黑白棋(Reversi or Othello)在西方和日本很流行。遊戲經過相互翻轉對方的棋子,最後以棋盤上誰的棋子多來判斷勝負。python
黑白棋的每顆棋子由黑白兩色組成,一面白,一面黑。每次落子,把本方顏色的棋子放在棋盤的空格上,若在橫、豎、斜八個方向的任一方向上有本方棋子,則被夾在中間的對手棋子所有翻轉爲本方棋子顏色;而且僅在能夠翻轉棋 子的地方纔能落子。若是一方至少有一步合法棋步可下,他就必須落子,不得棄權。git
兩位玩家輪流下棋,直到一方沒有符合規則的落子位置,在這種狀況下,剩下的一方 繼續下棋,直到對手有了能夠落子的位置。此時,恢復二者輪流下棋的順序。若是一方落子在非法位置,則視爲放棄本次對弈,對方獲勝。ui
在本程序中,咱們用字母’X’表明黑棋, 用字母’O’表明白棋,而且假設老是黑棋玩家先走。blog
因此,若是計算機持黑棋,計算機就先走; 不然,程序提示人類玩家先走。遊戲
此時,程序輸出信息「O player has no valid move.」(假設白棋玩家無棋可走),而且提示黑棋玩家繼續下棋。
每走一步,程序除輸出棋盤外,還要檢測遊戲是否結束。若是程序檢查出遊戲結束,輸出輸贏信息並停止程序。輸贏信息能夠是: 「O player wins.」, 「X player wins.」 或者「Draw!」. 若是用戶落子非法,程序應檢測到而且輸出「Invalid move.」, 結束程序,宣佈贏家。
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- class Board(): def __init__(self, n): self.n = n self.board = self.generateBoard() self.chess = {0: '.', 1: 'O', 2: 'X'} def generateBoard(self): # 0 empty 1 white 2 black i = int(self.n / 2) board = [[0] * self.n for _ in range(self.n)] board[i][i]=board[i-1][i-1] = 1 board[i][i-1]=board[i-1][i] = 2 return board def draw(self): index = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' print(' ',*index[:self.n]) for h,row in zip(index,self.board): print(h,*map('.OX'.__getitem__,row)) print()
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from board import Board import itertools import operator import collections from functools import reduce from constant import Status class Reversi(): _DIRECTIONS = [(1,0),(1,1),(1,-1),(-1,0),(-1,1),(-1,-1),(0,1),(0,-1)] def __init__(self, n, turn): self.n = n # board dimension self.b = Board(n) # board self.turn = 0 if turn == 'X' or turn == 'x' else 1 # player turn self.step = 1 # game step self.status = Status.WAIT # game status def isValidPosition(self,x,y): return 0 <= x < self.n and 0 <= y < self.n def nextPosition(self,direction,x,y): x+=direction[0] y+=direction[1] return x,y def score(self,r,c): return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([self.scoreDirection(r+m[0],c+m[1],m,self.step%2+1,[]) for m in Reversi._DIRECTIONS])) def scoreDirection(self,x,y,direction,color,turn): if not self.isValidPosition(x,y) or self.b.board[x][y]==0 : return [] if self.b.board[x][y]!=color: turn+=[(x,y)] return self.scoreDirection(*self.nextPosition(direction,x,y),direction,color,turn) else: return turn def checkPut(self, pos): # check person put assert len(pos)>=2 , 'move position disable' r = ord(pos[0]) - 97 c = ord(pos[1]) - 97 assert 0 <= r < self.n and 0 <= c < self.n, 'move position disable' turnList = self.score(r, c) if turnList: # turn chess for x,y in turnList+[(r,c)]: self.b.board[x][y] = self.step % 2+1 return True else: return False def checkGame(self): # check game status empty,oNum,xNum = operator.itemgetter(0,1,2)(collections.Counter(itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.b.board))) hasPut = True pos,turnList = self.aiPut() if not turnList: self.step += 1 posNext,turnListNext = self.aiPut() if not turnListNext: hasPut = False else: self.step -= 1 print('{} player has no valid move'.format(self.b.chess[self.step % 2+1])) self.step -= 1 self.turn -= 1 print('{} player go on'.format(self.b.chess[self.step % 2+1])) if empty ==0 or oNum==0 or xNum == 0 or not hasPut: self.status = [Status.DRAW.value,Status.OWIN.value,Status.XWIN.value][(oNum > xNum)-(oNum<xNum)] def cmp(self,a,b): if len(a[1])>len(b[1]): return a elif len(a[1])==len(b[1]) and a[0]<b[0]: return a else: return b def aiPut(self): # computer put allPos = filter(lambda pos : self.b.board[pos[0]][pos[1]]==0,itertools.product(range(self.n),repeat=2)) allScoreForPos = map(lambda pos: [pos,self.score(pos[0],pos[1])],allPos) maxScorePos = reduce(self.cmp,allScoreForPos,[(),[]]) return maxScorePos[0],maxScorePos[1] def aiPlay(self): pos,turnList = self.aiPut() if turnList: print('Computer places {} at {}'.format(self.b.chess[self.step % 2+1],chr(pos[0]+97)+chr(pos[1]+97))) for x,y in turnList+[pos]: self.b.board[x][y] = self.step % 2+1 reversi.b.draw() self.step += 1 self.turn += 1 def pPlay(self): pos = input('Enter move for {} (RowCol):'.format(self.b.chess[self.step % 2+1])) if self.checkPut(pos): reversi.b.draw() self.step += 1 self.turn += 1 else: print('Invalid move') def play(self): self.status = Status.ONGOING plays = [self.aiPlay,self.pPlay] while self.status == Status.ONGOING: plays[self.turn % len(plays)]() self.checkGame() else: print('Game over. {}'.format(Status(self.status))) if __name__ == "__main__": print('Enter the board dimension:') try: n = int(input()) except Exception as e: print('the board dimension is invalid, start game with default dimension = 4') n = 4 assert 4 <= n <= 26 and n % 2 == 0, 'the board dimension is disable' print('Computer plays (X/O):') turn = input() assert turn in ['X','x','O', 'o'], 'the symbol of computer is disable' # generate game reversi = Reversi(n, turn) # draw board reversi.b.draw() reversi.play() input('Enter to quit')