Unable to load DLL "libzmq";不可以加載「libzmq」

Unable to load DLL "libzmq"ide

  1. Local,you can read the follow wordthis

    PS, I found the solution to solve my error. When downloading ZeroMQ from NuGet in VS, there is actually a warning that I ignored at first. It says to manually copy libzmq.dll to output directory of the project besides reference of clrzmq2. After manually copy libzmq.dll to output directory, it is working now. 

  2. Server(Windows server 2008 r2)server

    This one,please make sure you already install the installer which name is "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package x86"it

    Of cause,you can direct download from this link io


    when you already install,please restart server.error

    hope this can help you.word
