Android Log工具類





  • Log太多,不容易找到本身設置打印的內容
  • 找到Log可是定位到Java源碼有不是很方便
  • 對Log打印須要設置Tag,大多時候Tag就是本類的類名,存在重複的工做
  • 發佈正式版本須要註釋或者關掉不少Log開關


  • 減小一個Log參數
  • 調用某些Log方法,能夠實現跳轉到Java源代碼的功能
  • 採用此工具類,屏蔽Log只須要關閉Log總開關便可


實現方法是採用 StackTraceElement 獲取調用類的方法,代碼以下:apache

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private static String getClassName() {  String result = "";  StackTraceElement thisMethodStack = (new Exception()).getStackTrace()[2];  result = thisMethodStack.getClassName();  return result; } 


實現雙擊Log跳轉到Java源代碼調用處,實現方法是參考Android Logcat錯處日誌,發現Eclipse實現跳轉是由於Log中有 at MyClassName.MyMethodName(行數) 。具體見代碼:app

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/**  * Realization of double click jump events.  *  * @return  */ private static String callMethodAndLine() {  String result = "at ";  StackTraceElement thisMethodStack = (new Exception()).getStackTrace()[2];  result += thisMethodStack.getClassName() + ".";  result += thisMethodStack.getMethodName();  result += "(" + thisMethodStack.getFileName();  result += ":" + thisMethodStack.getLineNumber() + ") ";  return result; } 


採用 LogUtils 工具類,只須要將此類中DEBUG_LEVEL設置的值大一點。less

  • 若是想要屏蔽全部的Log只須要將 DEBUG_LEVEL 設置爲 Log.ASSERT 便可。
  • 若是想要只顯示Error則只須要將 DEBUG_LEVEL 設置爲 Log.WARN 便可。
  • 若是隻想要顯示Error和Warn則將 DEBUG_LEVEL 設置爲 Log.INFO 便可。



LogUtils.d(Object); // 次行代碼將打印Object類的toString() 


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/**  * Copyright 2014 Zhenguo Jin  *  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  * You may obtain a copy of the License at  *  *  *  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and  * limitations under the License.  */ package com.ihongqiqu.util;  import android.util.Log;  /**  * This class can replace android.util.Log.  *  * @author  *  * @description And you can turn off the log by set DEBUG_LEVEL = Log.ASSERT.  *  */ public class LogUtils {   /**  * Master switch.To catch error info you need set this value below Log.WARN  */  public static final int DEBUG_LEVEL = 0;   /**  * 'System.out' switch.When it is true, you can see the 'System.out' log.  * Otherwise, you cannot.  */  public static final boolean DEBUG_SYSOUT = false;   /**  * Send a {@link #VERBOSE} log message.  *  * @param obj  */  public static void v(Object obj) {  if (Log.VERBOSE > DEBUG_LEVEL) {  String tag = getClassName();  String msg = obj != null ? obj.toString() : "obj == null";  Log.v(tag, msg);  }  }   /**  * Send a {@link #DEBUG_LEVEL} log message.  *  * @param obj  */  public static void d(Object obj) {  if (Log.DEBUG > DEBUG_LEVEL) {  String tag = getClassName();  String msg = obj != null ? obj.toString() : "obj == null";  Log.d(tag, msg);  }  }   /**  * Send an {@link #INFO} log message.  *  * @param obj  */  public static void i(Object obj) {  if (Log.INFO > DEBUG_LEVEL) {  String tag = getClassName();  String msg = obj != null ? obj.toString() : "obj == null";  Log.i(tag, msg);  }  }   /**  * Send a {@link #WARN} log message.  *  * @param obj  */  public static void w(Object obj) {  if (Log.WARN > DEBUG_LEVEL) {  String tag = getClassName();  String msg = obj != null ? obj.toString() : "obj == null";  Log.w(tag, msg);  }  }   /**  * Send an {@link #ERROR} log message.  *  * @param obj  */  public static void e(Object obj) {  if (Log.ERROR > DEBUG_LEVEL) {  String tag = getClassName();  String msg = obj != null ? obj.toString() : "obj == null";  Log.e(tag, msg);  }  }   /**  * What a Terrible Failure: Report a condition that should never happen. The  * error will always be logged at level ASSERT with the call stack.  * Depending on system configuration, a report may be added to the  * {@link android.os.DropBoxManager} and/or the process may be terminated  * immediately with an error dialog.  *  * @param obj  */  public static void wtf(Object obj) {  if (Log.ASSERT > DEBUG_LEVEL) {  String tag = getClassName();  String msg = obj != null ? obj.toString() : "obj == null";, msg);  }  }   /**  * Send a {@link #VERBOSE} log message.  *  * @param tag  * Used to identify the source of a log message. It usually  * identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.  * @param msg  * The message you would like logged.  */ public static void v(String tag, String msg) { if (Log.VERBOSE > DEBUG_LEVEL) { Log.v(tag, msg); } } /**  * Send a {@link #DEBUG_LEVEL} log message.  *  * @param tag  * Used to identify the source of a log message. It usually  * identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.  * @param msg  * The message you would like logged.  */ public static void d(String tag, String msg) { if (Log.DEBUG > DEBUG_LEVEL) { Log.d(tag, msg); } } /**  * Send an {@link #INFO} log message.  *  * @param tag  * Used to identify the source of a log message. It usually  * identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.  * @param msg  * The message you would like logged.  */ public static void i(String tag, String msg) { if (Log.INFO > DEBUG_LEVEL) { Log.i(tag, msg); } } /**  * Send a {@link #WARN} log message.  *  * @param tag  * Used to identify the source of a log message. It usually  * identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.  * @param msg  * The message you would like logged.  */ public static void w(String tag, String msg) { if (Log.WARN > DEBUG_LEVEL) { Log.w(tag, msg); } } /**  * Send an {@link #ERROR} log message.  *  * @param tag  * Used to identify the source of a log message. It usually  * identifies the class or activity where the log call occurs.  * @param msg  * The message you would like logged.  */ public static void e(String tag, String msg) { if (Log.ERROR > DEBUG_LEVEL) { Log.e(tag, msg); } } /**  * What a Terrible Failure: Report a condition that should never happen. The  * error will always be logged at level ASSERT with the call stack.  * Depending on system configuration, a report may be added to the  * {@link android.os.DropBoxManager} and/or the process may be terminated  * immediately with an error dialog.  *  * @param tag  * Used to identify the source of a log message.  * @param msg  * The message you would like logged.  */ public static void wtf(String tag, String msg) { if (Log.ASSERT > DEBUG_LEVEL) {, msg); } } /**  * Send a {@link #VERBOSE} log message. And just print method name and  * position in black.  */ public static void print() { if (Log.VERBOSE > DEBUG_LEVEL) { String tag = getClassName(); String method = callMethodAndLine(); Log.v(tag, method); if (DEBUG_SYSOUT) { System.out.println(tag + " " + method); } } } /**  * Send a {@link #DEBUG_LEVEL} log message.  *  * @param object  * The object to print.  */ public static void print(Object object) { if (Log.DEBUG > DEBUG_LEVEL) { String tag = getClassName(); String method = callMethodAndLine(); String content = ""; if (object != null) { content = object.toString() + " ---- " + method; } else { content = " ## " + " ---- " + method; } Log.d(tag, content); if (DEBUG_SYSOUT) { System.out.println(tag + " " + content + " " + method); } } } /**  * Send an {@link #ERROR} log message.  *  * @param object  * The object to print.  */ public static void printError(Object object) { if (Log.ERROR > DEBUG_LEVEL) { String tag = getClassName(); String method = callMethodAndLine(); String content = ""; if (object != null) { content = object.toString() + " ---- " + method; } else { content = " ## " + " ---- " + method; } Log.e(tag, content); if (DEBUG_SYSOUT) { System.err.println(tag + " " + method + " " + content); } } } /**  * Print the array of stack trace elements of this method in black.  *  * @return  */ public static void printCallHierarchy() { if (Log.VERBOSE > DEBUG_LEVEL) { String tag = getClassName(); String method = callMethodAndLine(); String hierarchy = getCallHierarchy(); Log.v(tag, method + hierarchy); if (DEBUG_SYSOUT) { System.out.println(tag + " " + method + hierarchy); } } } /**  * Print debug log in blue.  *  * @param object  * The object to print.  */ public static void printMyLog(Object object) { if (Log.DEBUG > DEBUG_LEVEL) { String tag = "MYLOG"; String method = callMethodAndLine(); String content = ""; if (object != null) { content = object.toString() + " ---- " + method; } else { content = " ## " + " ---- " + method; } Log.d(tag, content); if (DEBUG_SYSOUT) { System.out.println(tag + " " + content + " " + method); } } } private static String getCallHierarchy() { String result = ""; StackTraceElement[] trace = (new Exception()).getStackTrace(); for (int i = 2; i < trace.length; i++) { result += "\r\t" + trace[i].getClassName() + "." + trace[i].getMethodName() + "():" + trace[i].getLineNumber(); } return result; } private static String getClassName() { String result = ""; StackTraceElement thisMethodStack = (new Exception()).getStackTrace()[2]; result = thisMethodStack.getClassName(); return result; } /**  * Realization of double click jump events.  *  * @return  */ private static String callMethodAndLine() { String result = "at "; StackTraceElement thisMethodStack = (new Exception()).getStackTrace()[2]; result += thisMethodStack.getClassName() + "."; result += thisMethodStack.getMethodName(); result += "(" + thisMethodStack.getFileName(); result += ":" + thisMethodStack.getLineNumber() + ") "; return result; } } 

獲取更多請參看我Github分享的Android工具類庫 android-utils 。




