Below I present you two different ways to get the current Class:java
The simplest way to get the name of the class where your code is being executed in is using the getClass()
method present in every java object. Like here:less
String clazz = this.getClass().getName();
This works only if executed in an Object, namely an instanciated class. If you try to execute the code above in a static
method. It won't work. Even the keyword this
is meaningless in a static method.this
Also, the class returned by the above method may actually be a subclass of the class in which the method is defined. This is because subclasses inherit the methods of their parents; and getClass() returns the actual runtime type of the object. To get the actual class in which a method is defined, use the method below
In a static
method you can instead use the following:code
String clazz = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getClassName();
Which uses the static methodgetStackTrace()
to get the whole stacktrace. This method returns an array, where the first element (index 0) is the getStackTrace() you called and the second element (index 1) is the method your code is
A similar trick can be used to find out the name of the method currently executed:ip
String method = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName();
It's exactly the same principle, just you dig out the name of the method instead of the
package org.wikijava.reflection; public class MethodName { public static void main(String[] args) { MethodName methodName = new MethodName(); String clazz = Thread.currentThread() .getStackTrace() [1].getClassName(); String method = Thread.currentThread() .getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(); System.out.println("class name: " + clazz + " Method Name " + method); methodName.anotherMethod(); } private void anotherMethod() { String clazz = this.getClass().getName(); String method = Thread.currentThread() .getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(); System.out.println("class name: " + clazz + " Method Name " + method); } }