Browser Work:html
3. 瀏覽器給web服務器發送一個HTTP請求
4. 網站服務的永久重定向響應
5. 瀏覽器跟蹤重定向地址 如今,瀏覽器知道了要訪問的正確地址,因此它會發送另外一個獲取請求。
6. 服務器「處理」請求,服務器接收到獲取請求,而後處理並返回一個響應。
7. 服務器發回一個HTML響應
8. 瀏覽器開始顯示HTML
9. 瀏覽器發送請求,以獲取嵌入在HTML中的對象。在瀏覽器顯示HTML時,它會注意到須要獲取其餘地址內容的標籤。這時,瀏覽器會發送一個獲取請求來從新得到這些文件。這些文件就包括CSS/JS/圖片等資源,這些資源的地址都要經歷一個和HTML讀取相似的過程。因此瀏覽器會在DNS中查找這些域名,發送請求,重定向等等…html5
Browser main componentsnode
Like complier, render engine parsing also have below steps:web
context free grammarchrome
There are tools that can generate a parser for you. They are called parser generators. You feed them with the grammar of your language - its vocabulary and syntax rules and they generate a working parser. Creating a parser requires a deep understanding of parsing and its not easy to create an optimized parser by hand, so parser generators can be very
Webkit uses two well known parser generators - Flex for creating a lexer and Bison for creating a parser (you might run into them with the names Lex and Yacc). Flex input is a file containing regular expression definitions of the tokens. Bison's input is the language syntax rules in BNF
W3C - HTML4 & HTML5瀏覽器
The current strict DTD is here:服務器
The DOM has an almost one to one relation to the markup. Example, this markup:cookie
<html> <body> <p> Hello World </p> <div> <img src="example.png"/></div> </body> </html>
Would be translated to the following DOM tree:
HTML cannot be parsed using the regular top down or bottom up parsers.
The algorithm consists of two stages - tokenization and tree construction:
HTML parsing flow (taken from HTML5 spec):
The algorithm's output is an HTML token. The algorithm is expressed as a state machine. Each state consumes one or more characters of the input stream and updates the next state according to those characters. The decision is influenced by the current tokenization state and by the tree construction state. This means the same consumed character will yield different results for the correct next state, depending on the current state. The algorithm is too complex to bring fully, so let's see a simple example that will help us understand the principal.
Basic example - tokenizing the following HTML:
<html> <body> Hello world </body> </html>
The initial state is the "Data state". When the "<" character is encountered, the state is changed to "Tag open state". Consuming an "a-z" character causes creation of a "Start tag token", the state is change to "Tag name state". We stay in this state until the ">" character is consumed. Each character is appended to the new token name. In our case the created token is an "html" token.
When the ">" tag is reached, the current token is emitted and the state changes back to the "Data state". The "<body>" tag will be treated by the same steps. So far the "html" and "body" tags were emitted. We are now back at the "Data state". Consuming the "H" character of "Hello world" will cause creation and emitting of a character token, this goes on until the "<" of "</body>" is reached. We will emit a character token for each character of "Hello world".
We are now back at the "Tag open state". Consuming the next input "/" will cause creation of an "end tag token" and a move to the "Tag name state". Again we stay in this state until we reach ">".Then the new tag token will be emitted and we go back to the "Data state". The "</html>" input will be treated like the previous case.
When the parser is created the Document object is created. During the tree construction stage the DOM tree with the Document in its root will be modified and elements will be added to it. Each node emitted by the tokenizer will be processed by the tree constructor. For each token the specification defines which DOM element is relevant to it and will be created for this token. Except of adding the element to the DOM tree it is also added to a stack of open elements. This stack is used to correct nesting mismatches and unclosed tags. The algorithm is also described as a state machine. The states are called "insertion modes".
Let's see the tree construction process for the example input:
<html> <body> Hello world </body> </html>
The input to the tree construction stage is a sequence of tokens from the tokenization stage The first mode is the "initial mode". Receiving the html token will cause a move to the "before html" mode and a reprocessing of the token in that mode. This will cause a creation of the HTMLHtmlElement element and it will be appended to the root Document object.
The state will be changed to "before head". We receive the "body" token. An HTMLHeadElement will be created implicitly although we don't have a "head" token and it will be added to the tree.
We now move to the "in head" mode and then to "after head". The body token is reprocessed, an HTMLBodyElement is created and inserted and the mode is transferred to "in body".
The character tokens of the "Hello world" string are now received. The first one will cause creation and insertion of a "Text" node and the other characters will be appended to that node.
The receiving of the body end token will cause a transfer to "after body" mode. We will now receive the html end tag which will move us to "after after body" mode. Receiving the end of file token will end the parsing.
At this stage the browser will mark the document as interactive and start parsing scripts that are in "deferred" mode - those who should be executed after the document is parsed.
The document state will be then set to "complete" and a "load" event will be fired.
The error handling is quite consistent in browsers but amazingly enough it's not part of HTML current specification. Like bookmarking and back/forward buttons it's just something that developed in browsers over the years. There are known invalid HTML constructs that repeat themselves in many sites and the browsers try to fix them in a conformant way with other browsers.
CSS is a context free grammar and can be parsed using the types of parsers described in the introduction.
The model of the web is synchronous. Authors expect scripts to be parsed and executed immediately when the parser reaches a <script> tag. The parsing of the document halts until the script was executed. If the script is external then the resource must be first fetched from the network - this is also done synchronously, the parsing halts until the resource is fetched. This was the model for many years and is also specified in HTML 4 and 5 specifications. Authors could mark the script as "defer" and thus it will not halt the document parsing and will execute after it is parsed. HTML5 adds an option to mark the script as asynchronous so it will be parsed and executed by a different thread.
Both Webkit and Firefox do this optimization. While executing scripts, another thread parses the rest of the document and finds out what other resources need to be loaded from the network and loads them. These way resources can be loaded on parallel connections and the overall speed is better. Note - the speculative parser doesn't modify the DOM tree and leaves that to the main parser, it only parses references to external resources like external scripts, style sheets and images.
Style sheets on the other hand have a different model. Conceptually it seems that since style sheets don't change the DOM tree, there is no reason to wait for them and stop the document parsing. There is an issue, though, of scripts asking for style information during the document parsing stage. If the style is not loaded and parsed yet, the script will get wrong answers and apparently this caused lots of problems. It seems to be an edge case but is quite common. Firefox blocks all scripts when there is a style sheet that is still being loaded and parsed. Webkit blocks scripts only when they try to access for certain style properties that may be effected by unloaded style sheets.
While the DOM tree is being constructed, the browser constructs another tree, the render tree. This tree is of visual elements in the order in which they will be displayed. It is the visual representation of the document. The purpose of this tree is to enable painting the contents in their correct order.
Each renderer represents a rectangular area usually corresponding to the node's CSS box, as described by the CSS2 spec. It contains geometric information like width, height and position.
The render tree and the corresponding DOM tree:
Style sheet cascade order
Sorting the rules
In order not to do a full layout for every small change, browser use a "dirty bit" system. A renderer that is changed or added marks itself and its children as "dirty" - needing layout.
There are two flags - "dirty" and "children are dirty". Children are dirty means that although the renderer itself may be ok, it has at least one child that needs a layout.
The browsers try to do the minimal possible actions in response to a change. So changes to an elements color will cause only repaint of the element. Changes to the element position will cause layout and repaint of the element, its children and possibly siblings. Adding a DOM node will cause layout and repaint of the node. Major changes, like increasing font size of the "html" element, will cause invalidation of caches, relyout and repaint of the entire tree.
The rendering engine is single threaded. Almost everything, except network operations, happens in a single thread. In Firefox and safari this is the main thread of the browser. In chrome it's the tab process main thread.
Network operations can be performed by several parallel threads. The number of parallel connections is limited (usually 2 - 6 connections. Firefox 3, for example, uses 6).