
腳本以下,沒有任何問題:# !/usr/bin/pythonimport osimport timeimport datetimeimport pipesimport globDB_HOST = ''DB_USER = 'root'DB_USER_PASSWORD = 'MyNewPass4!'DB_NAME = 'hanwo'BACKUP_PATH = '/mnt/dbbackup/mysql/'DATETIME = time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')TODAYBACKUPPATH = BACKUP_PATH + '/' + DATETIMEtry:    os.stat(TODAYBACKUPPATH)except:    os.mkdir(TODAYBACKUPPATH)print("checking for databases names file.")if os.path.exists(DB_NAME):    file1 = open(DB_NAME)    multi = 1    print("Databases file found...")    print("Starting backup of all listed in file" + DB_NAME)else:    print("Databases file not found...")    print("Starting backup of database" + DB_NAME)    multi = 0if multi:    in_file = open(DB_NAME, "r")    flength = len(in_file.readlines())    in_file.close()    p = 1    dbfile = open(DB_NAME, "r")    while p <= flength:        db = dbfile.readline()        db = db[:-1]        dumpcmd = "mysqldump -h " + DB_HOST + " -u " + DB_USER + " -p" + DB_USER_PASSWORD + " " + db + " > " + pipes.qute(            TODAYBACKUPPATH) + "/" + db + ".sql"        os.system(dumpcmd)        gzipcmd = "gzip" + pipes.quote(TODAYBACKUPPATH) + "/" + db + ".sql"        os.system(gzipcmd)        p = p + 1    dbfile.close()else:    db = DB_NAME    dumpcmd = "mysqldump -h " + DB_HOST + " -u " + DB_USER + " -p" + DB_USER_PASSWORD + " " + db + " > " + pipes.quote(        TODAYBACKUPPATH) + "/" + db + ".sql"    os.system(dumpcmd)    gzipcmd = " gzip " + pipes.quote(TODAYBACKUPPATH) + "/" + db + ".sql"    os.system(gzipcmd)path_file_number = glob.glob(BACKUP_PATH)print(len(path_file_number))print("")print("Backup script completed")print("Your backups have been created in '" + TODAYBACKUPPATH + "' directort")