【Python | opencv+PIL】常見操做(建立、添加幀、繪圖、讀取等)的效率對比及其優化









CPU:Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz 3.30 GHzgit

內存:4.00 GBgithub

硬盤:ATA WDC WD5000AAKX-7 SCSI Disk Device算法


操做系統:Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Ultimate 64bit zh-cn編程

Python解釋器:3.7.5 64bit (provided by Anaconda)api




CPU:Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4116 CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.10 GHzapp

內存:3.00 GB

硬盤:VMware Virtual disk SCSI Disk Service


操做系統:Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Ultimate 64bit zh-cn (powered by VMware Horizon View Client)

Python解釋器:3.7.3 64bit (provided by Anaconda)








vw = cv2.VideoWriter('out.mp4', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), 60, (1920, 1080)) # Return MP4 video object


cap = cv2.VideoCapture('in.mp4') while cap.isOpened(): ret, frame = cap.read() # frame return a numpy.ndarray object (WRITEABLE) with RGB of pixels if not ret: # Return True when read operation is successful break # Read operation fails and break cap.release()

3)視頻幀寫入[3] (PS:爲何Opencv官方教程中沒有這個函數...)




5)建立圖片 ( matrix & pillow object )

# Matrix arr = np.zeros((1080, 1920, 3), dtype=np.uint8) # numpy中xy貌似是顛倒的,因而長1920寬1080的圖像輸出的shape應該是1080x1920,第三維度3表示圖片通道爲RGB # Return a numpy.ndarray object (WRITEABLE) # Pillow img = Image.new('RGB', (1920, 1080)) # 這裏的xy沒有顛倒

6)圖片讀取(opencv & pillow)(使用新建的圖片,知足上面的定義,大小33kb)

# OpenCV arr = cv2.imread('in.jpg') # Notice that OpenCV don't support ALPHA channel # Pillow img = Image.open('in.jpg') # Return a PIL.Image.Image object


arr1 = list(img.im) # Return a list arr2 = np.asarray(img) # Return a np.ndarray object (NOT WRITEABLE) (Shallow copy) arr3 = np.array(img) # Return a np.ndarray object (WRITEABLE) (Deep copy)

8)圖片點操做(matrix & pillow object )

# Matrix arr3[0][0] = (255, 255, 255) # Pillow img.putpixel((0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) # Putpixel draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) # ImageDraw.Point draw.point((0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) # PS: OpenCV don't has a function that draw a pixel directly so we don't show the code here

9)圖片其餘繪圖操做(matrix & pillow object & opencv )



### Line # Matrix for x in range(100, 500): arr3[100][x] = (255, 255, 255) # 注意到numpy的顛倒 # Pillow draw.line((100, 100, 500, 100), (255, 255, 255)) # OpenCV cv2.line(arr, (100, 100), (500, 100), (255, 255, 255), 1) # 最後的1表示線寬 ### Rectangle # Matrix for x in range(100, 500): for y in range(100, 500): arr3[y][x] = (255, 255, 255) # Pillow draw.rectangle((100, 100, 500, 500), (255, 255, 255)) # OpenCV cv2.rectangle(arr, (100, 100), (500, 500), (255, 255, 255), -1) ### Circle # Pillow draw.arc((100, 100, 500, 500), 0, 360, (255, 255, 255)) # PIL.ImageDraw.Draw.arc # arc方法前一個四元元組表示圓弧的左上點右下點,這裏表示半徑200、中心(300, 300);後面兩個整數表示度數(0-360表示整個圓) draw.ellipse((100, 100, 500, 500), (255, 255, 255)) # PIL.ImageDraw.Draw.ellipse # ellipse方法一樣表示兩點 # OpenCV cv2.circle(arr, (300, 300), 200, (255, 255, 255), -1) # cv2.circle # 與Pillow不一樣的是,這裏讀取的是中心點和半徑,更符合正常的習慣;1表示線寬,若是是-1則是實心圓 cv2.ellipse(arr, (300, 300), (200, 200), 0, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), -1) # cv2.ellipse # 這裏第一個二元組是橢圓中心,第二個二元組分別表示半長軸長和半短軸長(注:中文文檔漏掉了「半」字),後面三個參數分別表示橢圓自己逆時針旋轉角(至關於座標軸旋轉)、起始角度和終止角度(0-360表示整個圓) ### Ellipse # Pillow draw.ellipse((100, 100, 700, 500), (255, 255, 255)) # 表示橢圓中心(400, 300),半長軸300,半短軸200 # OpenCV cv2.ellipse(arr, (400, 300), (300, 200), 0, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), -1) ### Text # Pillow font = ImageFont.truetype('simkai.ttf', 32) # 楷體,字號32 draw.text((100, 100), 'Hello, world!', (255, 255, 255), font) # 這裏的座標是左上角 # OpenCV font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(arr, 'Hello, world!', (100, 200), font, 2, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) # 這裏的座標是左下角,1表示線寬(cv2不支持中文輸出,故不測試中文)



11)寫入圖片( Pillow & OpenCV)

# Pillow img.save('out.jpg') # OpenCV cv2.imwrite('out.jpg', arr) # Read from cv2.imread cv2.imwrite('out.jpg', arr2) # np.asarray cv2.imwrite('out.jpg', arr3) # np.array 





 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 3 import time  4 import cv2  5 from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont  6 import numpy as np  7 
 8 # Class
 9 class FunctionTimer(object): 10     MAX_WAIT_SEC = 0.5
11     INF = 2147483647
12     SMART_LOOP = -1
14     def __init__(self, timer=None, count=None): 15         self._timer = timer if timer != None else time.perf_counter 16         self._count = count if count != None else 100
18     def _get_single_time(self, func, *args, **kwargs): 19         s = self._timer() 20         ret = func(*args, **kwargs) 21         f = self._timer() 22         return ret, f - s 23         
24     def _get_repeat_time(self, number, func, *args, **kwargs): 25         time_min, time_max, time_sum = self.INF, 0, 0 26         for i in range(number): 27             ret, delta = self._get_single_time(func, *args, **kwargs) 28             time_min = min(time_min, delta) 29             time_max = max(time_max, delta) 30             time_sum += delta 31         return func, ret, number, time_sum / number, time_min, time_max, time_sum 32         
33     def gettime(self, func, *args, **kwargs): 34         if self._count != self.SMART_LOOP: 35             return self._get_repeat_time(self._count, func, *args, **kwargs) 36         else: 37             # Arrange loop count automatically
38             # Refer to Lib/timeit.py
39             i = 1
40             while True: 41                 for j in 1, 2, 5: 42                     number = i * j 43                     func, ret, number, time_ave, time_min, time_max, time_sum = self._get_repeat_time(number, func, *args, **kwargs) 44                     if time_sum >= self.MAX_WAIT_SEC: 45                         return func, ret, number, time_ave, time_min, time_max, time_sum 46                 i *= 10
48     def better_print(self, params): 49         func, ret, count, ave, minn, maxn, sumn = params 50         print('========================================') 51         print(' Function name:') 52         print(' ' + func.__repr__()) 53         print('========================================') 54         print(' Function has the return content below:') 55         print(' ' + ret.__name__) 56         print('========================================') 57         print(' Summary of Function Timer:') 58         print(' Count of loops: {}'.format(count)) 59         print(' Average time of loops: {} (sec)'.format(ave)) 60         print(' Minimum of every loop time: {} (sec)'.format(minn)) 61         print(' Maximum of every loop time: {} (sec)'.format(maxn)) 62         print(' Total time of loops: {} (sec)'.format(sumn)) 63         print('========================================') 64 
65 # Function
66 def testfunc(x=10000000): 67     for i in range(x): 68         pass
69     return i 70             
71 # Main Function
72 timer = FunctionTimer()


In [168]: op.timer.better_print(op.timer.gettime(op.testfunc, 10000)) ======================================== Function name: testfunc ======================================== Function has the return content below: 9999 ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.00039519199983260476 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.0002532999988034135 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.0010392999993200647 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.03951919998326048 (sec) ======================================== In [169]: op.timer.better_print(op.timer.gettime(op.testfunc, 100000)) ======================================== Function name: testfunc ======================================== Function has the return content below: 99999 ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.0029596240000137187 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.002567899999121437 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.006201700000019628 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.29596240000137186 (sec) ======================================== In [170]: op.timer.better_print(op.timer.gettime(op.testfunc, 10)) ======================================== Function name: testfunc ======================================== Function has the return content below: 9 ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 9.039999349624849e-07 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 7.999988156370819e-07 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 2.6999987312592566e-06 (sec) Total time of loops: 9.03999934962485e-05 (sec) ========================================




 1 # opencv_pil_time.py
 3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 5 import time  6 import cv2  7 from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont  8 import numpy as np  9 
 10 # Class
 11 class FunctionTimer(object):  12     MAX_WAIT_SEC = 0.5
 13     INF = 2147483647
 14     SMART_LOOP = -1
 16     def __init__(self, timer=None, count=None):  17         self._timer = timer if timer != None else time.perf_counter  18         self._count = count if count != None else 100
 20     def _get_single_time(self, func, *args, **kwargs):  21         s = self._timer()  22         ret = func(*args, **kwargs)  23         f = self._timer()  24         return ret, f - s  25         
 26     def _get_repeat_time(self, number, func, *args, **kwargs):  27         time_min, time_max, time_sum = self.INF, 0, 0  28         for i in range(number):  29             ret, delta = self._get_single_time(func, *args, **kwargs)  30             time_min = min(time_min, delta)  31             time_max = max(time_max, delta)  32             time_sum += delta  33         return func, ret, number, time_sum / number, time_min, time_max, time_sum  34         
 35     def gettime(self, func, *args, **kwargs):  36         if self._count != self.SMART_LOOP:  37             return self._get_repeat_time(self._count, func, *args, **kwargs)  38         else:  39             # Arrange loop count automatically
 40             # Refer to Lib/timeit.py
 41             i = 1
 42             while True:  43                 for j in 1, 2, 5:  44                     number = i * j  45                     func, ret, number, time_ave, time_min, time_max, time_sum = self._get_repeat_time(number, func, *args, **kwargs)  46                     if time_sum >= self.MAX_WAIT_SEC:  47                         return func, ret, number, time_ave, time_min, time_max, time_sum  48                 i *= 10
 50     def better_print(self, params):  51         func, ret, count, ave, minn, maxn, sumn = params  52         print('========================================')  53         print(' Function name:')  54         print(' ' + func.__name__)  55         print('========================================')  56         print(' Function has the return content below:')  57         print(' ' + ret.__repr__())  58         print('========================================')  59         print(' Summary of Function Timer:')  60         print(' Count of loops: {}'.format(count))  61         print(' Average time of loops: {} (sec)'.format(ave))  62         print(' Minimum of every loop time: {} (sec)'.format(minn))  63         print(' Maximum of every loop time: {} (sec)'.format(maxn))  64         print(' Total time of loops: {} (sec)'.format(sumn))  65         print('========================================')  66 
 67 # Function
 68 # Debug
 69 def testfunc(x=10000000):  70     for i in range(x):  71         pass
 72     return i  73     
 74 # Test Function
 75 def task_1():  76     vw = cv2.VideoWriter('out.mp4', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), 60, (1920, 1080))  77     
 78 def task_2():  79     cap = cv2.VideoCapture('in.mp4')  80     while cap.isOpened():  81         ret, frame = cap.read()  82         if not ret:  83             break
 84  cap.release()  85     
 86 def task_3(vw, frame): # Use a new blank video file when testing
 87  vw.write(frame)  88     
 89 def task_4(vw):  90  vw.release()  91     
 92 def task_5_matrix():  93     arr = np.zeros((1080, 1920, 3), dtype=np.uint8)  94     
 95 def task_5_pillow():  96     img = Image.new('RGB', (1920, 1080))  97     
 98 def task_6_opencv():  99     arr = cv2.imread('in.jpg') 100     
101 def task_6_pillow(): 102     img = Image.open('in.jpg') 103             
104 def task_7_list(img): 105     arr1 = list(img.im) 106     
107 def task_7_asarray(img): 108     arr2 = np.asarray(img) 109     
110 def task_7_array(img): 111     arr3 = np.array(img) 112             
113 def task_8_matrix(arr3): 114     arr3[0][0] = (255, 255, 255) 115     
116 def task_8_pillow_putpixel(img): 117     img.putpixel((0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) 118     
119 def task_8_pillow_point(draw): 120     draw.point((0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) 121 
122 def task_9_line_matrix(arr3): 123     for x in range(100, 500): 124         arr3[100][x] = (255, 255, 255) 125             
126 def task_9_line_pillow(draw): 127     draw.line((100, 100, 500, 100), (255, 255, 255)) 128     
129 def task_9_line_opencv(arr): 130     cv2.line(arr, (100, 100), (500, 100), (255, 255, 255), 1) 131     
132 def task_9_rectangle_matrix(arr3): 133     for x in range(100, 500): 134         for y in range(100, 500): 135             arr3[y][x] = (255, 255, 255) 136             
137 def task_9_rectangle_pillow(draw): 138     draw.rectangle((100, 100, 500, 500), (255, 255, 255)) 139     
140 def task_9_rectangle_opencv(arr): 141     cv2.rectangle(arr, (100, 100), (500, 500), (255, 255, 255), -1) 142     
143 def task_9_circle_pillow_arc(draw): 144     draw.arc((100, 100, 500, 500), 0, 360, (255, 255, 255)) 145     
146 def task_9_circle_pillow_ellipse(draw): 147     draw.ellipse((100, 100, 500, 500), (255, 255, 255)) 148     
149 def task_9_circle_opencv_circle(arr): 150     cv2.circle(arr, (300, 300), 200, (255, 255, 255), -1) 151     
152 def task_9_circle_opencv_ellipse(arr): 153     cv2.ellipse(arr, (300, 300), (200, 200), 0, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), -1) 154     
155 def task_9_ellipse_pillow(draw): 156     draw.ellipse((100, 100, 700, 500), (255, 255, 255)) 157     
158 def task_9_ellipse_opencv(arr): 159     cv2.ellipse(arr, (400, 300), (300, 200), 0, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), -1) 160     
161 def task_9_text_pillow(draw, font): 162     draw.text((100, 100), 'Hello, world!', (255, 255, 255), font) 163 
164 def task_9_text_opencv(arr, font): 165     cv2.putText(arr, 'Hello, world!', (100, 200), font, 2, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) 166     
167 def task_10(): 168     pass
170 def task_11_pillow(img): 171     img.save('out.jpg') 172     
173 def task_11_opencv_imread(arr): 174     cv2.imwrite('out.jpg', arr) 175     
176 def task_11_opencv_asarray(arr2): 177     cv2.imwrite('out.jpg', arr2) 178     
179 def task_11_opencv_array(arr3): 180     cv2.imwrite('out.jpg', arr3) 181 
182 # Main Function
183 if __name__ == '__main__': 184     timer = FunctionTimer() 185     # timer.better_print(timer.gettime(func, *args, **kwargs))
186  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_1)) 187     vw = cv2.VideoWriter('out.mp4', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), 60, (1920, 1080)) 188 # timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_2)) # task_2 takes up much time and we don't test it!
189     frame = np.zeros((1080, 1920, 3), dtype=np.uint8) 190  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_3, vw, frame)) 191  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_4, vw)) 192  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_5_matrix)) 193  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_5_pillow)) 194  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_6_opencv)) 195     arr = cv2.imread('in.jpg') 196  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_6_pillow)) 197     img = Image.new('RGB', (1920, 1080)) 198  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_7_list, img)) 199  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_7_asarray, img)) 200  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_7_array, img)) 201     arr2 = np.asarray(img) 202     arr3 = np.array(img) 203  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_8_matrix, arr3)) 204  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_8_pillow_putpixel, img)) 205     draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) 206  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_8_pillow_point, draw)) 207  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_line_matrix, arr3)) 208  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_line_pillow, draw)) 209  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_line_opencv, arr)) 210  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_rectangle_matrix, arr3)) 211  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_rectangle_pillow, draw)) 212  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_rectangle_opencv, arr)) 213  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_circle_pillow_arc, draw)) 214  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_circle_pillow_ellipse, draw)) 215  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_circle_opencv_circle, arr)) 216  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_circle_opencv_ellipse, arr)) 217  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_ellipse_pillow, draw)) 218  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_ellipse_opencv, arr)) 219     font = ImageFont.truetype('simkai.ttf', 32) 220  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_text_pillow, draw, font)) 221     font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX 222  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_text_opencv, arr, font)) 223  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_11_pillow, img)) 224  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_11_opencv_imread, arr)) 225  timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_11_opencv_asarray, arr2)) 226     timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_11_opencv_array, arr3))





















In [10]: import time In [11]: s = time.perf_counter(); op.task_2(); f = time.perf_counter(); f - s Out[11]: 8.617467135000027 In [12]: s = time.perf_counter(); op.task_2(); f = time.perf_counter(); f - s Out[12]: 8.663589091999995


E:\test1 $ python3 opencv_pil_time.py ======================================== Function name: task_1 ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.0016054189199999984 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.0013979550000000063 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.0057973939999999835 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.16054189199999985 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_3 ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.013229802739999979 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.01082132600000002 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.018015121000000023 (sec) Total time of loops: 1.3229802739999978 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_4 ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 2.1959869999998995e-05 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 3.109999999750812e-07 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.0021468490000000617 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.0021959869999998993 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_5_matrix ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 1.4977880000011101e-05 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 1.0263000000065858e-05 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 4.571699999988965e-05 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.0014977880000011101 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_5_pillow ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.0029445669399999997 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.0026519169999998926 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.00473345600000008 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.29445669399999996 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_6_opencv ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.02255292473999999 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.021661312000000432 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.032752587999999694 (sec) Total time of loops: 2.255292473999999 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_6_pillow ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.00025689415000005765 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.0001309319999993619 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.011476918999999697 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.025689415000005766 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_7_list ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.38457812533999997 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.3564736689999961 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.4698194010000005 (sec) Total time of loops: 38.457812534 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_7_asarray ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.007278045390000258 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.007068772000003776 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.007784698999998341 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.7278045390000258 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_7_array ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.010643305210000377 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.009964515000000063 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.011806892999999263 (sec) Total time of loops: 1.0643305210000378 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_8_matrix ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 2.8363499999528583e-06 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 1.5549999972108708e-06 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 4.1673999994884525e-05 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.00028363499999528585 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_8_pillow_putpixel ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 2.1925700001901305e-06 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 1.2439999963476112e-06 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 2.1769999996479328e-05 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.00021925700001901305 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_8_pillow_point ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 2.3574000000081697e-06 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 1.5549999972108708e-06 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 1.8971000002920846e-05 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.00023574000000081696 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_line_matrix ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.0004368183000000414 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.0004301160000039772 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.000561359000002426 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.04368183000000414 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_line_pillow ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 3.4956700000066122e-06 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 2.4879999998006497e-06 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 2.519200000250521e-05 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.0003495670000006612 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_line_opencv ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 3.5982899999709163e-06 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 2.4879999998006497e-06 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 4.727200000331777e-05 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.0003598289999970916 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_rectangle_matrix ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.1735227326999994 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.17267937900000163 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.19454626299999944 (sec) Total time of loops: 17.35227326999994 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_rectangle_pillow ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 3.0409819999803745e-05 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 2.9545000003849964e-05 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 7.153000000670318e-05 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.0030409819999803744 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_rectangle_opencv ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 6.522652000001016e-05 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 6.25109999958795e-05 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.0002674619999964989 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.006522652000001017 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_circle_pillow_arc ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 2.7626349999891885e-05 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 2.6745999996080627e-05 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 6.531100000017886e-05 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.0027626349999891886 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_circle_pillow_ellipse ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.0002000553400001337 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.00019841900000017176 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.0002512900000013474 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.02000553400001337 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_circle_opencv_circle ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 6.074186999960318e-05 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 5.815699999800472e-05 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.00016856299999545854 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.006074186999960318 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_circle_opencv_ellipse ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 6.716407000013192e-05 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 6.593300000190538e-05 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.00012471200000163662 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.0067164070000131915 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_ellipse_pillow ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.0002104615099997176 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.00020619399999333154 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.00040772399999866593 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.021046150999971758 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_ellipse_opencv ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 8.027900999998394e-05 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 7.837199999727318e-05 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.00020712799999955678 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.008027900999998394 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_text_pillow ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.0007998544599997359 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.0007778169999994589 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.0016240550000006237 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.07998544599997359 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_9_text_opencv ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 3.116865999970742e-05 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 3.0166999998471056e-05 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 9.610000000037644e-05 (sec) Total time of loops: 0.0031168659999707415 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_11_pillow ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.033835311859999495 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.03373037900000497 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.034273077999998236 (sec) Total time of loops: 3.3835311859999493 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_11_opencv_imread ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.028288081510000042 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.028133581999995272 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.02905974700000513 (sec) Total time of loops: 2.828808151000004 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_11_opencv_asarray ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.02815422919999975 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.0279864769999989 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.029095201000004067 (sec) Total time of loops: 2.8154229199999747 (sec) ======================================== ======================================== Function name: task_11_opencv_array ======================================== Function has the return content below: None ======================================== Summary of Function Timer: Count of loops: 100 Average time of loops: 0.028195894160001414 (sec) Minimum of every loop time: 0.028047434000001203 (sec) Maximum of every loop time: 0.02866104100000655 (sec) Total time of loops: 2.8195894160001416 (sec) ========================================








3)數據結構轉換中numpy比list快幾乎是顯然的hhh,其中asarray要比array略快一點,大概是由於array深複製而asarray淺複製;固然asarray的結果是not writable的,估計是由於image對象存儲的數組自己就是隻讀的吧。若是隻是爲了讀取圖片方便塞視頻裏就用asarray。









這個項目我大概從一個月前就有想法了,最近一週一直在抽時間作,淨時間估計都有十幾個小時了。最後一天(11月16日)晚上我拖到12點,做業還沒作完,困得要死,也就作了個大概--沒有優化的部分,也沒有表格,還由於事先沒查好api返工了好幾回。這件事讓我深感我的的力量的薄弱 ,以及我本身水平的低下。








[1]Pillow (PIL Fork) 7.0.0.dev0 英文文檔

[2]OpenCV Python Tutorials 翻譯        OpenCV-Python Tutorials

[3]Python&OpenCV - 讀寫(read&write)視頻(video) 詳解 及 代碼


[5]python opencv cv2.rectangle 參數含義

[6] python中cv2.putText參數詳解

[7]Python 3.7 timeit
