sudo ufw enable sudo ufw default deny
sudo ufw allow|deny [service]
sudo ufw allow smtp 容許全部的外部IP訪問本機的25/tcp (smtp)端口 sudo ufw allow 22/tcp 容許全部的外部IP訪問本機的22/tcp (ssh)端口 sudo ufw allow 53 容許外部訪問53端口(tcp/udp) sudo ufw allow from 容許此IP訪問全部的本機端口 sudo ufw allow proto udp port 53 to port 53 sudo ufw deny smtp 禁止外部訪問smtp服務 sudo ufw delete allow smtp 刪除上面創建的某條規則
sudo ufw status
sudo ufw allow from
sudo ufw delete allow smtp
ufw [--dry-run] enable|disable|reload
ufw [--dry-run] default allow|deny|reject [incoming|outgoing|routed]
ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL
ufw [--dry-run] reset
ufw [--dry-run] status [verbose|numbered]
ufw [--dry-run] show REPORT
ufw [--dry-run] [delete] [insert NUM] allow|deny|reject|limit [in|out] [log|log-all] PORT[/PROTOCOL]
ufw [--dry-run] [rule] [delete] [insert NUM] allow|deny|reject|limit [in|out [on INTERFACE]] [log|log-all] [proto PROTOCOL] [from ADDRESS [port PORT]] [to ADDRESS [port PORT]]
ufw [--dry-run] route [delete] [insert NUM] allow|deny|reject|limit [in|out on INTERFACE] [log|log-all] [proto PROTOCOL] [from ADDRESS [port PORT]] [to ADDRESS [port PORT]]
ufw [--dry-run] delete NUM
ufw [--dry-run] app list|info|default|update
show program's version number and exit 顯示程序版本並退出 -h, --help show help message and exit 顯示幫助並退出 --dry-run don't modify anything, just show the changes 不進行更改,僅顯示更改內容 enable reloads firewall and enables firewall on boot. 重啓防火牆,設置爲開機啓動 disable unloads firewall and disables firewall on boot 中止防火牆,禁止開機啓動 reload reloads firewall 重啓防火牆 default allow|deny|reject DIRECTION change the default policy for traffic going DIRECTION, where DIRECTION is one of incoming, outgoing or routed. Note that existing rules will have to be migrated manually when changing the default policy. See RULE SYNTAX for more on deny and reject. 改變傳入\傳出\路由的默認策略。已存在的規則可能須要進行手動修改。關於deny|reject的區別參見 SYNTAX logging on|off|LEVEL toggle logging. Logged packets use the LOG_KERN syslog facility. Systems configured for rsyslog support may also log to /var/log/ufw.log. Specify‐ ing a LEVEL turns logging on for the specified LEVEL. The default log level is 'low'. See LOGGING for details. 切換記錄。日誌記錄使用的是LOG_KERN系統設備。系統日誌保存於/var/log/ufw.log。LEVEL指定不一樣的級別 ,默認級別是‘低’。參見LOGGING reset Disables and resets firewall to installation defaults. Can also give the --force option to perform the reset without confirmation. 關閉並重置防火牆至默認安裝狀態。使用--force選項,無需等待確認。 status show status of firewall and ufw managed rules. Use status verbose for extra information. In the status output, 'Anywhere' is synonymous with 'any' and ''. Note that when using status, there is a subtle difference when reporting interfaces. For example, if the following rules are added: 顯示防火牆狀態及規則。使用status verbose顯示額外信息。顯示信息中'Anywhere'等同於 'any'和''。
ufw allow in on eth0 from
ufw allow out on eth1 to
ufw route allow in on eth0 out on eth1 to from ufw status will output: 顯示信息爲: To Action From -- ------ ---- Anywhere on eth0 ALLOW ALLOW OUT Anywhere on eth1 on eth1 ALLOW FWD on eth0 指向 行爲 來自 ----- ------ ---- 任意地址,網絡接口eth0 容許 容許發出 任意地址,網絡接口eth1域,網絡接口eth1 容許路由域,網絡接口eth0 For the input and output rules, the interface is reported relative to the firewall system as an endpoint, whereas with route rules, the interface is reported relative to the direction packets flow through the firewall. 進入\發出 規則,(來自\指向)是以防火牆系統爲終點的;路由規則,(來自\指向)是相對於經過防火牆的流向。 show REPORT display information about the running firewall. See REPORTS 顯示運行中的防火牆信息。參見REPORTS allow ARGS add allow rule. See RULE SYNTAX 增長容許規則。參見 RULE SYNTAX deny ARGS add deny rule. See RULE SYNTAX 增長拒絕規則。參見 RULE SYNTAX reject ARGS add reject rule. See RULE SYNTAX 增長抵制規則。參見 RULE SYNTAX limit ARGS add limit rule. Currently only IPv4 is supported. See RULE SYNTAX 增長限制規則。目前僅適用於IPv4。參見 RULE SYNTAX delete RULE|NUM deletes the corresponding RULE 刪除對應RULE insert NUM RULE insert the corresponding RULE as rule number NUM 以規則號NUM插入對應RULE
Users can specify rules using either a simple syntax or a full syntax. The sim‐ ple syntax only specifies the port and optionally the protocol to be allowed or denied on the host. For example: 用戶可使用簡略或徹底語法指定規則。簡略語法僅指定端口、可選協議被主機容許\拒絕。例如:
ufw allow 53 This rule will allow tcp and udp port 53 to any address on this host. To specify a protocol, append '/protocol' to the port. For example: 規則意爲,容許本機經過53端口使用tcp udp協議指向任意地址的信息(一個物理網卡能夠包含1或多個IP地址)。指定協議,在端口後加 / 便可。例如:
ufw allow 25/tcp This will allow tcp port 25 to any address on this host. ufw will also check /etc/services for the port and protocol if specifying a service by name. Eg: 規則意爲,容許本機經過25端口使用tcp協議指向任意地址(進入)的信息。若是指定服務名稱,ufw會經過檢查/etc/services文件得到端口、協議信息。例如:
ufw allow smtp
ufw supports both ingress and egress filtering and users may optionally specify a direction of either in or out for either incoming or outgoing traffic. If no direction is supplied, the rule applies to incoming traffic. Eg: ufw同時支持出、入過濾。用戶可使用in\out規定任意方向進出的數據。若是未指定方向,規則將應用於進入的數據。如:
ufw allow in http
ufw reject out smtp
Users can also use a fuller syntax, specifying the source and destination addresses and ports. This syntax is loosely based on OpenBSD's PF syntax. For example: 用戶也可使用完整語法,指明來源\目標,地址,端口。該語法是OpenBSD PF語法的簡約版。例如:
ufw deny proto tcp to any port 80 This will deny all traffic to tcp port 80 on this host. Another example: 該規則:本機拒絕80端口使用tcp協議指向任意地址(進入)的信息。再如:
ufw deny proto tcp from to port 25 This will deny all traffic from the RFC1918 Class A network to tcp port 25 with the address 該規則將阻斷(拒絕)全部來自RFC1918 A級網絡(經過25端口使用tcp協議發送到192.168.0.1的信息。
ufw deny proto tcp from 2001:db8::/32 to any port 25 This will deny all traffic from the IPv6 2001:db8::/32 to tcp port 25 on this host. IPv6 must be enabled in /etc/default/ufw for IPv6 firewalling to work. 該規則將拒絕本機接收全部來自IPv6 2001:db8::/32 經過25端口使用tcp(進入)的信息。/etc/default/ufw配置文件需開通IPv6功能。
ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 80,443,8080:8090 The above will allow all traffic to tcp ports 80, 443 and 8080-8090 inclusive. When specifying multiple ports, the ports list must be numeric, cannot contain spaces and must be modified as a whole. Eg, in the above example you cannot later try to delete just the '443' port. You cannot specify more than 15 ports (ranges count as 2 ports, so the port count in the above example is 4). 該規則容許本機經過80、443,8080至8090端口使用tcp協議(進入)的信息。指定多個端口時,只能使用數字,且不能含空格。修改規則時需整條規則修改。在上面的例子中,你不能僅僅刪除443端口。每次指定不能超過15個端口(端口區間視爲2個端口,上面例子視爲4個端口) Rules for traffic not destined for the host itself but instead for traffic that should be routed/forwarded through the firewall should specify the route keyword before the rule (routing rules differ significantly from PF syntax and instead take into account netfilter FORWARD chain conventions). For example: 規則中數據目標不是本機,是經本機防火牆路由\轉發,規則前需加關鍵字route(路由規則與PF語法有明顯的不一樣,替之以FORWARD鏈轉換)。
ufw route allow in on eth1 out on eth2 This will allow all traffic routed to eth2 and coming in on eth1 to traverse the firewall. 該規則容許數據由eth1網卡進入路由至eth2網卡發出。
ufw route allow in on eth0 out on eth1 to port 80 proto tcp This rule allows any packets coming in on eth0 to traverse the firewall out on eth1 to tcp port 80 on 該規則容許數據經eth0網卡進入路由至eth1網卡經過80端口使用tcp協議發送至IP12.34.45.56? In addition to routing rules and policy, you must also setup IP forwarding. This may be done by setting the following in /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf: 增長路由規則前必需設置IP轉發。該配置文件/etc/ufw/sysctl.conf,配置內容應以下: net/ipv4/ip_forward=1 net/ipv6/conf/default/forwarding=1 net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding=1 then restarting the firewall: 再使用如下命令重啓防火牆: ufw disable ufw enable Be aware that setting kernel tunables is operating system specific and ufw sysctl settings may be overridden. See the sysctl manual page for details. 請當心,該操做系統內核可調參數設置會覆蓋ufw內核(sysctl)設置。參見sysctl手冊。 ufw supports connection rate limiting, which is useful for protecting against brute-force login attacks. When a limit rule is used, ufw will normally allow the connection but will deny connections if an IP address attempts to initiate 6 or more connections within 30 seconds. See http://www.debian-administra‐ for details. Typical usage is: ufw支持鏈接次數限制。可用於對抗暴力登陸攻擊。啓用限制規則後,ufw容許鏈接,但30秒內鏈接次數高於6次時拒絕該IP訪問。參見。典型用法以下:
ufw limit ssh/tcp
Sometimes it is desirable to let the sender know when traffic is being denied, rather than simply ignoring it. In these cases, use reject instead of deny. For example: 有時須要讓發送數據者知道數據被拒絕而不是失蹤。在下面例子中,用戶使用reject替換deny。例如: ufw reject auth By default, ufw will apply rules to all available interfaces. To limit this, specify DIRECTION on INTERFACE, where DIRECTION is one of in or out (interface aliases are not supported). For example, to allow all new incoming http connec‐ tions on eth0, use: 默認狀況下,ufw將規則應用於全部可用網絡接口。也可把規則指定到特定的網絡接口,包括網絡接口數據進出方向(不支持網絡接口別名)。例如容許數據經過eth0網卡使用http協議進入主機,寫法以下:
ufw allow in on eth0 to any port 80 proto tcp To delete a rule, simply prefix the original rule with delete. For example, if the original rule was: 要刪除一條規則,在原規則前加delete就能夠了。例如:原規則是這樣的 ufw deny 80/tcp Use this to delete it: 刪除時就這樣寫: ufw delete deny 80/tcp You may also specify the rule by NUM, as seen in the status numbered output. For example, if you want to delete rule number '3', use: 你也可使用status numbered參數查看規則序號。好比你想刪除第3條規則,這樣寫就好了: ufw delete 3 If you have IPv6 enabled and are deleting a generic rule that applies to both IPv4 and IPv6 (eg 'ufw allow 22/tcp'), deleting by rule number will delete only the specified rule. To delete both with one command, prefix the original rule with delete. 若是IPv6啓用,你想刪除一條同時適用於IPv四、IPv6的規則(如ufw allow 22/tcp),使用序號刪除規則只會刪除其中一條。一次性刪
To insert a rule, specify the new rule as normal, but prefix the rule with the rule number to insert. For example, if you have four rules, and you want to insert a new rule as rule number three, use: 爲使用規則正常,你可使用序號的方式插入新規則。例如,你有4條規則了,但你想把新規則放到第3的位置,能夠這樣寫:把 拒絕來自協議tcp指向任意地址端口22的數據進入本機 指條命令插入到第3的位置 ufw insert 3 deny to any port 22 from proto tcp To see a list of numbered rules, use: 查詢規則序號,使用命令: ufw status numbered ufw supports per rule logging. By default, no logging is performed when a packet matches a rule. Specifying log will log all new connections matching the rule, and log-all will log all packets matching the rule. For example, to allow and log all new ssh connections, use: ufw支持規則運行狀態日誌。默認狀況下符合規則的數據日誌不顯示。指定日誌會記錄下全部符合規則的數據、新鏈接。例如:容許並
ufw allow log 22/tcp See LOGGING for more information on logging. 參見LOGGING
Deny all access to port 53:
ufw deny 53 Allow all access to tcp port 80:
ufw allow 80/tcp Allow all access from RFC1918 networks to this host:
ufw allow from ufw allow from ufw allow from Deny access to udp port 514 from host
ufw deny proto udp from to any port 514 Allow access to udp port 5469 from port 5469:
ufw allow proto udp from port 5469 to port 5469
When running ufw enable or starting ufw via its initscript, ufw will flush its chains. This is required so ufw can maintain a consistent state, but it may drop existing connections (eg ssh). ufw does support adding rules before enabling the firewall, so administrators can do: 經過初始化腳本或命令啓動ufw後,ufw將刷新鏈接。這是爲了讓ufw運行正常。但可能致使現有鏈接中斷(如ssh)。ufw支持在啓動前增長規則,在運行「ufw enable」命令前,管理者能夠增長這個規則來進行遠程管理: ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 22 before running 'ufw enable'. The rules will still be flushed, but the ssh port will be open after enabling the firewall. Please note that once ufw is 'enabled', ufw will not flush the chains when adding or removing rules (but will when modifying a rule or changing the default policy). By default, ufw will prompt when enabling the firewall while running under ssh. This can be disabled by using 'ufw --force enable'.
全部規則將被激活,ssh鏈接在啓用防火牆時依然開通。請注意只要ufw處於'enabled'狀態,增長或刪除規則,都不進行鏈接刷新(改變默認策略或修改規則時除外)。默認狀況,ufw若是處於ssh遠程鏈接下,規則影響到ssh鏈接時都須要確認。使用ufw --force enable命令時,就不須要確認了。css
ufw supports application integration by reading profiles located in /etc/ufw/applications.d. To list the names of application profiles known to ufw, use:
ufw app listjava
Users can specify an application name when adding a rule (quoting any profile
names with spaces). For example, when using the simple syntax, users can use:
ufw allow <name>
Or for the extended syntax:
ufw allow from to any app <name> You should not specify the protocol with either syntax, and with the extended syntax, use app in place of the port clause.
Details on the firewall profile for a given application can be seen with:
ufw app info <name>
where '<name>' is one of the applications seen with the app list command. User's may also specify all to see the profiles for all known applications. app list命令能夠顯示有哪些應用名。使用all代替應用名時,上面的命令會例出全部已知程序詳細狀況。 After creating or editing an application profile, user's can run:
ufw app update <name>
This command will automatically update the firewall with updated profile infor‐
mation. If specify 'all' for name, then all the profiles will be updated. To update a profile and add a new rule to the firewall automatically, user's can run:
ufw app update --add-new <name> The behavior of the update --add-new command can be configured using: --add-new 命令參數進行更新時,其行爲方式可由下面的命令指定 ufw app default <policy> The default application policy is skip, which means that the update --add-new command will do nothing. Users may also specify a policy of allow or deny so the update --add-new command may automatically update the firewall. WARNING: it may be a security to risk to use a default allow policy for application profiles. Carefully consider the security ramifications before using a default allow pol‐ icy. 默認應用策略是跳過,也就意味着 --add-new 命令參數實際上沒設定策略。用戶能指定策略爲allow或deny, 那以後--add-new 參數將自動更新防火牆。警告:使用allow策略做爲應用策略將有安全風險。使用默認容許的政策以前,要仔細考慮的安全後果。
ufw supports multiple logging levels. ufw defaults to a loglevel of 'low' when a loglevel is not specified. Users may specify a loglevel with:
ufw logging LEVEL
LEVEL may be 'off', 'low', 'medium', 'high' and 'full'. Log levels are defined as: 級別分爲 關閉\低\中\高\徹底。區別以下: off disables ufw managed logging
low logs all blocked packets not matching the default policy (with rate lim‐ iting), as well as packets matching logged rules 低 記錄全部被默認策略阻止的數據(速率限制),以及符合規則的數據。 medium log level low, plus all allowed packets not matching the default policy, all INVALID packets, and all new connections. All logging is done with rate limiting. 中 低級別+不符合默認策略是數據+無效數據+全部新鏈接。全部記錄在速率限制下進行。 high log level medium (without rate limiting), plus all packets with rate lim‐ iting 高 中級(取消速率限制)+速率限制下的全部數據包 full log level high without rate limiting 徹底 高級無速率限制。 Loglevels above medium generate a lot of logging output, and may quickly fill up your disk. Loglevel medium may generate a lot of logging output on a busy sys‐ tem. 中級別以可能產生大量日誌,有可能快速填滿硬盤。對繁忙的系統而言,中級別就會有大量日誌產生。 Specifying 'on' simply enables logging at log level 'low' if logging is cur‐ rently not enabled. on參數在沒啓用日誌時,默認指定爲低級別。
The following reports are supported. Each is based on the live system and with the exception of the listening report, is in raw iptables format:
The raw report shows the complete firewall, while the others show a subset of what is in the raw report. raw顯示完整報告。其它級別在此基礎上精簡。 The listening report will display the ports on the live system in the listening state for tcp and the open state for udp, along with the address of the inter‐ face and the executable listening on the port. An '*' is used in place of the address of the interface when the executable is bound to all interfaces on that port. Following this information is a list of rules which may affect connections on this port. The rules are listed in the order they are evaluated by the ker‐ nel, and the first match wins. Please note that the default policy is not listed and tcp6 and udp6 are shown only if IPV6 is enabled. 報告顯示活動系統監聽下的tcp upd狀態及地址 網絡接口,以及可監聽的端口。*號表明該端口綁定到網絡接口。該信息之下是全部能影響到該端口鏈接的規則。規則的監聽由內核、第1匹配wins排序。注意默認策略未被監聽,tcp6 udp6只有在IPv6啓用的狀況下有效。 The added report displays the list of rules as they were added on the com‐ mand-line. This report does not show the status of the running firewall (use 'ufw status' instead). Because rules are normalized by ufw, rules may look dif‐ ferent than the originally added rule. Also, ufw does not record command order‐ ing, so an equivalent ordering is used which lists IPv6-only rules after other rules. 新增報告將顯示規則加入時的命令列表。報告不顯示防火牆此時的運行狀態(請使用ufw status命查詢)。由於規則已被ufw標準化,看起來與加入時原規則不一樣了。此外,UFW不記錄命令排序,因此等效排序,僅IPv6的規則位於其餘規則後。
On installation, ufw is disabled with a default incoming policy of deny, a default forward policy of deny, and a default outgoing policy of allow, with stateful tracking for NEW connections for incoming and forwarded connections. In addition to the above, a default ruleset is put in place that does the fol‐ lowing:
- DROP packets with RH0 headers
- DROP INVALID packets
- ACCEPT certain icmp packets (INPUT and FORWARD): destination-unreachable, source-quench, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, and echo-request for IPv4. des‐ tination-unreachable, packet-too-big, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, and echo-request for IPv6.
- ACCEPT icmpv6 packets for stateless autoconfiguration (INPUT)
- ACCEPT ping replies from IPv6 link-local (ffe8::/10) addresses (INPUT)
- ACCEPT DHCP client traffic (INPUT)
- DROP non-local traffic (INPUT)
- ACCEPT mDNS (zeroconf/bonjour/avahi for IPv4 and ff02::fb for IPv6) for service discovery (INPUT)
- ACCEPT UPnP ( for IPv4 and ff02::f for IPv6) for service dis‐ covery (INPUT)
Rule ordering is important and the first match wins. Therefore when adding rules, add the more specific rules first with more general rules later.
ufw is not intended to provide complete firewall functionality via its command interface, but instead provides an easy way to add or remove simple rules.
The status command shows basic information about the state of the firewall, as well as rules managed via the ufw command. It does not show rules from the rules files in /etc/ufw. To see the complete state of the firewall, users can ufw show raw. This displays the filter, nat, mangle and raw tables using:
iptables -n -L -v -x -t <table>
ip6tables -n -L -v -x -t <table>
See the iptables and ip6tables documentation for more details.
If the default policy is set to REJECT, ufw may interfere with rules added out‐ side of the ufw framework. See README for details.
IPV6 is allowed by default. To change this behavior to only accept IPv6 traffic on the loopback interface, set IPV6 to 'no' in /etc/default/ufw and reload ufw. When IPv6 is enabled, you may specify rules in the same way as for IPv4 rules, and they will be displayed with ufw status. Rules that match both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses apply to both IP versions. For example, when IPv6 is enabled, the fol‐ lowing rule will allow access to port 22 for both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic:
ufw allow 22 IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels and 6to4 are supported by using the 'ipv6' protocol ('41'). This protocol can only be used with the full syntax. For example:
ufw allow to proto ipv6 ufw allow to from proto ipv6 IPSec is supported by using the 'esp' ('50') and 'ah' ('51') protocols. These protocols can only be used with the full syntax. For example:
ufw allow to proto esp ufw allow to from proto esp ufw allow to proto ah ufw allow to from proto ah In addition to the command-line interface, ufw also provides a framework which allows administrators to modify default behavior as well as take full advantage of netfilter. See the ufw-framework manual page for more information.