ppt相信你們都用過,不過程序員使用的PPT是能夠在網頁上用的,好比 revealcss
npm install -g reveal-md λ reveal-md -h Puppeteer unavailable, unable to create featured slide image for OpenGraph metadata. Puppeteer unavailable, unable to generate PDF file. Usage: cli <slides.md> [options] See https://github.com/webpro/reveal-md for more details. Options: -V, --version output the version number --title <title> Title of the presentation -s, --separator <separator> Slide separator [default: 3 dashes (---) surrounded by two blank lines] -S, --vertical-separator <separator> Vertical slide separator [default: 4 dashes (----) surrounded by two blank lines] -t, --theme <theme> Theme [default: black] --highlight-theme <theme> Highlight theme [default: zenburn] --css <files> CSS files to inject into the page --scripts <files> Scripts to inject into the page --assets-dir <dirname> Defines assets directory name [default: _assets] --preprocessor <script> Markdown preprocessor script --template <filename> Template file for reveal.js --listing-template <filename> Template file for listing --print [filename] Print to PDF file --static [dir] Export static html to directory [_static]. Incompatible with --print.
vi test.md
reveal-md test.md
reveal-md slides.md --port 8888
瀏覽器打開localhost:8888 便可在網頁上演示PPT了。node
使用 Jupyter python markdown 製做分享 ppt
nodeppt python