# 方式一 import nltk nltk.download() showing info https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nltk/nltk_data/gh-pages/index.xml
官方下載地址 http://www.nltk.org/nltk_data/¶html
githup下載地址 https://github.com/nltk/nltk_datapython
from nltk import data data.path.append('D:/python3.6/nltk_data')
# 請下載 nltk.download('brown') [nltk_data] Downloading package brown to [nltk_data] C:\Users\fei\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data... [nltk_data] Unzipping corpora\brown.zip.
# nltk自帶語料庫 from nltk.corpus import brown brown.categories() ['adventure', 'belles_lettres', 'editorial', 'fiction', 'government', 'hobbies', 'humor', 'learned', 'lore', 'mystery', 'news', 'religion', 'reviews', 'romance', 'science_fiction'] brown.readme() # 語料信息描述 print(brown.words()[:10]) # 單詞 print(len(brown.words())) ['The', 'Fulton', 'County', 'Grand', 'Jury', 'said', 'Friday', 'an', 'investigation', 'of'] 1161192 print(brown.sents()[:10]) # 句子 print(brown.sents().__len__()) [['The', 'Fulton', 'County', 'Grand', 'Jury', 'said', 'Friday', 'an', 'investigation', 'of', "Atlanta's", 'recent', 'primary', 'election', 'produced', '``', 'no', 'evidence', "''", 'that', 'any', 'irregularities', 'took', 'place', '.'], ['The', 'jury', 'further', 'said', 'in', 'term-end', 'presentments', 'that', 'the', 'City', 'Executive', 'Committee', ',', 'which', 'had', 'over-all', 'charge', 'of', 'the', 'election', ',', '``', 'deserves', 'the', 'praise', 'and', 'thanks', 'of', 'the', 'City', 'of', 'Atlanta', "''", 'for', 'the', 'manner', 'in', 'which', 'the', 'election', 'was', 'conducted', '.'], ['The', 'September-October', 'term', 'jury', 'had', 'been', 'charged', 'by', 'Fulton', 'Superior', 'Court', 'Judge', 'Durwood', 'Pye', 'to', 'investigate', 'reports', 'of', 'possible', '``', 'irregularities', "''", 'in', 'the', 'hard-fought', 'primary', 'which', 'was', 'won', 'by', 'Mayor-nominate', 'Ivan', 'Allen', 'Jr.', '.'], ['``', 'Only', 'a', 'relative', 'handful', 'of', 'such', 'reports', 'was', 'received', "''", ',', 'the', 'jury', 'said', ',', '``', 'considering', 'the', 'widespread', 'interest', 'in', 'the', 'election', ',', 'the', 'number', 'of', 'voters', 'and', 'the', 'size', 'of', 'this', 'city', "''", '.'], ['The', 'jury', 'said', 'it', 'did', 'find', 'that', 'many', 'of', "Georgia's", 'registration', 'and', 'election', 'laws', '``', 'are', 'outmoded', 'or', 'inadequate', 'and', 'often', 'ambiguous', "''", '.'], ['It', 'recommended', 'that', 'Fulton', 'legislators', 'act', '``', 'to', 'have', 'these', 'laws', 'studied', 'and', 'revised', 'to', 'the', 'end', 'of', 'modernizing', 'and', 'improving', 'them', "''", '.'], ['The', 'grand', 'jury', 'commented', 'on', 'a', 'number', 'of', 'other', 'topics', ',', 'among', 'them', 'the', 'Atlanta', 'and', 'Fulton', 'County', 'purchasing', 'departments', 'which', 'it', 'said', '``', 'are', 'well', 'operated', 'and', 'follow', 'generally', 'accepted', 'practices', 'which', 'inure', 'to', 'the', 'best', 'interest', 'of', 'both', 'governments', "''", '.'], ['Merger', 'proposed'], ['However', ',', 'the', 'jury', 'said', 'it', 'believes', '``', 'these', 'two', 'offices', 'should', 'be', 'combined', 'to', 'achieve', 'greater', 'efficiency', 'and', 'reduce', 'the', 'cost', 'of', 'administration', "''", '.'], ['The', 'City', 'Purchasing', 'Department', ',', 'the', 'jury', 'said', ',', '``', 'is', 'lacking', 'in', 'experienced', 'clerical', 'personnel', 'as', 'a', 'result', 'of', 'city', 'personnel', 'policies', "''", '.']] 57340 print(brown.tagged_words()[:10]) # 詞性標註 print(brown.tagged_words().__len__()) [('The', 'AT'), ('Fulton', 'NP-TL'), ('County', 'NN-TL'), ('Grand', 'JJ-TL'), ('Jury', 'NN-TL'), ('said', 'VBD'), ('Friday', 'NR'), ('an', 'AT'), ('investigation', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN')] 1161192
5.make featuresthis
6.machine learning搜索引擎
import nltk sentence = 'Never underestimate the heart of a champion ' tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence) tokens ['Never', 'underestimate', 'the', 'heart', 'of', 'a', 'champion']
import jieba seg_list = jieba.cut("我來到北京清華⼤學", cut_all=True) print("全模式:", "/ ".join(seg_list)) # 全模式 seg_list = jieba.cut("我來到北京清華⼤學", cut_all=False) print("精確模式:", "/ ".join(seg_list)) # 精確模式 seg_list = jieba.cut("他來到了⽹易杭研⼤廈") # 默認是精確模式 print('新詞識別:',", ".join(seg_list)) seg_list = jieba.cut_for_search("⼩明碩⼠畢業於中國科學院計算所,後在⽇本京都⼤學深造") print('搜索引擎模式:',','.join(seg_list)) 全模式: 我/ 來到/ 北京/ 清華/ / / 學 精確模式: 我/ 來到/ 北京/ 清華/ ⼤/ 學 新詞識別: 他, 來到, 了, ⽹, 易, 杭研, ⼤, 廈 搜索引擎模式: ⼩,明碩,⼠,畢業,於,中國,科學,學院,科學院,中國科學院,計算,計算所,,,後,在,⽇,本,京都,⼤,學,深造
# 社交網絡語言的tokenize from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize tweet = 'RT @angelababy: love you baby! :D http://ah.love #168cm' print(word_tokenize(tweet)) ['RT', '@', 'angelababy', ':', 'love', 'you', 'baby', '!', ':', 'D', 'http', ':', '//ah.love', '#', '168cm']
import re emoticons_str = r""" (?: [:=;] # 眼睛 [oO\-]? # ⿐⼦ [D\)\]\(\]/\\OpP] # 嘴 )""" regex_str = [ emoticons_str, r'<[^>]+>', # HTML tags r'(?:@[\w_]+)', # @某⼈ r"(?:\#+[\w_]+[\w\'_\-]*[\w_]+)", # 話題標籤 r'http[s]?://(?:[a-z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]))+', # URLs r'(?:(?:\d+,?)+(?:\.?\d+)?)', # 數字 r"(?:[a-z][a-z'\-_]+[a-z])", # 含有 - 和 ‘ 的單詞 r'(?:[\w_]+)', # 其餘 r'(?:\S)' # 其餘 ]
tokens_re = re.compile(r'('+'|'.join(regex_str)+')', re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) emoticon_re = re.compile(r'^'+emoticons_str+'$', re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) def tokenize(s): return tokens_re.findall(s) def preprocess(s, lowercase=False): tokens = tokenize(s) if lowercase: tokens = [token if emoticon_re.search(token) else token.lower() for token in tokens] return tokens tweet = 'RT @angelababy: love you baby! :D http://ah.love #168cm' print(preprocess(tweet)) ['RT', '@angelababy', ':', 'love', 'you', 'baby', '!', ':D', 'http://ah.love', '#168cm']
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer porter_stemmer = PorterStemmer() print(porter_stemmer.stem('maximum')) print(porter_stemmer.stem('presumably')) print(porter_stemmer.stem('multiply')) print(porter_stemmer.stem('provision')) maximum presum multipli provis
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer wordnet_lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() print(wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize('dogs')) print(wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize('churches')) print(wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize('aardwolves')) print(wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize('abaci')) print(wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize('hardrock')) dog church aardwolf abacus hardrock
沒有pos tag,,默認是nn
# ⽊有POS Tag,默認是NN 名詞 wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize('are') 'are' wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize('is') 'is'
# 加上POS Tag print(wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize('is', pos='v')) print(wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize('are', pos='v')) 'be' 'be'
import nltk text = nltk.word_tokenize('what does the fox say') print(text) print(nltk.pos_tag(text)) ['what', 'does', 'the', 'fox', 'say'] [('what', 'WDT'), ('does', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('fox', 'NNS'), ('say', 'VBP')]
全體stopwords列表 http://www.ranks.nl/stopwords
from nltk.corpusimportstopwords #先token⼀把,獲得⼀個word_list # ... #而後filter⼀把 filtered_words = [wordforwordinword_listifwordnot instopwords.words('english')]
import nltk from nltk import FreqDist # 作個詞庫先 corpus = 'this is my sentence ' \ 'this is my life ' \ 'this is the day' # 隨便tokenize⼀下 # 顯然, 正如上⽂提到, # 這⾥能夠根據須要作任何的preprocessing: # stopwords, lemma, stemming, etc. tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(corpus) print(tokens) ['this', 'is', 'my', 'sentence', 'this', 'is', 'my', 'life', 'this', 'is', 'the', 'day']
# 借⽤NLTK的FreqDist統計⼀下⽂字出現的頻率 fdist = FreqDist(tokens) # 它就相似於⼀個Dict # 帶上某個單詞, 能夠看到它在整個⽂章中出現的次數 print(fdist.most_common(50)) for k,v in fdist.items(): print(k,v) [('this', 3), ('is', 3), ('my', 2), ('sentence', 1), ('life', 1), ('the', 1), ('day', 1)] this 3 is 3 my 2 sentence 1 life 1 the 1 day 1 # 好, 此刻, 咱們能夠把最常⽤的50個單詞拿出來 standard_freq_vector = fdist.most_common(50) size = len(standard_freq_vector) print(standard_freq_vector) [('this', 3), ('is', 3), ('my', 2), ('sentence', 1), ('life', 1), ('the', 1), ('day', 1)]
Func: 按照出現頻率⼤⼩, 記錄下每⼀個單詞的位置
def position_lookup(v): res = {} counter = 0 for word in v: res[word[0]] = counter counter += 1 return res # 把標準的單詞位置記錄下來 standard_position_dict = position_lookup(standard_freq_vector) print(standard_position_dict) # 獲得⼀個位置對照表 {'this': 0, 'is': 1, 'my': 2, 'sentence': 3, 'life': 4, 'the': 5, 'day': 6}
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]sentence = 'this is cool' # 先新建⼀個跟咱們的標準vector一樣⼤⼩的向量 freq_vector = [0] * size # 簡單的Preprocessing tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence) # 對於這個新句⼦⾥的每⼀個單詞 for word in tokens: try: # 若是在咱們的詞庫⾥出現過 # 那麼就在"標準位置"上+1 freq_vector[standard_position_dict[word]] += 1 except KeyError: # 若是是個新詞 # 就pass掉 continue print(freq_vector) # 第⼀個位置表明 is, 出現了⼀次 # 第⼆個位置表明 this, 出現了⼀次 # 後⾯都⽊有 [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
import nltk from nltk.text import TextCollection sents = ['this is sentence one', 'this is sentence two', 'this is sentence three'] sents = [nltk.word_tokenize(sent) for sent in sents] corpus = TextCollection(sents) # 直接就能算出tfidf # (term: ⼀句話中的某個term, text: 這句話) print(corpus.idf('three')) print(corpus.tf('four',nltk.word_tokenize('this is a sentence four'))) print(corpus.tf_idf('four',nltk.word_tokenize('this is a sentence four'))) 1.0986122886681098 0.2 0.0
%matplotlib inline import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt la = np.linalg words = ['I','like','enjoy','deep','learning','NLP','flying'] X = np.array([[0,2,1,0,0,0,0,0], [2,0,0,1,0,1,0,0], [1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0], [0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0], [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1], [0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1], [0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1], [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0], ]) U,s,Vh = la.svd(X,full_matrices=False) # print(U,s,Vh) for i in range(len(words)): plt.text(U[i,0],U[i,1],words[i]) plt.xlim(-1,1) plt.ylim(-1,1) plt.show()
import nltk words = nltk.word_tokenize('I am very happy,i love you') sentiment_dictionary = {} for line in open('data/AFINN/AFINN-111.txt'): word, score = line.split('\t') sentiment_dictionary[word] = int(score) # 把這個打分表記錄在⼀個Dict上之後 # 跑⼀遍整個句⼦,把對應的值相加 total_score = sum(sentiment_dictionary.get(word, 0) for word in words) # 有值就是Dict中的值,沒有就是0 # 因而你就獲得了⼀個 sentiment score print(total_score) 6
from nltk.classify import NaiveBayesClassifier # 隨⼿造點訓練集 s1 = 'this is a good book' s2 = 'this is a awesome book' s3 = 'this is a bad book' s4 = 'this is a terrible book' def preprocess(s): # Func: 句⼦處理 # 這⾥簡單的⽤了split(), 把句⼦中每一個單詞分開 # 顯然 還有更多的processing method能夠⽤ return {word: True for word in s.lower().split()} # return⻓這樣: # {'this': True, 'is':True, 'a':True, 'good':True, 'book':True} # 其中, 前⼀個叫fname, 對應每一個出現的⽂本單詞; # 後⼀個叫fval, 指的是每一個⽂本單詞對應的值。 # 這⾥咱們⽤最簡單的True,來表示,這個詞『出如今當前的句⼦中』的意義。 # 固然啦, 咱們之後能夠升級這個⽅程, 讓它帶有更加⽜逼的fval, ⽐如 word2vec # 把訓練集給作成標準形式 training_data = [[preprocess(s1), 'pos'], [preprocess(s2), 'pos'], [preprocess(s3), 'neg'], [preprocess(s4), 'neg']] # 餵給model吃 model = NaiveBayesClassifier.train(training_data) # 打出結果 print(model.classify(preprocess('this is a good book'))) pos