The table below shows supported controller method return values. Reactive types are supported for all return values, see below for more
Controller method return valuereact |
Descriptionios |
@ResponseBodyweb |
The return value is converted through HttpMessageConverters and written to the response. See @ResponseBody.spring 返回值經過HttpMessageConverters轉換並寫入響應。 請參閱@ResponseBody。編程 處理器功能處理方法的返回值做爲響應體(經過HttpMessageConverter進行類型轉換);json 做用: 該註解用於將Controller的方法返回的對象,經過適當的HttpMessageConverter轉換爲指定格式後,寫入到Response對象的body數據區。api 使用時機:返回的數據不是html標籤的頁面,而是其餘某種格式的數據時(如json、xml等)使用;瀏覽器 |
HttpEntity<B>, ResponseEntity<B> |
The return value specifies the full response including HTTP headers and body be converted through HttpMessageConverters and written to the response. See ResponseEntity. 返回值指定完整響應,包括HTTP標頭和正文經過HttpMessageConverters轉換並寫入響應。 請參閱ResponseEntity。 |
HttpHeaders |
For returning a response with headers and no body. 爲了返回一個響應頭和沒有正文。 |
String |
A view name to be resolved with ViewResolver's and used together with the implicit model — determined through command objects and @ModelAttribute methods. The handler method may also programmatically enrich the model by declaring a Model argument (see above). 一個視圖名稱,用ViewResolver解決,並與隱式模型一塊兒使用 - 經過命令對象和@ModelAttribute方法肯定。 處理程序方法也能夠經過聲明一個Model參數來以編程方式豐富模型(參見上文)。 |
View |
A View instance to use for rendering together with the implicit model — determined through command objects and @ModelAttribute methods. The handler method may also programmatically enrich the model by declaring a Model argument (see above). 用於與隱式模型一塊兒渲染的View實例 - 經過命令對象和@ModelAttribute方法肯定。 處理程序方法也能夠經過聲明一個Model參數來以編程方式豐富模型(參見上文)。 |
java.util.Map, org.springframework.ui.Model |
Attributes to be added to the implicit model with the view name implicitly determined through a RequestToViewNameTranslator. 要經過RequestToViewNameTranslator隱式肯定的視圖名稱添加到隱式模型的屬性。 |
@ModelAttribute |
An attribute to be added to the model with the view name implicitly determined through a RequestToViewNameTranslator. Note that @ModelAttribute is optional. See "Any other return value" further below in this table. 要經過RequestToViewNameTranslator隱式肯定的視圖名稱添加到模型的屬性。 請注意@ModelAttribute是可選的。 請參閱本表下面的「任何其餘返回值」。 |
ModelAndView object |
The view and model attributes to use, and optionally a response status. 要使用的視圖和模型屬性,以及可選的響應狀態。 |
void |
A method with a void return type (or null return value) is considered to have fully handled the response if it also has a ServletResponse, or an OutputStream argument, or an @ResponseStatus annotation. The same is true also if the controller has made a positive ETag or lastModified timestamp check (see @Controller caching for details). If none of the above is true, a void return type may also indicate "no response body" for REST controllers, or default view name selection for HTML controllers. 具備void返回類型(或返回值爲null)的方法若是還有ServletResponse,OutputStream參數或@ResponseStatus註釋,則認爲它已徹底處理響應。 若是控制器進行了積極的ETag或lastModified時間戳檢查(請參閱@Controller緩存瞭解詳細信息),狀況也是如此。 若是以上都不是這樣,那麼void返回類型也可能指示REST控制器的「無響應主體」,或HTML控制器的默認視圖名稱選擇。 |
DeferredResult<V> |
Produce any of the above return values asynchronously from any thread — e.g. possibly as a result of some event or callback. See Async Requests and DeferredResult. 從任何線程異步生成任何上述返回值 - 例如 多是因爲某些事件或回調。 請參閱異步請求和延期結果。 |
Callable<V> |
Produce any of the above return values asynchronously in a Spring MVC managed thread. See Async Requests and Callable. |
ListenableFuture<V>, java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage<V>, java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<V> |
Alternative to DeferredResult as a convenience for example when an underlying service returns one of those. 在Spring MVC託管線程中異步生成上述任何返回值。 請參閱異步請求和可調用 |
ResponseBodyEmitter, SseEmitter |
Emit a stream of objects asynchronously to be written to the response with HttpMessageConverter's; also supported as the body of a ResponseEntity. See Async Requests and HTTP Streaming. 用HttpMessageConverter's異步發出一個對象流寫入響應; 也支持做爲ResponseEntity的主體。 請參閱異步請求和HTTP流。 |
StreamingResponseBody |
Write to the response OutputStream asynchronously; also supported as the body of a ResponseEntity. See Async Requests and HTTP Streaming. 異步寫入響應的OutputStream; 也支持做爲ResponseEntity的主體。請參閱異步請求和HTTP流程。 |
Reactive types — Reactor, RxJava, or others via ReactiveAdapterRegistry |
Alternative to `DeferredResult with multi-value streams (e.g. Flux, Observable) collected to a List. For streaming scenarios — e.g. text/event-stream, application/json+stream — SseEmitter and ResponseBodyEmitter are used instead, where ServletOutputStream blocking I/O is performed on a Spring MVC managed thread and back pressure applied against the completion of each write. See Async Requests and Reactive types. 具備多值流的DeferredResult(例如Flux,Observable)的替代方法被收集到列表中。 對於流式場景 - 例如 text / event-stream,application / json + stream - 使用SseEmitter和ResponseBodyEmitter,而在Spring MVC託管線程上執行ServletOutputStream阻塞I / O,並在每次寫入完成時施加背壓。 請參閱異步請求和反應類型。 |
Any other return value |
If a return value is not matched to any of the above, by default it is treated as a view name, if it is String or void (default view name selection via RequestToViewNameTranslator applies); or as a model attribute to be added to the model, unless it is a simple type, as determined by BeanUtils#isSimpleProperty in which case it remains unresolved. 若是返回值與以上任何一個不匹配,默認狀況下它被視爲視圖名稱,若是它是String或void(經過RequestToViewNameTranslator應用的默認視圖名稱選擇); 或者做爲要添加到模型的模型屬性,除非它是一個簡單的類型,由BeanUtils#isSimpleProperty肯定,在這種狀況下,它仍然未解決。 |
request.getRequestDispatcher("頁面路徑").forward(request, response);
1, 返回void類型,使用response返回
2, 使用ResponseBody註解,返回String字符串
3, 在類上面加入RestResponse返回String字符串
public class TestController {
public String test( int ids){
return "this is test";
return "item/editItem";
return "redirect:queryItem.action";
return "forward:editItem.action";