Lambda 函數例子:ide
def calc(num_list, func): total = num_list[0] for index in range(1, len(num_list)) total = func(total, num_list[index]) return total def main(): my_list = [1,2,3,4,5] print(calc(my list, lambda x, y: x + y))
LEGB-not defined-global/nonlocal
在python中,全部數據類型均可以視爲對象,固然也能夠自定義對象,自定義對象數據類型就是面向對象中的類(class)的概念,把具備相同屬性和方法的對象歸爲一個類。類是對象的模版或藍圖,是對秀爹抽象化,對象是類的實例化。類不表明具體的事物,而對象表示具體的事物。class後面緊接着類名,即 Myclass,類名一般是大寫開頭的單詞,緊接着是object,表示該類是從哪一個類繼承下來的,若是沒有合適的繼承類,就使用object類,這是全部類最終都會繼承的類。類 Myclass中只有一個方法 infor,類的方法至少有一個參數self,self表明未來要建立的對象自己。
當 class 語句執行時,則知識賦值給對象的變量,而對象能夠用任何普通表達式引用。就像其它事物同樣,類名老是存在於模塊中,單一模塊文件能夠有一個以上的類,class語句會在導入時執行已定義的變量名,而這些變量名會變成獨立的模塊屬性。更通用的狀況時,每一個模塊能夠混合任意數量的變量、函數以及類,而模塊內的全部變量名的行爲都相同。
__slots__ 當咱們建立一個類而沒有使用__slot__屬性時,python會隱含地爲每個實例建立一個名爲__dict__的私有字典,該字典存放着每一個實例的數據屬性,這是咱們可以向對象中增長屬性或從中移除屬性的緣由。若是對於某個對象,咱們只須要訪問其原始屬性,而不須要增長或移除屬性,那麼能夠建立不包含私有字典__dict__的類。這能夠定義一個名爲__slots__的類屬性來實現,其值是個包含類中屬性名的元組,這樣的類不能添加或移除屬性。
繼承是爲代碼重用而設計的,當咱們設計一個新類時,爲了代碼重用能夠繼承一個已涉及好的類。在繼承關係中,原來設計好的類稱爲父類,新設計的類稱爲子類。繼承容許基於類的特色建立另外一個類,完成這個步驟須要兩個步驟。首先,在類上增長關聯,相似於實例和類之間的關聯。其次,這種關聯關係可以‘繼承’位於關係方案上層的類的屬性。經過這些屬性,能夠實現代碼共享。子類繼承父類時用class子類名(父類名)來表示,子類能繼承父類的全部公有成員,在須要的時候,在子類中可經過super() 來調用父類的構造函數,也可經過父類名來調用父類的構造函數。
抽象基類(Abstract Base Class)也是一個類,但這個類不能用於建立對象,使用抽象基類的目的是爲了定義接口(interface),抽象基類會列出一些方法與特性,而繼承自抽象基類的類必須對其進行實現。這是種頗有用的機制,由於咱們能夠將抽象基類看成一種保證,確保任何自抽象基類衍生而來的類均會實現抽象基類指定的方法與特性。全部抽象基類必須包含元類(Metaclass)abc.ABCMeta(來自abc模塊),或來自其某個子類。抽象基類把基類中的方法聲明爲抽象(Abstract)後,再在某個具體的子類實現。
import requests import json def main(): # response resp = requests.get('http://api.tianapi.com/meinv/?key=key&num=10') mydict = json.loads(resp.text) # content 拿二進制數據,text文本數據 for tempdict in mydict['newslist']: # newslist 是mydic裏面的key pic_url = tempdict['picUrl'] # print(tempdict['picUrl']) resp = requests.get(tempdict['picUrl']) filename = pic_url[pic_url.rfind('/') + 1:] try: with open(filename, 'wb') as fs: fs.write(resp.content) except IOError as e: print(e) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
1 from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod 2 from random import randint 3 4 import pygame 5 6 BLACK_COLOR = (0, 0, 0) 7 GREEN_COLOR = (0, 255, 0) 8 FOOD_COLOR = (230, 185, 185) 9 10 UP = 0 11 RIGHT = 1 12 DOWN = 2 13 LEFT = 3 14 15 16 class GameObject(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): 17 18 def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, color=BLACK_COLOR): 19 self._x = x 20 self._y = y 21 self._color = color 22 23 @property 24 def x(self): 25 return self._x 26 27 @property 28 def y(self): 29 return self._y 30 31 @abstractmethod 32 def draw(self, screen): 33 pass 34 35 36 class Wall(GameObject): 37 38 def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, color=BLACK_COLOR): 39 super().__init__(x, y, color) 40 self._width = width 41 self._height = height 42 43 @property 44 def width(self): 45 return self._width 46 47 @property 48 def height(self): 49 return self._height 50 51 def draw(self, screen): 52 pygame.draw.rect(screen, self._color, 53 (self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height), 4) 54 55 56 class Food(GameObject): 57 58 def __init__(self, x, y, size, color=FOOD_COLOR): 59 super().__init__(x, y, color) 60 self._size = size 61 self._hidden = False 62 63 def draw(self, screen): 64 if not self._hidden: 65 pygame.draw.circle(screen, self._color, 66 (self._x + self._size // 2, self._y + self._size // 2), 67 self._size // 2, 0) 68 self._hidden = not self._hidden 69 70 71 class SnakeNode(GameObject): 72 73 def __init__(self, x, y, size, color=GREEN_COLOR): 74 super().__init__(x, y, color) 75 self._size = size 76 77 @property 78 def size(self): 79 return self._size 80 81 def draw(self, screen): 82 pygame.draw.rect(screen, self._color, 83 (self._x, self._y, self._size, self._size), 0) 84 pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK_COLOR, 85 (self._x, self._y, self._size, self._size), 1) 86 87 88 class Snake(GameObject): 89 90 def __init__(self): 91 super().__init__() 92 self._dir = LEFT 93 self._nodes = [] 94 self._alive = True 95 for index in range(5): 96 node = SnakeNode(290 + index * 20, 290, 20) 97 self._nodes.append(node) 98 99 @property 100 def dir(self): 101 return self._dir 102 103 @property 104 def alive(self): 105 return self._alive 106 107 @property 108 def head(self): 109 return self._nodes[0] 110 111 def change_dir(self, new_dir): 112 if (self._dir + new_dir) % 2 != 0: 113 self._dir = new_dir 114 115 def move(self): 116 if self._alive: 117 snake_dir = self._dir 118 x, y, size = self.head.x, self.head.y, self.head.size 119 if snake_dir == UP: 120 y -= size 121 elif snake_dir == RIGHT: 122 x += size 123 elif snake_dir == DOWN: 124 y += size 125 else: 126 x -= size 127 new_head = SnakeNode(x, y, size) 128 self._nodes.insert(0, new_head) 129 self._nodes.pop() 130 131 def collide(self, wall): 132 """ 133 撞牆 134 135 :param wall: 圍牆 136 """ 137 head = self.head 138 if head.x < wall.x or head.x + head.size > wall.x + wall.width \ 139 or head.y < wall.y or head.y + head.size > wall.y + wall.height: 140 self._alive = False 141 142 def eat_food(self, food): 143 if self.head.x == food.x and self.head.y == food.y: 144 tail = self._nodes[-1] 145 self._nodes.append(tail) 146 return True 147 return False 148 149 def eat_me(self): 150 pass 151 152 def draw(self, screen): 153 for node in self._nodes: 154 node.draw(screen) 155 156 157 def main(): 158 159 def refresh(): 160 """刷新遊戲窗口""" 161 screen.fill((242, 242, 242)) 162 wall.draw(screen) 163 food.draw(screen) 164 snake.draw(screen) 165 pygame.display.flip() 166 167 def handle_key_event(key_event): 168 """處理按鍵事件""" 169 key = key_event.key 170 if key == pygame.K_F2: 171 reset_game() 172 else: 173 if snake.alive: 174 new_dir = snake.dir 175 if key == pygame.K_w: 176 new_dir = UP 177 elif key == pygame.K_d: 178 new_dir = RIGHT 179 elif key == pygame.K_s: 180 new_dir = DOWN 181 elif key == pygame.K_a: 182 new_dir = LEFT 183 if new_dir != snake.dir: 184 snake.change_dir(new_dir) 185 186 def create_food(): 187 row = randint(0, 29) 188 col = randint(0, 29) 189 return Food(10 + 20 * col, 10 + 20 * row, 20) 190 191 def reset_game(): 192 nonlocal food, snake 193 food = create_food() 194 snake = Snake() 195 196 wall = Wall(10, 10, 600, 600) 197 food = create_food() 198 snake = Snake() 199 pygame.init() 200 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((620, 620)) 201 pygame.display.set_caption('貪吃蛇') 202 screen.fill((242, 242, 242)) 203 pygame.display.flip() 204 clock = pygame.time.Clock() 205 running = True 206 while running: 207 for event in pygame.event.get(): 208 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: 209 running = False 210 elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: 211 handle_key_event(event) 212 if snake.alive: 213 refresh() 214 clock.tick(10) 215 if snake.alive: 216 snake.move() 217 snake.collide(wall) 218 if snake.eat_food(food): 219 food = create_food() 220 221 pygame.quit() 222 223 224 if __name__ == '__main__': 225 main()
1 class Ball(object): 2 3 def __init__(self, center, color, radius, sx, sy): # sx, sy 爲水平移動 4 self._center = center 5 self.__color = color 6 self._radius = radius 7 self._sx = sx 8 self._sy = sy 9 10 @property 11 def center(self): 12 return self._center 13 14 @center.setter 15 def center(self, center): 16 self._center = center 17 18 @property 19 def radius(self): 20 return self._radius 21 22 @radius.setter 23 def radius(self, radius): 24 self._radius = radius 25 26 def move(self): # 移動抽象 27 ''' 28 移動小球 29 :return:座標 30 ''' 31 x, y = self._center[0], self._center[1] 32 x += self._sx 33 y += self._sy 34 self._center = (x, y) 35 36 if x + self._radius >= 800 or x - self._radius <= 0: 37 self._sx = -self._sx 38 39 if y + self._radius >= 600 or y - self._radius <= 0: 40 self._sy = -self._sy 41 42 def eat(self, other): 43 x, y = self._center[0], self._center[1] 44 x += self._sx 45 y += self._sy 46 self._center = (x, y) 47 is_eat = True 48 49 a = (self._center[0] - other.center[0]) 50 b = (self._center[1] - other.center[1]) 51 if sqrt((a - b) ** 2) <= self._radius + other.radius: 52 self._radius += 1 53 other.radius == 0 54 return is_eat 55 56 def draw(self, screen): 57 pygame.draw.circle(screen, self.__color, self._center, self._radius, 0) 58 59 60 def random_color(): 61 red = randint(0, 255) 62 green = randint(0, 255) 63 blue = randint(0, 255) 64 return red, green, blue 65 66 67 def refresh(screen, balls): 68 bg_color = (182, 196, 168) 69 screen.fill(bg_color) 70 for ball in balls: 71 ball.draw(screen) 72 pygame.display.flip() 73 74 75 def main(): 76 pygame.init() 77 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600)) 78 balls = [] 79 pygame.display.set_caption('大球吃小球') 80 clock = pygame.time.Clock() 81 running = True # 打開窗口,避免彈出 82 while running: # 事件處理,好比鼠標之類的 83 for event in pygame.event.get(): # 取出全部事件 84 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: 85 running = False 86 elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: 87 color = random_color() 88 radius = randint(10, 30) 89 sx, sy = randint(-10, 10), randint(-10, 10) 90 ball = Ball(event.pos, color, radius, sx, sy) 91 balls.append(ball) 92 refresh(screen, balls) 93 clock.tick(50) 94 for ball in balls: 95 ball.move() 96 ball.eat(ball) 97 98 pygame.display.flip() 99 100 pygame.quit() 101 102 103 104 if __name__ == '__main__': 105 main()