Apple的App Analytics統計平臺你必須知道的Q&A整理與翻譯
Apple最近在iTunesConnect裏最新發布了App Analytics統計平臺,提供了現有友盟統計平臺和自有統計平臺沒法統計的數據,具備本身的獨有特色,尤爲是下面幾個最讓人頭疼的流量分析轉化,能夠在App Analytics裏得以解決,例如:web
- 推廣連接轉化
- 網站流量來源
- Q:Can my customers opt out of App Analytics?
- Q:用戶能夠選擇不被App Analytics統計嗎?
- A:Yes, customers can choose in iOS 8 whether or not to send their app usage data to Apple.
- A:是的,在iOS8及以上版本的用戶能夠選擇是否將本身的應用使用狀況的數據發送給Apple
- Q:How is it possible for App Store Views to be lower than App Units for a particular campaign or referring website?
A:This can happen if the customer downloads your app without visiting your app's page in the App Store. For example, if a customer searches for your app in the App Store and downloads it directly from the search results, this will generate an App Unit but not an App Store View.less
- A:若是用戶沒有訪問到App的詳情頁,直接下載會出現這種狀況。例如:用戶在AppStore搜索你的App後直接在搜索結果頁面下載,不計入AppStore查看次數,但App購買量會加1
- Q:How does attribution work with campaigns?
A:The attribution window for campaigns is 24 hours. This means you'll get credit for sales that occur up to 24 hours after that customer uses your link. If a customer uses more than one campaign link during a certain period, only the most recent campaign link is credited for sales that happen after it's used.工具
- A:有一個24小時的時間窗,意味着若是購買App的行爲發生在用戶點擊營銷活動連接的24小時內,這個用戶的購買行爲會歸功於這個營銷活動,若是24小時內有多個營銷活動,會以最接近的一次營銷活動爲準
- Q:How does attribution work with referring websites?
- Q:如何界定一個網站來源?
- A:When a customer comes to the App Store through a website referral, the attribution window lasts until the customer’s App Store session is over. If a chain of redirects in Safari leads to an App Store session, the first URL in the chain will be reported as the referring website.
- A:當一個用戶經過某個網頁的連接來到AppStore應用內,則這一次AppStore啓動內的全部行爲會歸功於這個網頁來源。若是這個連接有一系列重定向,則最初的URL連接頁面會被記爲來源。
- Q:Why isn’t my campaign showing up in App Analytics?
- Q:爲何個人營銷活動沒有出如今App Analytics中?
- A:There are a few reasons a campaign might not show up in App Analytics. You won’t see results unless:
- More than a day has passed since campaign launch.
- At least five app units are reported for your campaign. Note that each Apple ID can only generate one app unit, even if your app is installed on more than one device signed into the same Apple ID.
- Your campaign link includes both the provider token and a campaign ID. Remember that your campaign ID can’t be more than 40 characters.
- A:必需要知足下面有幾個條件你才能看到你的營銷活動:
- . 營銷活動啓動超過一天
- . 至少有5個Apple ID購買了你的App,同Apple ID安裝到多個不一樣設備也只算一個
- . 你的營銷活動連接包含ProviderToken和CampaignID,其中CampaignID不要超過40個字符(譯者注:經過App Analytics生成的營銷活動連接都會有ProviderToken,你們只留意下CampaignID的長度限制就好)
- Q:What are App Store views?
- Q:什麼是AppStore查看次數
- A:App Store views are the number of times your app’s App Store page has been viewed on a device using iOS 8 or later. Although apps can be purchased or downloaded without visiting the App Store product page, such as directly from search results, only App Store product page views are counted.
- A:App Store查看次數是你的App詳情頁被一個設備(iOS8或更高)訪問的次數。儘管能夠不訪問App的詳情頁,就直接購買和下載App,例如直接來自搜索。即只有訪問到App的詳情頁纔會記錄一次AppStore查看次數。
- Q:What are App Units?
- Q:什麼是App購買量?
- A:App units counts how many times your app was downloaded for the first time from the App Store on iOS 8 or later. App updates, downloads from the same Apple ID onto other devices, and re-downloads to the same iOS device are not counted. Family Sharing downloads of free apps are included, but Family Sharing downloads of paid apps are not counted.
- A:App購買量表示你的App被首次下載的次數(iOS8或更高)。App的更新、同一個AppleID下載到不一樣的設備上、重複下載到一個設備上,都不會額外記錄購買量。家庭共享致使的免費應用下載會增長購買量,但收費應用不算。
- Q:Are events from Apple Watch reported in App Analytics?
- Q:Apple Watch相關事件是否會算到App Analytics的統計裏?
- A:Only events from the iOS app are reported. Apple Watch events aren’t included.
- A:只有iOS的App纔算,Apple Watch不算。
- Q:What are sessions?
- Q:什麼是使用次數?
A:Sessions counts the number of times the app has been in the foreground for at least two seconds. If the app is in the background and is later used again, that counts as another session.網站
Sessions totals are based on app users who agree to share their data with you. This data is anonymized and aggregated.
A:使用次數是應用啓動到前臺並至少保持2秒以上的啓動次數。若是一個應用在後臺被切換到前臺,會算做另外一次使用次數。(譯者注:即啓動時長超過2秒的啓動次數 = App Analytics的使用次數)this
- Q:What are active devices?
- Q:什麼是使用中的設備?(即活躍設備)
A:Active devices counts the number of devices with at least one session during the selected period. Only devices with iOS 8 or later are included.操作系統
Active devices totals are based on app users who agree to share their data with you. This data is anonymized and aggregated.
- Q:What are installations?
- Q:什麼是安裝?
A:Installations count the total number of times your app has been installed on an iOS device with iOS 8 or later, including re-downloads on the same device, downloads to multiple devices sharing the same Apple ID, and Family Sharing installations. App updates are not counted.
Installations totals are based on app users who agree to share their data with you. This data is anonymized and aggregated.
A:安裝總數是你的App安裝在iOS8或以上設備,包括從新下載到同一個設備,同一個Apple ID下的多個設備,或家庭共享致使的安裝。App的更新不算。
- Q:Why aren’t active devices, sessions, and installations showing recent events?
- A:Usage data is only reported from users’ devices when we can transfer that data without affecting the user experience, so reporting may be delayed for up to 72 hours.
- Q:爲何使用中的設備、使用次數、安裝沒法查看最近的數據?
- A:用戶設備使用App的數據上報,爲了避免影響用戶體驗,可能會延遲72小時傳送。
- Q:Why are active devices, sessions, and installations lower in App Analytics than another analytics tool I use, even after 72 hours have passed?
A:To protect customer privacy, usage data is only reported from customers who agree to share their data. To estimate your total usage in App Analytics, simply divide the values reported in App Analytics by the opt-in rate for your app reported in the About Analytics Data help.
- A:爲了保護用戶隱私,App的使用數據,只由贊成與App開發人員共享診斷和使用狀況的用戶設備上報。估算總數,能夠簡單的除以參與上報的設備比例,這個比例能夠在【關於「App 分析」數據】旁邊的問號裏看到。(譯者注:其實還要多除一個數:所查看區間內iOS8及以上設備所佔的比例)
- Q:What is retention?
A:Retention measures the usage of your app over time. Retention consists of four components: the purchase date, devices, the retention period, and the retained devices.
- The purchase date is the date an app was downloaded for the first time. This may not be the same as the installation date if devices share the same Apple ID or the app has been re-downloaded to the same device.
- Devices is the number of installations with the same purchase date.
- The retention period is a specific number of days after the purchase date.
Retained devices is how many devices that were active in a given retention period.
For example, your app was purchased 100 times on May 1, and 20 of those devices used your app on May 8. The purchase date is May 1, by 100 devices, the retention period is May 8, and there are 20 retained devices.
In this example, day 7 retention for apps purchased on May 1 is 20%, or 20 devices out of 100.
Note that whether these devices used the app on any day other than May 8 is not part of this calculation.
Retention totals are based on app users who agree to share their data with you. This data is anonymized and aggregated.
- 購買時間:應用首次下載的時間,可能與安裝時間不同,若是多個設備對應一個Apple ID或者App被重複下載到相同設備。(參見App購買量的解釋)
- 設備:安裝時間與購買時間相同的安裝數。
- 留存期:距離購買時間的n天后的那一天。
- Q:Why is retention sometimes higher in App Analytics than another analytics tool I use?
- Q:爲何留存有時候比其餘統計平臺/工具要高?
- A:App Analytics only counts a new user when an app is downloaded for the first time. Other analytics tools may count a new user for every app installation, even if the user is restoring it to their same device or re-downloading it to another device.
- A:App Analytics只在首次安裝狀況下才記爲一個新設備。而其餘統計平臺/工具可能把每一次App安裝都統計爲一個新用戶,即便這個用戶是恢復本身的數據到相同的設備,或重複下載到其餘設備。
- Q:Why do I sometimes see an error that there isn’t enough data?
- Q:爲何我有時候發現報錯說數據不夠?
- A:To protect customer privacy, we only show data in App Analytics after a certain number of data points are available.
- A:爲了保護用戶隱私,咱們只在有足夠數量的數據上報後才顯示到App Analytics中。
- Q:各類數爲何和其餘平臺差距很是大?
- 統計開始時間:Apple的App Analytics是從4月1日開始有數據,以前的數至關於0
- 參與上報設備:有的數據下面有【僅限參與/opt-in】標識的,只統計了容許上報的設備(大約17%,具體請參考各自App裏【關於「App 分析」數據】旁邊的問號裏的設備比例)
- 操做系統版本:只統計iOS8及以上的設備,截止5月6日,大約佔比80%
- 設備上報延遲:最近3天數據,有的用戶設備可能還沒報上來
- 統計時區不一樣:Apple的App Analytics的日期是按照UTC時間的天,例如5月4日,對應北京時間是5月4日8點~5月5日8點