
 1 '''
 2 #華氏轉換攝氏
 3 f = float(input('清輸入華氏溫度:'))
 4 c = (f - 32) / 1.8
 5 print('%.1f華氏度 = %.1f攝氏度' % (f, c))
 6 '''
 8 '''
 9 #使用變量保存數據並進行運算
10 a = 123
11 b = 321
12 print(a + b)
13 print(a - b)
14 print(a * b)
15 print(a / b)
16 print(a // b)#向下取整除
17 print(a ** b)#冪
18 print(a % b)#模除
19 '''
21 '''
22 #使用type()函數檢查數據的類型
23 a = 12
24 b = 12.44
25 c = 12 + 6j
26 d = '劉詩琪我喜歡你啊'
27 e = True
28 print(type(a))#int
29 print(type(b))#float
30 print(type(c))#complex
31 print(type(d))#str
32 print(type(e))#bool
33 '''
35 '''
36 #使用input()函數獲取鍵盤輸入(字符串)
37 #使用int()函數將輸入的字符串轉換成整數
38 #使用print()函數輸出帶佔位符的字符串
39 a = int(input(' a = '))
40 b = int(input(' b = '))
41 print('%d + %d = %d' % (a, b, a + b))
42 print('%d - %d = %d' % (a, b, a - b))
43 print('%d * %d = %d' % (a, b, a * b))
44 print('%d / %d = %f' % (a, b, a / b))
45 print('%d // %d = %d' % (a, b, a // b))
46 print('%d %% %d = %d' % (a, b, a % b))
47 print('%d ** %d = %d' % (a, b, a ** b))
48 #上面的print函數中輸出的字符串使用了佔位符語法,其中%d是整數的佔位符,%f是小數的佔位符,%%表示百分號(由於百分號表明了佔位符,因此帶佔位符的字符串中要表示百分號必須寫成%%),字符串以後的%後面跟的變量值會替換掉佔位符而後輸出到終端中
49 '''
51 '''
52 #賦值運算符和複合賦值運算符
53 a = 10
54 b = 3
55 a += b#a = a + b
56 a *= a + 2#a = a * (a + 2)
57 print(a)
58 '''
60 '''
61 #比較、邏輯和身份運算符的使用
62 flag0 = 1 == 1
63 flag1 = 3 > 2
64 flag2 = 2 < 1
65 flag3 = flag1 and flag2
66 flag4 = flag1 or flag2
67 flag5 = not (1 != 2)
68 print('flag0 =', flag0)
69 print('flag1 =', flag1)
70 print('flag2 =', flag2)
71 print('flag3 =', flag3)
72 print('flag4 =', flag4)
73 print('flag5 =', flag5)
74 print(flag1 is True)
75 print(flag2 is not False)
76 '''
78 '''
79 #輸入半徑計算圓的周長和麪積
80 import math
81 radius = float(input('請輸入圓的半徑:'))
82 permeter = 2 * math.pi * radius
83 area = math.pi * radius ** 2
84 print('周長:%.2f' % permeter)
85 print('面積:%.2f' % area)
86 '''
89 #輸入年份判斷是否是閏年
90 year = int(input('請輸入年份: '))
91 is_year = (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0) or \
92             year % 400 ==0
93 print(is_year)
 1 """
 2 用Python的turtle模塊繪製國旗
 3 """
 4 import turtle
 7 def draw_rectangle(x, y, width, height):
 8     """繪製矩形"""
 9     turtle.goto(x, y)
10     turtle.pencolor('red')
11     turtle.fillcolor('red')
12     turtle.begin_fill()
13     for i in range(2):
14         turtle.forward(width)
15         turtle.left(90)
16         turtle.forward(height)
17         turtle.left(90)
18     turtle.end_fill()
21 def draw_star(x, y, radius):
22     """繪製五角星"""
23     turtle.setpos(x, y)
24     pos1 = turtle.pos()
25     turtle.circle(-radius, 72)
26     pos2 = turtle.pos()
27     turtle.circle(-radius, 72)
28     pos3 = turtle.pos()
29     turtle.circle(-radius, 72)
30     pos4 = turtle.pos()
31     turtle.circle(-radius, 72)
32     pos5 = turtle.pos()
33     turtle.color('yellow', 'yellow')
34     turtle.begin_fill()
35     turtle.goto(pos3)
36     turtle.goto(pos1)
37     turtle.goto(pos4)
38     turtle.goto(pos2)
39     turtle.goto(pos5)
40     turtle.end_fill()
43 def main():
44     """主程序"""
45     turtle.speed(12)
46     turtle.penup()
47     x, y = -270, -180
48     # 畫國旗主體
49     width, height = 540, 360
50     draw_rectangle(x, y, width, height)
51     # 畫大星星
52     pice = 22
53     center_x, center_y = x + 5 * pice, y + height - pice * 5
54     turtle.goto(center_x, center_y)
55     turtle.left(90)
56     turtle.forward(pice * 3)
57     turtle.right(90)
58     draw_star(turtle.xcor(), turtle.ycor(), pice * 3)
59     x_poses, y_poses = [10, 12, 12, 10], [2, 4, 7, 9]
60     # 畫小星星
61     for x_pos, y_pos in zip(x_poses, y_poses):
62         turtle.goto(x + x_pos * pice, y + height - y_pos * pice)
63         turtle.left(turtle.towards(center_x, center_y) - turtle.heading())
64         turtle.forward(pice)
65         turtle.right(90)
66         draw_star(turtle.xcor(), turtle.ycor(), pice)
67     # 隱藏海龜
68     turtle.ht()
69     # 顯示繪圖窗口
70     turtle.mainloop()
73 if __name__ == '__main__':
74     main()
 1 #!/usr/bin/env python
 2 # -*-coding: UTF-8-*-
 3 #畫正方形
 4 import turtle
 6 turtle.pensize(4)
 7 turtle.pencolor('red')
 9 turtle.forward(100)
10 turtle.right(90)
11 turtle.forward(100)
12 turtle.right(90)
13 turtle.forward(100)
14 turtle.right(90)
15 turtle.forward(100)
17 turtle.mainloop()


今天算是屁股坐住了,碼了一點,但效率不高,重複的知識也蠻多,明天繼續,go on, go on!!!python

