import xlwt import sys import time import os # with open('hexin.txt') as f1: with open('') as f1: for i in f1: if "POWER" in i: power1=i[9:].strip() print(power1) if "five minutes" in i: cpu1=i[70:].strip() print(cpu1) if "uptime is" in i: uptime1=i[26:].strip() print(uptime1) if "Processor Pool Total" in i: mem1=i[24:32].strip() mem2=i[42:49].strip() print(mem1) print(mem2) # print(*100) mem3=("%.2f%%"%((int(mem2))/(int(mem1))*100)) if "FAN" in i: fan1=i[7:].strip() print(fan1) if "Console logging:" in i: log1=i[38:51].strip() print(log1) workbook = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8') #建立第一個巡檢sheet cisco = workbook.add_sheet('接入設備巡檢') style = xlwt.XFStyle() pattern = xlwt.Pattern() pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN pattern.pattern_fore_colour = xlwt.Style.colour_map['red'] style.pattern = pattern borders = xlwt.Borders() borders.left = 1 borders.right = 1 = 1 borders.bottom = 1 style.borders = borders al = xlwt.Alignment() al.horz = 0x02 al.vert = 0x01 style.alignment = al style1 = xlwt.XFStyle() borders = xlwt.Borders() borders.left = 1 borders.right = 1 = 1 borders.bottom = 1 style1.borders = borders al = xlwt.Alignment() al.horz = 0x02 al.vert = 0x01 style1.alignment = al style3 = xlwt.XFStyle() borders = xlwt.Borders() borders.left = 1 borders.right = 1 = 1 borders.bottom = 1 style3.borders = borders al = xlwt.Alignment() al.horz = 0x02 al.vert = 0x01 style3.alignment = al first_col = cisco.col(0) sec_col = cisco.col(1) thr_col = cisco.col(2) for_col = cisco.col(3) fiv_col = cisco.col(4) first_col.width = 200 * 25 sec_col.width = 120 * 25 thr_col.width = 120 * 25 for_col.width = 320 * 25 fiv_col.width = 320 * 25 cisco.write(0, 0,'設備名稱',style) cisco.write(0,1, '管理地址',style) cisco.write(0,2, '檢查項',style) cisco.write(0,3, '檢查結果',style) cisco.write(0,4, '備註',style) #在excel中填寫設備名和IP地址 cisco.write_merge(1,6,0,0,'SA-10F-IDF1-2901',style3) cisco.write_merge(1,6,1,1,'',style3) cisco.write_merge(1,6,4,4,'大樓一樓',style3) cisco.write(1,2, '電源狀態',style1) cisco.write(2,2, 'cpu使用率',style1) cisco.write(3,2, '運行時間',style1) cisco.write(4,2, '內存使用率',style1) cisco.write(5,2, '風扇狀態',style1) cisco.write(6,2, '日誌條目',style1) #下面開始填入具體內容 cisco.write(1,3, power1,style3) cisco.write(2,3, cpu1,style3) cisco.write(3,3, uptime1,style3) cisco.write(4,3, mem3,style3) cisco.write(5,3, fan1,style3) cisco.write(6,3, log1,style3)'設備巡檢.xls') # #上面是第一個sheet # cisco2 = workbook.add_sheet('接入網絡巡檢表') # style = xlwt.XFStyle() # pattern = xlwt.Pattern() # pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN # pattern.pattern_fore_colour = xlwt.Style.colour_map['red'] # style.pattern = pattern # borders = xlwt.Borders() # borders.left = 1 # borders.right = 1 # = 1 # borders.bottom = 1 # style.borders = borders # al = xlwt.Alignment() # al.horz = 0x02 # al.vert = 0x01 # style.alignment = al # # style1 = xlwt.XFStyle() # borders = xlwt.Borders() # borders.left = 1 # borders.right = 1 # = 1 # borders.bottom = 1 # style1.borders = borders # al = xlwt.Alignment() # al.horz = 0x02 # al.vert = 0x01 # style1.alignment = al # # style3 = xlwt.XFStyle() # borders = xlwt.Borders() # borders.left = 1 # borders.right = 1 # = 1 # borders.bottom = 1 # style3.borders = borders # al = xlwt.Alignment() # al.horz = 0x02 # al.vert = 0x01 # style3.alignment = al # # first_col = cisco2.col(0) # sec_col = cisco2.col(1) # thr_col = cisco2.col(2) # for_col = cisco2.col(3) # first_col.width = 200 * 25 # sec_col.width = 120 * 25 # thr_col.width = 120 * 25 # for_col.width = 320 * 25 # # # cisco2.write(0, 0,'設備名稱',style) # cisco2.write(0,1, '管理地址',style) # cisco2.write(0,2, '檢查項',style) # cisco2.write(0,3, '檢查結果',style) # cisco2.write(1,2, '電源狀態',style1) # cisco2.write(2,2, 'cpu使用率',style1) # cisco2.write(3,2, '運行時間',style1) # cisco2.write(4,2, '內存使用率',style1) # cisco2.write(5,2, '風扇狀態',style1) # cisco2.write(6,2, '日誌條目',style1) # #'設備巡檢.xls')