TypeScript能夠編譯出純淨、 簡潔的JavaScript代碼,而且能夠運行在任何瀏覽器上、Node.js環境中和任何支持ECMAScript 3(或更高版本)的JavaScript引擎中。
1.2強大的工具構建 大型應用程序
1.3先進的 JavaScript
不須要使用+號拼接字符串,可讀性強,寫法簡單。 `號在tab鍵上面。異步
let content = `aaa bbb ccc`;
let name = 'zhiyu'; let getName = () => { return 'z哥'; } console.log(`my name is ${name}`); // my name is zhiyu console.log(`my name is ${getName()}`);// my name is z哥
let name = 'zhiyu'; let getAge = () => { return 24; } function test(template, name, age) { console.log(template); console.log(name); console.log(age); } test`我是${name},我${getAge()}歲`; // ["我是", ",我", "歲"] zhiyu 24
let myName: string = 'zhiyu'; myName = 18; // 錯誤 Type '18' is not assignable to type 'string'. let allType: any = 'haha'; // any類型能夠賦值任何類型 allType = 12; allType = true; let age: number = 24; // number類型 let man: boolean = true; // boolean類型 // void不須要任何返回值 function testVoid(): void { return ''; // 錯誤 Type '""' is not assignable to type 'void'. } //返回string類型的值 function testString(): string { return ''; } //傳入的參數age必須爲number,返回number function getAge(age: number): number { return age + 1; } getAge(23); getAge('23'); // 錯誤 Argument of type '"23"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'. // 自定義Person類型 class Person{ name:string; age:number; } let zhiyu:Person = new Person(); zhiyu.name = 'zhiyu'; zhiyu.age = 24;
function test(a: string, b: string, c: string) { console.log(a); console.log(b); console.log(c); } test('xxx','yyy','zzz'); // 'xxx' 'yyy' 'zzz' // 參數設置默認值應該寫在最後,c的默認值是zhiyu,調用test2時不傳c參數,則c是zhiyu function test2(a: string, b: string, c: string = 'zhiyu') { console.log(a); console.log(b); console.log(c); } test2('xxx','yyy'); // 'xxx' 'yyy' 'zhiyu' test2('xxx','yyy','uuu'); // 'xxx' 'yyy' 'uuu'
// 可選參數應該聲明的必選參數後面,須要在方法裏面處理不傳可選參數時的狀況 function test(a: string, b?: string, c: string = 'zhiyu') { console.log(a); b ? console.log(b) : () => { }; console.log(c); } test('xxx'); // 'xxx' 'zhiyu'
4.1Rest and Spread 操做符
function test(...args) { args.forEach((arg) => { console.log(arg); }) } test(1, 2); // 1 2 test(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); // 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 function test2(a: number, b: number, c: number) { console.log(a); console.log(b); console.log(c); } let args = [1, 2]; let args2 = [4,5,6,7]; // 將任意數量的參數變爲固定數量的參數 // 該寫法在ts中暫時不支持,可是編譯出來的js能夠實現功能 test2(...args); // 1 2 undefined test2(...args2); // 4 5 6
4.2 generator函數
function* doSomething() { console.log('start'); yield; console.log('middle'); yield; console.log('end'); } // 定義一個變量func1 let func1 = doSomething(); func1.next(); // start func1.next(); // middle func1.next(); // end // 當股票價格低於15元時購買該股票 function* getStockPrice(stock: string) { while (true) { yield Math.random() * 100; } } let getStock = getStockPrice('IBM'); let limitPrice = 15; let price = 100; while (price > limitPrice) { price = getStock.next().value; console.log(`current prcie is ${price}`); } console.log(`buying at ${price}`); // current prcie is 76.11991753923921 // current prcie is 6.342549180037449 // buying at 6.342549180037449
4.3 destructuring析構表達式
function getInfo() { return { myAge: 24, myName: 'zhiyu' } } let { myAge, myName } = getInfo(); console.log(myAge); // 24 console.log(myName); // zhiyu // myAgeTemp myNameTemp 爲別名 let { myAge: myAgeTemp, myName: myNameTemp } = getInfo(); console.log(myAgeTemp); // 24 console.log(myNameTemp); // zhiyu function getInfo2() { return { myAge2: 24, myName2: { name1: 'zhiyu', name2: 'z哥' } } } let { myAge2, myName2 } = getInfo2(); console.log(myAge2); // 24 console.log(myName2); // {name1: "zhiyu", name2: "z哥"} // myName2後再寫一個析構表達式,能夠獲取name2的值 let { myAge2: myAge2temp, myName2: { name2 } } = getInfo2(); console.log(myAge2temp); // 24 console.log(name2); // z哥
let array = [1, 2, 3, 4]; let [number1, number2] = array; console.log(number1); // 1 console.log(number2); // 2 let [num1, , , num2] = array; console.log(num1); // 1 console.log(num2); // 4 let [, , num3, num4] = array; console.log(num3); // 3 console.log(num4); // 4 let [no1, no2, ...others] = array; console.log(no1); // 1 console.log(no2); // 4 console.log(others); // [3, 4] function test([no1, no2, ...others]) { console.log(no1); // 1 console.log(no2); // 4 console.log(others); // [3, 4] } test(array);
function getName(name:string){ this.name = name; setTimeout(function(){ console.log('name is ' + this.name) },1000); } var getName2Temp = new getName('zhiyu'); // name is ,此時this指向Window function getName2(name:string){ this.name = name; setTimeout(() =>{ console.log('name is ' + this.name) },1000); } var getName2Temp = new getName2('z哥'); // name is z哥 let array1 = [1,2,3,4]; console.log(array1.filter(value => value%2 === 0)); // [2, 4]
5.2forEach for in for of 循環
let array = [1, 2, 3, 4]; array['desc'] = 'four numbers'; array.forEach(value => console.log(value)); // 1 2 3 4 for (let i in array) { console.log(i); // 0 1 2 3 desc } for (let i in array) { console.log(array[i]); // 1 2 3 4 four numbers } for (let j of array) { console.log(j); // 1 2 3 4 } for (let j of 'four') { console.log(j); // 'f' 'o' 'u' 'r' }
6.1 定義一個類,並實例化
class Person { name; eat() { console.log(this.name); } } let p1 = new Person(); p1.name = 'zhiyu'; p1.eat(); // zhiyu let p2 = new Person(); p2.name = 'z哥'; p2.eat(); // z哥
6.2 構造函數
class Person { // 在constructor聲明屬性的時候必須指定修飾符public private protected其中之一 constructor(public name: string) { } eat() { console.log(this.name); } } // 實例化必須指定name let p1 = new Person('zhiyu'); p1.eat(); // zhiyu let p2 = new Person('z哥'); p2.eat(); // z哥
6.3 extends關鍵字
class Person { // 在constructor聲明屬性的時候必須指定修飾符public private protected其中之一 constructor(public name: string) { } eat() { console.log(this.name); } } class Employee extends Person { code: string; work() { console.log(this.code + ' is working'); } } let e1 = new Employee('zzz'); e1.code = '123'; e1.work(); // 123 is working
6.4 super關鍵字
class Person { // 在constructor聲明屬性的時候必須指定修飾符public private protected其中之一 constructor(public name: string) { } eat() { console.log('eating'); } } class Employee extends Person { constructor(name: string, code: string) { super(name); this.code = code; } code: string; work() { super.eat(); this.doWork(); } private doWork() { console.log('working'); } } let e1 = new Employee('zzz', '111'); e1.work(); // eating working
class Person { // 在constructor聲明屬性的時候必須指定修飾符public private protected其中之一 constructor(public name: string) { } eat() { console.log('eating'); } } class Employee extends Person { constructor(name: string, code: string) { super(name); this.code = code; } code: string; work() { super.eat(); this.doWork(); } private doWork() { console.log('working'); } } // 指定數組元素爲Person類 let workers: Array<Person> = []; workers[0] = new Person('z'); // Employee繼承Person類,是Person類的子類 workers[1] = new Employee('zzz', '111'); workers[1] = 1; // 錯誤 Type '1' is not assignable to type 'Person'.
interface IPerson { name: string; age: number; } class Person { constructor(public config: IPerson) { } } let p1 = new Person({ name: 'zhiyu', age: 24 })
8.2 implements關鍵字實現interface
interface Animal { eat(); } // 必須實現eat(),不然報錯 class Sheep implements Animal { eat() { console.log('I eat grass'); } } class Tiger implements Animal { eat() { console.log('I eat meat'); } }
// a.ts export let prop1; let prop2; export class Clazz1 { } class Clazz2 { } export function func1() { } function func2() { }
// b.ts import { prop1, func1, Clazz1 } from './a' console.log(prop1); func1(); new Clazz1()