cat data1.txt This is the header line. This is a data line. This is the last line. sed '/^$/d' data1.txt This is the header line. This is a data line. This is the last line. sed '/header/{n ; d}' data1.txt This is the header line. This is a data line. This is the last line.
$ sed '/first/{ N ; s/\n/ / }' data2.txt This is the header line. This is the first data line. This is the second data line. This is the last line. $ cat data2.txt This is the header line. This is the first data line. This is the second data line. This is the last line. $ cat data3.txt On Tuesday, the Linux System Administrator's group meeting will be held. All System Administrators should attend. Thank you for your attendance. $ sed 'N ; s/System.Administrator/Desktop User/' data3.txt On Tuesday, the Linux Desktop User's group meeting will be held. All Desktop Users should attend. Thank you for your attendance.
$ sed 'N > s/System\nAdministrator/Desktop\nUser/ > s/System Administrator/Desktop User/ > ' data4.txt On Tuesday, the Linux Desktop User's group meeting will be held. All System Administrators should attend. $ cat data4.txt On Tuesday, the Linux System Administrator's group meeting will be held. All System Administrators should attend. $ sed ' > s/System Administrator/Desktop User/ > N > s/System\nAdministrator/Desktop\nUser/ > ' data4.txt On Tuesday, the Linux Desktop User's group meeting will be held. All Desktop Users should attend.
$ sed 'N ; /System\nAdministrator/d' data4.txt All System Administrators should attend. $ cat data4.txt On Tuesday, the Linux System Administrator's group meeting will be held. All System Administrators should attend. $ sed 'N ; /System\nAdministrator/D' data4.txt Administrator's group meeting will be held. All System Administrators should attend.
$ sed '/^$/{N ; /header/D}' data5.txt This is the header line. This is a date line. This is the last line. $ sed '{N ; /header/D}' data5.txt This is a date line. This is the last line. $ sed '{N ; /header/d}' data5.txt This is a date line. This is the last line. $ cat data5.txt This is the header line. This is a date line. This is the last line.
$ cat data3.txt On Tuesday, the Linux System Administrator's group meeting will be held. All System Administrators should attend. Thank you for your attendance. $ sed -n 'N ; /System\nAdministrator/P' data3.txt On Tuesday, the Linux System
$ cat data2.txt This is the header line. This is the first data line. This is the second data line. This is the last line. $ sed -n '/first/ {h ; p; n ; p ; g ; p }' data2.txt This is the first data line. This is the second data line. This is the first data line. $ sed -n '/first/ {h ; n ; p ; g ; p }' data2.txt This is the second data line. This is the first data line.
$ sed -n '/header/!p' data2.txt This is the first data line. This is the second data line. This is the last line. $ sed 'N; > s/System\nAdministrator/Desktop\nUser/ > s/System Administrator/Desktop User/ > ' data4.txt On Tuesday, the Linux Desktop User's group meeting will be held. All System Administrators should attend. $ sed '$!N; > s/System\nAdministrator/Desktop\nUser/ > s/System Administrator/Desktop User/ > ' data4.txt On Tuesday, the Linux Desktop User's group meeting will be held. All Desktop Users should attend.
$ cat data2.txt This is the header line. This is the first data line. This is the second data line. This is the last line. $ sed -n '{1!G ; h ; $p }' data2.txt This is the last line. This is the second data line. This is the first data line. This is the header line.
分支命令b格式:[address]b [label]
$ cat data2.txt This is the header line. This is the first data line. This is the second data line. This is the last line. $ sed '{2,3b ; s/This is/Is this/ ; s/line./test?/}' data2.txt Is this the header test? This is the first data line. This is the second data line. Is this the last test?
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ sed '{/first/b jump1 ; s/This is the/No jump on/ > :jump1 > s/This is the/Jump here on/}' data2.txt No jump on header line. Jump here on first data line. No jump on second data line. No jump on last line. chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ cat data2.txt This is the header line. This is the first data line. This is the second data line. This is the last line.
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ echo "This, is, a, test, to, remove, commas." | sed -n '{ > :start > s/,//1p > b start > }' This is, a, test, to, remove, commas. This is a, test, to, remove, commas. This is a test, to, remove, commas. This is a test to, remove, commas. This is a test to remove, commas. This is a test to remove commas. ^C
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ echo "This, is, a, test, to, remove, commas." | sed -n '{ > :start > s/,//1p > /,/b start > }' This is, a, test, to, remove, commas. This is a, test, to, remove, commas. This is a test, to, remove, commas. This is a test to, remove, commas. This is a test to remove, commas. This is a test to remove commas.
測試命令格式與分支命令格式相同:[address]t [label]
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ sed '{ > s/first/matched/ > t > s/This is the/No match on/ > }' data2.txt No match on header line. This is the matched data line. No match on second data line. No match on last line. chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ cat data2.txt This is the header line. This is the first data line. This is the second data line. This is the last line.
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ echo "This, is, a, test, to, remove, commas." | sed -n '{ > :start > s/,//1p > t start > }' This is, a, test, to, remove, commas. This is a, test, to, remove, commas. This is a test, to, remove, commas. This is a test to, remove, commas. This is a test to remove, commas. This is a test to remove commas.
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ echo "The cat sleeps in his hat." | sed 's/cat/"cat"/'The "cat" sleeps in his hat. chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ echo "The cat sleeps in his hat." | sed 's/.at/".at"/g' The ".at" sleeps in his ".at".
myfly2@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ echo "The cat sleeps in his hat." | sed 's/.at/"&"/g' The "cat" sleeps in his "hat".
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ echo "The System Administrator manual" | sed ' > s/\(System\) Administrator/\1 User/' The System User manual chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ echo "The System Administrator manual" | sed ' s/System \(Administrator\)/\1 User/' The Administrator User manual chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ echo "That furry cat is pretty" | sed 's/furry \(.at\)/\1/' That cat is pretty chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ echo "That furry hat is pretty" | sed 's/furry \(.at\)/\1/' That hat is pretty #當須要在兩個或多個子模式間插入文本時,這個特性尤爲有用 chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ echo "1234567" | sed '{ > :start > s/\(.*[0-9]\)\([0-9]\{3\}\)/\1,\2/ > t start > }' 1,234,567 #分紅兩部分: #.*[0-9] #[0-9]{3} #第一個子模式是以數字結尾的任意長度的字符。 #第二個子模式是若干組三位數字
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ cat reverse.sh #!/bin/bash # Shell wrapper for sed editor script. # to reverse text file lines. # sed -n '{ 1!G ; h ; $p }' $1 # chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ chmod +x reverse.sh chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ ls data2.txt data4.txt reverse.sh chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ ./reverse.sh data2.txt This is the last line. This is the second data line. This is the first data line. This is the header line.
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ cat fact.sh #!/bin/bash # Add commas to number in factorial answer # factorial=1 counter=1 number=$1 # while [ $counter -le $number ] do factorial=$[ $factorial * $counter ] counter=$[ $counter + 1 ] done # result=$(echo $factorial | sed '{ :start s/\(.*[0-9]\)\([0-9]\{3\}\)/\1,\2/ t start }') # echo "The result is $result" # chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ ./fact.sh 20 The result is 2,432,902,008,176,640,000
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ sed 'G' data2.txt This is the header line. This is the first data line. This is the second data line. This is the last line. chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ sed '$!G' data2.txt This is the header line. This is the first data line. This is the second data line. This is the last line.
#先刪除原來空行,而後再加空行 chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ sed '/^$/d;$!G' data6.txt This is line one. This is line two. This is line three. This is line four. chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ sed '=' data2.txt 1 This is the header line. 2 This is the first data line. 3 This is the second data line. 4 This is the last line. chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ sed '=' data2.txt | sed 'N; s/\n/ /' 1 This is the header line. 2 This is the first data line. 3 This is the second data line. 4 This is the last line. chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ #=號命令增長行號 #N命令將兩行合併成一行 #而後把換行符換成空格
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ sed '{ :start $q ; N ; 11,$D b start }' data7.txt This is line 6. This is line 7. This is line 8. This is line 9. This is line 10. This is line 11. This is line 12. This is line 13. This is line 14. This is line 15. chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ cat data7.txt This is line 1. This is line 2. This is line 3. This is line 4. This is line 5. This is line 6. This is line 7. This is line 8. This is line 9. This is line 10. This is line 11. This is line 12. This is line 13. This is line 14. This is line 15.
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ sed '/./,/^$/!d' data8.txt This is line one. This is line two. This is line three. This is line four. chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ cat data8.txt This is line one. This is line two. This is line three. This is line four.
chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ cat data9.txt This is line one. This is line two. chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ sed '/./,$!d' data9.txt This is line one. This is line two.
1 chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ sed '{ 2 > :start 3 > /^\n*$/{$d ; N ; b start} 4 > }' data10.txt 5 This is the first line. 6 This is the seconde line. 7 chen@ubuntu:~/shell/ch21$ cat data10.txt 8 This is the first line. 9 This is the seconde line.
7.6 刪除HTML標籤