加入了一些本身的想法有了如今的版本。
Promise 代替 callbackasync
添加 Proxy 實現校驗的自動觸發ui
* @Author: 吳佔超
* @Date: 2018-11-20 15:16:16
* @Last Modified by: 吳佔超
* @Last Modified time: 2018-11-21 21:43:11
* 校驗擴展
* this.validator = new ValidatorUtils({
rules: this.rules,
data: this.formData })
this.formData = this.validator.Data
import AsyncValidator from 'async-validator'
import _ from 'lodash'
export default class ValidatorUtils {
* Creates an instance of ValidatorUtils.
* @param {Object} rules
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Object} errMsg 錯誤信息文本key 同data
* @param {Boolean} automatic 自動校驗
* @memberOf ValidatorUtils
constructor({ rules, data, errMsg = {}, automatic = true }) {
this.data = data
this.errMsg = errMsg
automatic && this.setProxyValidate()
// #region 屬性
get Rules() {
return this.rules
set Data(value) {
this.data = value
get Data() {
return this.data
get Validators() {
return this.validators
set Validators(value) {
this.validators = value
set ErrMsg(value) {
this.errMsg = this.value
get ErrMsg() {
return this.errMsg
// #endregion
* 自動校驗代理設置
* @returns
* @memberOf ValidatorUtils
setProxyValidate() {
let that = this
let p = {
set(target, key, value, receiver) {
target[key] = value
.then(result => {})
.catch(() => {})
return true
this.data = new Proxy(this.data, p)
* 設定規則
* @param rules rules object async-validator rules
* @param cover 是否替換舊規則
setRules(rules, cover = true) {
!cover || (this.Validators = {})
(value, key) =>
(this.Validators[key] = new AsyncValidator({ [key]: value }))
* 執行驗證
* @param {String,Array} tempData 可選 傳空將驗證構造data 支持key,list<key>
* @returns Promise
* @memberOf ValidatorUtils
validate(tempData) {
// 錯誤數組
const err = []
let that = this
p =>
!tempData ||
(tempData &&
_(that.Data).hasIn(tempData) &&
((_.isString(tempData) && tempData === p) ||
(_.isArray(tempData) && _(tempData).hasIn(p))))
.forEach(p =>
this.Validators[p].validate({ [p]: this.Data[p] }, error => {
error && err.push(error[0])
this.setErrMsg(p, error)
if (err.length > 0) return Promise.reject(err)
else return Promise.resolve(tempData)
* 設置error消息
* @param {any} error
* @memberOf ValidatorUtils
setErrMsg(key, error) {
this.errMsg[key] = error ? error[0].message : undefined
<van-field :error-message="validator.ErrMsg.telNumber" v-model="formData.telNumber"
required clearable label="手機號"
icon="question" placeholder="請填寫正確有效的手機號"
@click-icon="$toast('請填寫正確有效的手機號')" />
data:()=>({ // 驗證對象 validator: undefined, // 表單數據源 formData: { // 車牌號 carNumber: '魯B', // 手機號 telNumber: undefined }, // 校驗 rules: { carNumber: [ { required: true, message: '請輸入魯B/魯U開頭完整車牌號' }, { validator: (rule, value, callBack) => { /^[魯]{1}[B|U]{1}[A-Z0-9]{5,6}$/.test(value) ? callBack() : callBack('請輸入魯B/魯U開頭完整車牌號') } } ], telNumber: [ { validator: (rule, value, callBack) => { if (!value) { callBack('請輸入手機號碼') } else if (/^[1][0-9]{10}$/.test(value)) { callBack() } else { callBack('請輸入正確的手機號碼') } } } ] }, ......}), created() { this.validator = new ValidatorUtils({ rules: this.rules, data: this.formData }) this.formData = this.validator.Data },