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到 2016-11-20 號爲止還存在一個小問題,在調用 ringfifo_api_put*
的時候,若是不用 usleep
延時一段時間(1us)也能夠,會出現丟失某些數據的狀況,個人系統是 archlinux, interl core i7, 目前查到是在調用鎖的時候 iplen 的值改變了,不知道是本身電腦的緣由的問題仍是程序的 bug,在嵌入式設備上運行正常。之後可能會查到並解決這個問題,可是不會更新到這個地方了。 git
#include #include #include #include "ringfifo.h" // #include "../tests/Debug.h" #include "Debug.h" #define DC_DEF_ARING_BUF_LEN 4096 #define DC_DEF_ARING_BUF_USER_SUM 8 typedef struct{ int a_index; int a_point; int a_len; }m_ring_user; typedef struct { pthread_mutex_t a_mutex; pthread_cond_t a_rcond; pthread_mutex_t a_rcond_mutex; pthread_cond_t a_wcond; pthread_mutex_t a_wcond_mutex; rd_t *a_buf; int a_maxlen; int a_len; int a_head; int a_tail; int a_unmbs; m_ring_user **a_user; int a_index; }m_ring; // ----------------------------------------> audio ring buf void *ringfifo_api_create( int ilen, int inmbs ){ m_ring *tp_ring; int i; tp_ring = ( m_ring* )calloc( 1, sizeof( m_ring ) ); if( tp_ring == NULL ) return NULL; if( ilen == 0 ) tp_ring->a_maxlen = DC_DEF_ARING_BUF_LEN; else tp_ring->a_maxlen = ilen; tp_ring->a_buf = (rd_t *)calloc( 1, sizeof(rd_t)*tp_ring->a_maxlen ); if( tp_ring->a_buf == NULL ) goto gt_ring_buf_init_freering; if( inmbs == 0 ) tp_ring->a_unmbs = DC_DEF_ARING_BUF_USER_SUM; else tp_ring->a_unmbs = inmbs; tp_ring->a_user = (m_ring_user**)calloc( 1, sizeof( void* ) * tp_ring->a_unmbs ); if( tp_ring->a_user == NULL ) goto gt_ring_buf_init_freebuf; /* for( i = 0; i < tp_ring->a_unmbs; i++ ) tp_ring->a_user[ i ] = NULL; */ pthread_mutex_init( &tp_ring->a_mutex, NULL ); pthread_cond_init( &tp_ring->a_rcond, NULL ); pthread_mutex_init( &tp_ring->a_rcond_mutex, NULL ); pthread_cond_init( &tp_ring->a_wcond, NULL ); pthread_mutex_init( &tp_ring->a_wcond_mutex, NULL ); return tp_ring; gt_ring_buf_init_freebuf: free( tp_ring->a_buf ); gt_ring_buf_init_freering: free( tp_ring ); return NULL; } int ringfifo_api_destroy( void *iring ){ m_ring *tp_ring = iring; int i; if( tp_ring == NULL ) return -1; pthread_mutex_lock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); pthread_mutex_destroy( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); pthread_cond_destroy( &tp_ring->a_rcond ); pthread_mutex_destroy( &tp_ring->a_rcond_mutex ); pthread_cond_destroy( &tp_ring->a_wcond ); pthread_mutex_destroy( &tp_ring->a_wcond_mutex ); for( i = 0; i < tp_ring->a_unmbs; i++ ) if( tp_ring->a_user[ i ] ) free( tp_ring->a_user[i] ); free( tp_ring->a_user ); free( tp_ring->a_buf ); free( tp_ring ); return 0; } int ringfifo_api_user_add( void *iring ){ m_ring *tp_ring = iring ; int tv_index; m_ring_user *tp_user; int tv_done; int i; if( tp_ring == NULL ) return -1; pthread_mutex_lock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); for( i = 0; i < tp_ring->a_unmbs; i++ ) if( tp_ring->a_user[i] == NULL ) break; if( i == tp_ring->a_unmbs ) goto GT_ring_user_add_err; tp_user = (m_ring_user*)calloc( 1, sizeof(m_ring_user) ); if( tp_user == NULL ) goto GT_ring_user_add_err; tp_ring->a_user[ i ] = tp_user; do{ tv_done = 0; tp_ring->a_index++; if( tp_ring->a_index < 0 ) tp_ring->a_index = 0; for( i = 0; i < tp_ring->a_unmbs; i++ ){ if( ( tp_ring->a_user[i] )\ && ( tp_ring->a_user[i]->a_index == tp_ring->a_index ) ){ tv_done = 1; continue; } } }while( tv_done ); tp_user->a_index = tp_ring->a_index; tp_user->a_point = tp_ring->a_head; tp_user->a_len = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); return tp_user->a_index; GT_ring_user_add_err: pthread_mutex_unlock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); return -1; } int ringfifo_api_user_del( void *iring, int iindex ){ m_ring *tp_ring = iring; m_ring_user *tp_user; int i; if( tp_ring == NULL ) return -1; pthread_mutex_lock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); for( i = 0; i < tp_ring->a_unmbs; i++ ) if( ( tp_ring->a_user[ i ] )\ && ( tp_ring->a_user[ i ]->a_index == iindex ) ){ tp_user = tp_ring->a_user[ i ]; tp_ring->a_user[ i ] = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); if( i == tp_ring->a_unmbs ) return -1; free( tp_user ); return 0; } int ringfifo_api_put( void *iring, rd_t *ibuf, int iplen ){ m_ring *tp_ring = iring; m_ring_user *tp_user; int i; if( tp_ring->a_buf == NULL ) return -1; if( ibuf == NULL ) return -1; if( ( iplen > tp_ring->a_maxlen )\ || ( iplen == 0 ) ) return -1; pthread_mutex_lock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); // is the ilde space enough #if RINGFIFO_DEBUG DLLOGD( "ring put : ilde space 1-> %d", tp_ring->a_maxlen - tp_ring->a_len ); #endif if( iplen > ( tp_ring->a_maxlen - tp_ring->a_len ) ){ // free space tp_ring->a_tail = tp_ring->a_head + iplen; if( tp_ring->a_tail >= tp_ring->a_maxlen ) tp_ring->a_tail -= tp_ring->a_maxlen; // clear user old data for( i = 0; i < tp_ring->a_unmbs; i++ ) if( tp_ring->a_user[ i ] ){ tp_user = tp_ring->a_user[ i ]; if( tp_ring->a_head > tp_ring->a_tail ) if( ( tp_user->a_point > tp_ring->a_head )\ || ( tp_user->a_point < tp_ring->a_tail )\ || ( ( tp_user->a_point == tp_ring->a_head )\ && ( tp_user->a_len > tp_ring->a_maxlen/2 ) ) ) tp_user->a_point = tp_ring->a_tail; if( tp_ring->a_head < tp_ring->a_tail ) if( ( ( tp_user->a_point > tp_ring->a_head )\ && ( tp_user->a_point < tp_ring->a_tail ) )\ || ( ( tp_user->a_point == tp_ring->a_head )\ && ( tp_user->a_len > tp_ring->a_maxlen/2 ) ) ) tp_user->a_point = tp_ring->a_tail; if( tp_ring->a_head >= tp_user->a_point ) tp_user->a_len = tp_ring->a_head - tp_user->a_point; else tp_user->a_len = tp_ring->a_maxlen - tp_user->a_point + tp_ring->a_head; } tp_ring->a_len = tp_ring->a_maxlen - iplen; } #if RINGFIFO_DEBUG DLLOGD( "ring put : ilde space 2-> %d", tp_ring->a_maxlen - tp_ring->a_len ); #endif if( tp_ring->a_head < tp_ring->a_maxlen ){ unsigned cp_len = tp_ring->a_maxlen - tp_ring->a_head - 1; if( cp_len >= iplen ){ memcpy( &tp_ring->a_buf[ tp_ring->a_head ], ibuf, iplen ); tp_ring->a_head += iplen; if( tp_ring->a_head >= tp_ring->a_maxlen ) tp_ring->a_head = 0; }else if( cp_len < iplen ){ memcpy( &tp_ring->a_buf[ tp_ring->a_head ], ibuf, cp_len ); i = cp_len; cp_len = iplen - cp_len; memcpy( tp_ring->a_buf, &ibuf[ i ], cp_len ); tp_ring->a_head = cp_len; } } tp_ring->a_len += iplen; for( i = 0; i < tp_ring->a_unmbs; i++ ) if( tp_ring->a_user[ i ] ) tp_ring->a_user[ i ]->a_len += iplen; pthread_mutex_unlock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); pthread_cond_broadcast( &tp_ring->a_rcond ); return 0; } int ringfifo_api_put_block( void *iring, rd_t *ibuf, int ilen ){ m_ring *tp_ring = iring; m_ring_user *tp_user; int i; if( tp_ring->a_buf == NULL ) return -1; if( ibuf == NULL ) return -1; if( ( ilen > tp_ring->a_maxlen )\ || ( ilen == 0 ) ) return -1; if( ilen > ( tp_ring->a_maxlen - tp_ring->a_len ) ){ int tv_bufindex = 0; int tv_bufsend = tp_ring->a_maxlen - tp_ring->a_len; if( ringfifo_api_put( iring, &ibuf[ tv_bufindex ], tv_bufsend ) < 0 ) return -1; tv_bufindex = tv_bufsend; tv_bufsend = ilen - tv_bufsend; while( 1 ){ pthread_cond_wait( &tp_ring->a_wcond, &tp_ring->a_wcond_mutex ); if( tv_bufsend <= ( tp_ring->a_maxlen - tp_ring->a_len ) ){ break; } } if( ringfifo_api_put( iring, &ibuf[ tv_bufindex ], tv_bufsend ) < 0 ) return -1; }else{ if( ringfifo_api_put( iring, ibuf, ilen ) ) return -1; } return 0; } int ringfifo_api_get( void *iring, int iindex, rd_t *ibuf, int ilen ){ m_ring *tp_ring = iring; m_ring_user *tp_user; int i; int tv_min_point; int tv_max_len; if( tp_ring == NULL ) return -1; if( ibuf == NULL ) return -1; if( ilen == 0 ) return 0; #if RINGFIFO_DEBUG DLLOGD( "ring get : %p - %p - %d", tp_ring, ibuf, ilen ); #endif pthread_mutex_lock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); for( i = 0; i < tp_ring->a_unmbs; i++ ){ if( tp_ring->a_user[ i ] && ( tp_ring->a_user[ i ]->a_index == iindex ) ){ break; } } pthread_mutex_unlock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); if( i == tp_ring->a_unmbs ) return -1; while(1){ if( ( tp_ring->a_user[ i ] == NULL ) ||\ ( tp_ring->a_user[ i ]->a_index != iindex ) ){ return -1; }else if( tp_ring->a_user[ i ]->a_len >= ilen ){ pthread_mutex_lock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); break; } pthread_cond_wait( &tp_ring->a_rcond, &tp_ring->a_rcond_mutex ); // usleep(100000); } tp_user = tp_ring->a_user[ i ]; if( tp_user->a_point < tp_ring->a_maxlen ){ unsigned cp_len = tp_ring->a_maxlen - tp_user->a_point - 1 ; if( cp_len >= ilen ){ memcpy( ibuf, &tp_ring->a_buf[ tp_user->a_point ], ilen ); tp_user->a_point += ilen; if( tp_user->a_point >= tp_ring->a_maxlen ) tp_user->a_point = 0; }else if( cp_len < ilen ){ memcpy( ibuf, &tp_ring->a_buf[ tp_user->a_point ], cp_len ); i = cp_len; cp_len = ilen - cp_len; memcpy( &ibuf[ i ], &tp_ring->a_buf[0], cp_len ); tp_user->a_point = cp_len; } } tp_user->a_len -= ilen; // if( tp_user->a_len < 0 ) tp_user->a_len = 0; // release space tv_min_point = tp_ring->a_maxlen; tv_max_len = -1; for( i = 0; i < tp_ring->a_unmbs; i++ ) if( tp_ring->a_user[ i ] ){ tp_user = tp_ring->a_user[ i ]; if( tp_user->a_len > tv_max_len ){ tv_max_len = tp_user->a_len; tv_min_point = tp_user->a_point; } } if( ( tv_max_len != -1 )&&( tv_min_point != tp_ring->a_maxlen )){ tp_ring->a_tail = tv_min_point; tp_ring->a_len = tv_max_len; } pthread_cond_broadcast( &tp_ring->a_wcond ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); return ilen; } int ringfifo_api_clr_usr_data( void *iring, int iindex ){ m_ring *tp_ring = iring; int i; if( tp_ring == NULL ) return -1; for( i = 0; i < tp_ring->a_unmbs; i++ ){ if( ( tp_ring->a_user[ i ] )\ && ( tp_ring->a_user[ i ]->a_index == iindex ) ){ pthread_mutex_lock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); #if RINGFIFO_DEBUG DLLOGW("Purposeful to clr old buf. len - %d", tp_ring->a_user[ i ]->a_len); #endif tp_ring->a_user[ i ]->a_len = 0; tp_ring->a_user[ i ]->a_point = tp_ring->a_head; pthread_mutex_unlock( &tp_ring->a_mutex ); return 0; } } return -1; }
#ifndef __RING_FIFO_H #define __RING_FIFO_H // ring data type typedef char rd_t; extern void *ringfifo_api_create( int ilen, int iunmbs ); extern int ringfifo_api_destroy( void *iring ); extern int ringfifo_api_user_add( void *iring ); extern int ringfifo_api_user_del( void *iring, int iindex ); extern int ringfifo_api_put( void *iring, rd_t *ibuf, int ilen ); extern int ringfifo_api_put_block( void *iring, rd_t *ibuf, int ilen ); extern int ringfifo_api_get( void *iring, int iindex, rd_t *ibuf, int ilen ); extern int ringfifo_api_clr_usr_data( void *iring, int iindex ); #endif
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