eclipse報錯處理: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The platform metadata area could not be written

Eclipse報錯:Root exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The platform metadata area could not be written:java


因爲重裝或變動盤符等緣由,形成你的 「My Documents」 文件夾位於不一樣的驅動盤下。


爲Eclipse建立一個新的快捷方式(或修改現有的快捷方式)並添加一個-data參數以及工做區文件夾的路徑(默認狀況下在您的文檔下)。 在個人系統上它設置以下:
"C\Users\Lance\AppData\Local\Aptana Studio 2.0\AptanaStudio.exe" -data "E:\Documents\Aptana Studio Workspace"
每次嘗試啓動程序時,都會在程序的configuration文件夾中寫入日誌文件。 日誌文件看起來像是以某種時間戳(1259818956579.log)命名的。 在日誌文件中,有一個帶有-data解決方案的詳細錯誤消息:
Root exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The platform metadata area could not be written: C:\ Users \ Lance \ My Documents \ Aptana Studio Workspace.metadata。 默認狀況下,啓動時將其內容寫入當前工做目錄。 使用-data參數爲其指定不一樣的內容區域。ide


I just ran into this same issue. It’s caused by having your 「My Documents」 folder mapped to a different drive. The installer and program assume it’s located on the C:\ drive and attempt to create or open the workspace there.
To fix the issue:
Create a new shortcut for Aptana (or modify the existing one) and add a -data parameter with the path to your workspace folder (by default under your documents). On my system it is setup like so:
「C:\Users\Lance\AppData\Local\Aptana Studio 2.0\AptanaStudio.exe」 -data 「E:\Documents\Aptana Studio Workspace」
Viewing the error log:
A log file is written in the /configuration/ folder of the program each time you attempt to launch the program. The log files look like they are named after some kind of timestamp (1259818956579.log). Inside the log file there is a detailed error message with the -data solution:
Root exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The platform metadata area could not be written: C:\Users\Lance\My Documents\Aptana Studio Workspace.metadata. By default the platform writes its content under the current working directory when the platform is launched. Use the -data parameter to specify a different content area for the platform.this
