1. JavaScript權威指南(第6版) jsp
2017/1/3 P140 第六章ide
2017/1/4 P260 第十章學習
2017/1/6 P383 第十五章ui
2017/1/11 P422 第十六章ip
2. Spring MVC Beginners Guide(1st)ci
2017/1/13 P148 Product.jspit
2017/1/16 P185 The role of a controller in Spring MVCio
2017/1/17 P290 configuring ContentNegotiatingViewResolver學習筆記
2017/1/18 P355 Custom validation with JSR-303 / bean validation
2017/1/19 P413 Apache Tiles and Spring Web Flow in Action
2017/1/21 閱讀完畢,因爲部分代碼有問題,沒法執行,故跳過。
3. Spring recipes a problem-solution approach 3rd edition
4. Spring in action 4rd edition
2017/2/1 概況閱讀完畢
6.Maven Essentials