Emberjs 分頁

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    <h2>Query Params: client-side sorting</h2>

        In this example, we're not bothering querying
        the server for data but just sorting and
        paginating what we
        have already loaded on the client-side.

        <a href="http://jsbin.com/ucanam/2942">See here</a> for an example of
        how to opt into a full on transition
        that can re-query the server to manage
        pagination/sorting on the server side.

        {{#each n in pages}}
        {{linkTo n (query-params page=n)}}
        of {{pages.length}}

        {{#if previousPage}}
        {{link-to 'Previous' (query-params page=previousPage)}}

        {{#if nextPage}}
        {{link-to 'Next' (query-params page=nextPage)}}

    <h3>Sorting by {{sortBy}}</h3>
    <form {{action 'updatePageSize' on='submit'}}>
    Page size:
    {{input value=newPageSize type="number"}}
    {{input type="submit" value="Change"}}

                {{linkTo "First Name" (query-params sortBy="firstName")}}
                {{linkTo "Last Name" (query-params sortBy="lastName")}}
                {{linkTo "Location" (query-params sortBy="location")}}
        {{#each paged}}


    App = Ember.Application.create();

    App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
        model: function() {
            var FIRST_NAMES = ["Alex", "Kris", "Luke"];
            var LAST_NAMES =  ["Matchneer", "Selden", "Melia"];
            var people = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
                            firstName: FIRST_NAMES[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)],
                            lastName:  LAST_NAMES[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)],
                            location:  FIRST_NAMES[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)] + "ville"
            return people;

    // Helper computed property used by nextPage
    // and previousPage.
    var incrementPage = function(amt) {
        return Ember.computed('page', 'numPages', function() {
            var newPage = this.get('page') + amt;
            if (newPage <= this.get('numPages') &&
                    newPage >= 1) {
                return newPage;

    App.ApplicationController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
        queryParams: ['sortBy', 'page', 'pageSize'],
        page: 1,
        pageSize: 25,
        sortBy: 'firstName',

        sortProperties: function() {
            return [this.get('sortBy')];

        pages: function() {
            var pageSize = this.get('pageSize'),
                    l = this.get('model.length'),
                    pages = Math.ceil(l / pageSize),
                    pagesArray = [];

            for(var i = 0; i < pages; i ++) {
                pagesArray.push(i + 1);

            return pagesArray;
        }.property('pageSize', 'model.length'),

        numPages: function() {
            var pageSize = this.get('pageSize'),
                    l = this.get('model.length');
            return Math.ceil(l / pageSize);
        }.property('pageSize'), //總頁數

        paged: function() {
            var page = this.get('page') - 1,
                    pageSize = this.get('pageSize'),
                    start = page * pageSize,
                    end = start + pageSize;
            return this.get('arrangedContent').slice(start, end);
        }.property('page', 'arrangedContent', 'pageSize'),

        previousPage: incrementPage(-1),
        nextPage:     incrementPage(1),

        // We don't want updates to the newPageSize
        // input field to immediately update `pageSize`
        // (and therefore the URL), so we make this
        // binding read-only (and later explicitly
        // write `pageSize` inside the `updatePageSize`)
        newPageSize: Ember.computed.oneWay('pageSize'),

        actions: {
            updatePageSize: function() {
                this.set('pageSize', parseInt(this.get('newPageSize'), 10));


