All of a sudden I keep getting a MetadataException
on instantiating my generated ObjectContext
class. 忽然間,我在實例化生成的ObjectContext
。 The connection string in App.Config looks correct - hasn't changed since last it worked - and I've tried regenerating a new model (edmx-file) from the underlying database with no change. App.Config中的鏈接字符串看起來是正確的 - 自上次工做以來沒有改變 - 我嘗試從底層數據庫從新生成一個新模型(edmx文件)而沒有任何變化。 數據庫
Anyone have any ideas? 有人有主意嗎? ide
Further details: I haven't changed any properties, I haven't changed the name of any output assemblies, I haven't tried to embed the EDMX in the assembly. 更多細節:我沒有更改任何屬性,我沒有更改任何輸出程序集的名稱,我沒有嘗試在程序集中嵌入EDMX。 I've merely waited 10 hours from leaving work until I got back. 我離開工做只等了10個小時,直到我回來。 And then it wasn't working anymore. 而後它再也不工做了。 idea
I've tried recreating the EDMX. 我試太重新建立EDMX。 I've tried recreating the project. 我試太重新建立這個項目。 I've even tried recreating the database, from scratch. 我甚至嘗試從頭開始從新建立數據庫。 No luck, whatsoever. 沒有運氣,不管如何。 spa