cognos 8.4 整合已有組織架構測試

       最近研究 cognos 8.4 和 已有系統的人員組織架構整合 ,採用jdbc 的驗證方法, 網上處處都只是登陸驗證的方法  ,sdk的例子又超級稀少 ,寫的我很是頭疼 , 看了不少遍代碼  (包括反編譯的)之後 ,奮戰了 一週 (總共 10來個小時之後) ,終於有點成果。css

        主要修改了 JDBCSample 裏面 QueryUtil 中 的query 方法  ,這個方法主要被調用於 用戶, 角色 ,組 的查詢 , 單個節點信息查詢 ,以及 目錄路徑的查詢 等 。html

// 查詢該命名空間的人員
    public static void query(DB2_JDBCDriver theDriver,
            Connection theConnection, String theSqlCondition,
            IQueryOption theQueryOption, String[] theProperties,
            ISortProperty[] theSortProperties, QueryResult theResult,
            INamespace theNamespace, String parentObjectID, int searchType)
            throws SQLException {
        StringBuffer sqlStatement = new StringBuffer();

                .append(" select * from (SELECT user_id uid, user_name name, 1 issqluser, 0 issqlrole ,0 issqlfolder,ORG_ID pid FROM VW_CAS_USERS_BASE_T where user_src='AD' ");

        if (searchType == SearchAxis.Child) {// 取得子節點
            // 父節點ID
            if (parentObjectID == null) {
                sqlStatement.append(" and ORG_ID is null ");
            } else {
                if (parentObjectID.startsWith("f:")) {
                    sqlStatement.append(" and ORG_ID = "
                            + parentObjectID.substring(2));
                } else {
                    sqlStatement.append(" and 1=0 ");
        } else if (searchType == SearchAxis.Self) {// 取得本節點
            // 父節點ID
            if (parentObjectID == null) {
                sqlStatement.append(" and user_id is null ");
            } else {
                if (parentObjectID.startsWith("u:")) {// 用戶
                    sqlStatement.append(" and user_id = "
                            + parentObjectID.substring(2));
                } else {
                    sqlStatement.append(" and 1=0 ");


        sqlStatement.append(" union all ");
                .append(" select org_id uid ,org_name name , 0 issqluser, 0 issqlrole ,1 issqlfolder, PARENT_ORG_ID pid from VW_CAS_ORGS where org_src='AD' ");
        if (searchType == SearchAxis.Child) {// 取得子節點
            // 父節點ID
            if (parentObjectID == null) {
                sqlStatement.append(" and PARENT_ORG_ID is null ");
            } else {
                if (parentObjectID.startsWith("f:")) {
                    sqlStatement.append(" and PARENT_ORG_ID = "
                            + parentObjectID.substring(2));
                } else {
                    sqlStatement.append(" and 1=0 ");
        } else if (searchType == SearchAxis.Self) {// 取得本節點
            // 父節點ID
            if (parentObjectID == null) {
                sqlStatement.append("and org_id is null ");
            } else {
                if (parentObjectID.startsWith("f:")) {
                    sqlStatement.append(" and org_id = "
                            + parentObjectID.substring(2));
                } else {
                    sqlStatement.append(" and 1=0 ");


        // 按部門顯示角色
        sqlStatement.append(" union all ");
                .append(" select org_id uid ,org_name name , 0 issqluser, 1 issqlrole ,0 issqlfolder, PARENT_ORG_ID pid from VW_CAS_ORGS where org_src='AD' ");
        if (searchType == SearchAxis.Child) {// 取得子節點
            // 父節點ID
            if (parentObjectID == null) {
                sqlStatement.append(" and PARENT_ORG_ID is null ");
            } else {
                if (parentObjectID.startsWith("r:")) {
                    sqlStatement.append(" and PARENT_ORG_ID = "
                            + parentObjectID.substring(2));
                } else {
                    sqlStatement.append(" and 1=0 ");
        } else if (searchType == SearchAxis.Self) {// 取得本節點
            // 父節點ID
            if (parentObjectID == null) {
                sqlStatement.append("and org_id is null ");
            } else {
                if (parentObjectID.startsWith("r:")) {
                    sqlStatement.append(" and org_id = "
                            + parentObjectID.substring(2));
                } else {
                    sqlStatement.append(" and 1=0 ");


        sqlStatement.append(") ");
        // 添加查詢條件
        if (theSqlCondition.length() > 0) {
            sqlStatement.append("WHERE ");

        // 分頁參數
        long maxCount = theQueryOption.getMaxCount();
        long skipCount = theQueryOption.getSkipCount();

        String theSortClause = new String(
                " issqlfolder desc ,issqlrole desc ");// 先把機構當成目錄列出來
        if (theSortProperties != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < theSortProperties.length; i++) {
                ISortProperty property = theSortProperties[i];
                if (property.getPropertyName().compareTo("name") == 0) {
                    if (theSortClause.length() > 0) {
                        theSortClause += ", ";
                    theSortClause += "name";
                    if (property.getSortOrder() == ISortProperty.SortOrderAscending) {
                        theSortClause += " ASC";
                    } else {
                        theSortClause += " DESC";
            if (theSortClause.length() > 0) {
                sqlStatement.append(" ORDER BY ");
        System.out.println("sqlStatement=" + sqlStatement.toString());

        Vector data = theDriver.query(theConnection, sqlStatement.toString());
        if (data.size() > 1) {
            long curSkip = 0, curMax = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < data.size(); i++) {
                Vector row = (Vector) data.elementAt(i);

                boolean bIsUser = (((String) row.elementAt(2)).compareTo("1") == 0);// 用戶
                boolean bIsRole = (((String) row.elementAt(3)).compareTo("1") == 0);// 角色
                boolean bIsFolder = (((String) row.elementAt(4)).compareTo("1") == 0);// 目錄

                // We need to handle paging information
                if (bIsUser || bIsRole || bIsFolder) {
                    if (curSkip++ < skipCount) // We need to skip skipCount
                                                // first objects
                    else if (curMax >= maxCount && maxCount != -1) // If we
                                                                    // already
                                                                    // have
                                                                    // maxCount
                                                                    // objects,
                                                                    // we can
                                                                    // stop
                                                                    // looking
                        // curMax < maxCount - we need to keep retrieving
                        // entries
                } else
                    // If the entry is neither a user nor a role, we'll skip it

                String objectID = (String) row.elementAt(0);
                String objectName = (String) row.elementAt(1);

                if (bIsUser) {
                    String searchPath = "u:" + objectID;
                    Account account = new Account(searchPath);
                    account.addName(Locale.getDefault(), objectName);

                    // The following two custom properties used for testing
                    // purposes
                    account.addCustomProperty("newProp1", "value1");
                    account.addCustomProperty("newProp2", "value2");

                } else if (bIsRole) {// 角色
                    String searchPath = "r:" + objectID;
                    Role role = new Role(searchPath);

                    role.addName(Locale.getDefault(), objectName);
                    if (searchType == SearchAxis.Self) {// 只有顯示路徑時才查詢它的祖先

                        // 查詢添加祖先以便在節點路徑上顯示
                        Vector parentOrg = QueryUtil.getParentOrg(theDriver,
                                theConnection, objectID);// 父節點
                        if (parentOrg != null) {

                            List org_path = QueryUtil.getOrgPath(theDriver,
                                    theConnection, parentOrg);
                            // 加上從根目錄開始的路徑
                            for (int k = org_path.size() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
                                Vector _org = (Vector) org_path.get(k);
                                Role ro = new Role("r:" + (String) _org.get(0));
                                        (String) _org.get(1));

                                role.addAncestors(ro);// 加入祖先


                        // 添加角色成員
                        Vector memberList = theDriver
                                        "SELECT user_id uid, user_name name, ORG_ID pid FROM VW_CAS_USERS_BASE_T where user_src='AD' and ORG_ID ="
                                                + objectID);
                        if (memberList != null && memberList.size() > 1) {
                            for (int k = 1; k < memberList.size(); k++) {
                                Vector member = (Vector) memberList

                                String member_searchPath = "u:"
                                        + (String) member.get(0);//成員ID
                                Account member_account = new Account(member_searchPath);//成員帳戶對象
                                        (String) member.get(1));//成員名稱
                                member_account.setUserName((String) member.get(1));//成員名稱

                    role.setIsLeaf(false);// 不是葉子節點
                    // QueryUtil.queryMembers(theDriver,
                    // theConnection,theSortProperties, role, theNamespace);

                } else if (bIsFolder)// 目錄
                    String searchPath = "f:" + objectID;
                    NamespaceFolder folder = new NamespaceFolder(searchPath);
                    if (searchType == SearchAxis.Self) {// 只有顯示路徑時才查詢它的祖先
                        Vector parentOrg = QueryUtil.getParentOrg(theDriver,
                                theConnection, objectID);// 父節點
                        if (parentOrg != null) {

                            List org_path = QueryUtil.getOrgPath(theDriver,
                                    theConnection, parentOrg);
                            // 加上從根目錄開始的路徑
                            for (int k = org_path.size() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
                                Vector _org = (Vector) org_path.get(k);
                                NamespaceFolder of = new NamespaceFolder("f:"
                                        + (String) _org.get(0));
                                        (String) _org.get(1));

                                folder.addAncestors(of);// 加入祖先

                    folder.addName(Locale.getDefault(), objectName);

其中  增長 了 issqlfolder 標記, 用來把其餘系統的組織機構轉成 cognos 的NamespaceFolder ,造成目錄結構 ,  sql

而  NamespaceFolder  須要 用  addAncestors  遞歸添加它的祖先節點  , 不然沒法顯示它的路徑 。 架構


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