go help go env go version
# Windows下編譯Linux SET CGO_ENABLED=0 SET GOARCH=amd64 SET GOOS=linux go build xx.go
go buildlinux
# go build -o 指定編譯輸出的名稱 # win下編譯生成指定名稱的可執行文件 go build -o custom.exe send.go
go fmt 是 gofmt的簡易封裝測試
go fmt 即 gofmt -l -w ui
// 經常使用go fmt go fmt send.go
// gofmt 參數 usage: gofmt [flags] [path ...] -cpuprofile string write cpu profile to this file -d display diffs instead of rewriting files -e report all errors (not just the first 10 on different lines) -l list files whose formatting differs from gofmt's -r string rewrite rule (e.g., 'a[b:len(a)] -> a[b:]') -s simplify code -w write result to (source) file instead of stdout
// go fmt 參數 usage: go fmt [-n] [-x] [packages] Fmt runs the command 'gofmt -l -w' on the packages named by the import paths. It prints the names of the files that are modified. For more about gofmt, see 'go doc cmd/gofmt'. For more about specifying packages, see 'go help packages'. The -n flag prints commands that would be executed. The -x flag prints commands as they are executed. To run gofmt with specific options, run gofmt itself. See also: go fix, go vet.