1 { 2 "school":{ 3 "students":[ 4 { 5 "name":"方毅", 6 "sex":"男", 7 "age":21, 8 "class":1, 9 "Chinese":100, 10 "Math":90, 11 "English":88, 12 "TotalPoint":278 13 }, 14 { 15 "name":"黎倩", 16 "sex":"女", 17 "age":20, 18 "class":1, 19 "Chinese":98, 20 "Math":80, 21 "English":75, 22 "TotalPoint":253 23 }, 24 { 25 "name":"陳二", 26 "sex":"男", 27 "age":22, 28 "class":2, 29 "Chinese":70, 30 "Math":60, 31 "English":50, 32 "TotalPoint":180 33 }, 34 { 35 "name":"鄧珊", 36 "sex":"女", 37 "age":22, 38 "class":2, 39 "Chinese":72, 40 "Math":68, 41 "English":90, 42 "TotalPoint":230 43 }, 44 { 45 "name":"李四", 46 "sex":"男", 47 "age":23, 48 "class":3, 49 "Chinese":88, 50 "Math":72, 51 "English":90, 52 "TotalPoint":250 53 }, 54 { 55 "name":"何武", 56 "sex":"男", 57 "age":20, 58 "class":3, 59 "Chinese":75, 60 "Math":80, 61 "English":60, 62 "TotalPoint":215 63 }, 64 { 65 "name":"馮柳", 66 "sex":"女", 67 "age":20, 68 "class":4, 69 "Chinese":100, 70 "Math":99, 71 "English":88, 72 "TotalPoint":287 73 }], 74 "teacher":[ 75 { 76 "class":1, 77 "name":"Miss Lee" 78 }, 79 { 80 "class":2, 81 "name":"Miss Gao" 82 }, 83 { 84 "class":3, 85 "name":"Mr Fang" 86 }, 87 { 88 "class":4, 89 "name":"Miss wu" 90 } 91 ] 92 } 93 }
1 var app = express() 2 //獲取data.json數據 3 var scoreData = require('../data.json'); 4 //獲取data.json文件裏面的school 5 var school = scoreData.school; 6 //編寫路由 7 var apiR = express.Router(); 8 apiR.get('/school', function (req, res) { 9 res.json({ 10 errno: 0, 11 data: school 12 }); 13 }); 14 app.use('/api', apiR);
1 <template> 2 <div id="app"> 3 <hello :school="school"></hello><!--v-bind傳遞數據--> 4 </div> 5 </template> 6 7 <script> 8 import hello from './components/Hello.vue'//導入組件 9 10 11 export default { 12 data(){ 13 return{ 14 school:{} 15 } 16 }, 17 created(){ 18 this.$http.get('/api/school').then((response)=>{//異步請求數據 19 response=response.body 20 if(response.errno===0){ 21 this.school=response.data 22 console.log(this.school)//咱們先來控制檯看看數據有沒有獲取到,這句測試完以後記得刪除 23 } 24 }) 25 }, 26 components:{//註冊hello組件 27 'hello':hello 28 } 29 } 30 </script> 31 32 <style> 33 </style>
1 <template> 2 <div class="hello"> 3 <table class="stu"> 4 <caption>學生成績表</caption> 5 <tr class="stu-th"> 6 <th v-for="t in title">{{t}}</th> 7 </tr> 8 <tr v-for="row in school.students"> 9 <td>{{row.name}}</td> 10 <td>{{row.sex}}</td> 11 <td>{{row.age}}</td> 12 <td>{{row.Chinese}}</td> 13 <td>{{row.Math}}</td> 14 <td>{{row.English}}</td> 15 <td>{{row.TotalPoint}}</td> 16 </tr> 17 </table> 18 <table class="che"> 19 <caption>教師執教班級</caption> 20 <tr class="che-th"> 21 <th v-for="c in teacher">{{c}}</th> 22 </tr> 23 <tr v-for="rows in school.teacher"> 24 <td>{{rows.name}}</td> 25 <td>{{rows.class}}</td> 26 </tr> 27 </table> 28 </div> 29 </template> 30 31 32 <script> 33 export default { 34 data(){ 35 return{ 36 title:['姓名','性別','年齡','語文','數學','英語','總分'], 37 teacher:['教師姓名','班級'] 38 } 39 }, 40 props:{//接收App父組件傳遞過來的school數據 41 school:{ 42 type:Object//定義傳遞過來的數據類型爲Object,由於咱們前面說到獲取到的數據類型爲Object 43 } 44 } 45 } 46 </script> 47 48 49 <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> 50 <style> 51 </style>
1 <style> 2 .stu 3 width:700px 4 border:solid 2px black 5 .stu-th 6 background:rgb(0,136,225) 7 tr 8 text-align:center 9 .che 10 width:700px 11 border:solid 2px black 12 .che-th 13 background:rgb(0,136,225) 14 tr 15 text-align:center 16 </style>