E:\workspace\HelloWorldW\bin>java -cp emma.jar emmarun -hhtml
emmarun usage: emmarun [options] class [args...] | -jar [options] jarfile [args...], where options include: -cp, -classpath <list of directories and zip/jar files> load/coverage classpath -jar run an executable jar file -f, -fullmetadata consider the entire classpath for coverage {including classes that are never loaded} -ix, -filter <class name wildcard patterns> coverage inclusion/exclusion patterns {?,*} -r, -report <list of {txt|html|xml}> coverage report type list -sp, -sourcepath <list of source directories> Java source path for generating reports -raw, -sessiondata dump raw session data file -out, -outfile <file> raw session data output file (defaults to 'coverage.es') -merge <y[es]|n[o]> merge session data into output file, if it exists -p, -props, -properties <properties file> properties override file -h, -help display usage information {use 'help' option to see detailed usage help} [EMMA v2.0, build 5312]