a = {k1:1, k2:2, k3:3}; b = a; b.k2 = 4;
a = {k1:1, k2:2, k3:3}; b = {}; $.extend(b,a);
1 Object.prototype.clone = function() { 2 // Handle null or undefined or function 3 if (null == this || "object" != typeof this) 4 return this; 5 // Handle the 3 simple types, Number and String and Boolean 6 if(this instanceof Number || this instanceof String || this instanceof Boolean) 7 return this.valueOf(); 8 // Handle Date 9 if (this instanceof Date) { 10 var copy = new Date(); 11 copy.setTime(this.getTime()); 12 return copy; 13 } 14 // Handle Array or Object 15 if (this instanceof Object || this instanceof Array) { 16 var copy = (this instanceof Array)?[]:{}; 17 for (var attr in this) { 18 if (this.hasOwnProperty(attr)) 19 copy[attr] = this[attr]?this[attr].clone():this[attr]; 20 } 21 return copy; 22 } 23 throw new Error("Unable to clone obj! Its type isn't supported."); 24 }
var a=[1,2,true,null,"fdsfdsa",[1,"fdsa",{"a":1,"b":["fd",3,{"b":"3","c":""},new Date()],"c":new Date(),"d":false,"e":null}]]; var b=a.clone();
1 function clone(obj) { 2 // Handle the 3 simple types, and null or undefined or function 3 if (null == obj || "object" != typeof obj) return obj; 4 5 // Handle Date 6 if (obj instanceof Date) { 7 var copy = new Date(); 8 copy.setTime(obj.getTime()); 9 return copy; 10 } 11 // Handle Array or Object 12 if (obj instanceof Array | obj instanceof Object) { 13 var copy = (obj instanceof Array)?[]:{}; 14 for (var attr in obj) { 15 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) 16 copy[attr] = clone(obj[attr]); 17 } 18 return copy; 19 } 20 throw new Error("Unable to clone obj! Its type isn't supported."); 21 }
var a=[1,2,true,null,"fdsfdsa",[1,"fdsa",{"a":1,"b":["fd",3,{"b":"3","c":""},new Date()],"c":new Date(),"d":false,"e":null}]]; var b=clone(a);
至於用哪一個怎麼用,取決於你的喜愛/習慣了 :) 就本人來講,我更傾向於使用原型的方法啦,方便嘛,啊哈哈哈~
1 var a=[1,2,true,null,"fdsfdsa",[1,"fdsa",{"a":1,"b":["fd",3,undefined,{"b":"3","c":""},new Date()],"c":new Date(),"d":false,"e":null,"f":function(){return 2;}}],function(){}]; 2 console.log("a=",a); 3 console.log("b=a.clone();"); 4 b=a.clone(); 5 console.log("JSON.stringify(a)==JSON.stringify(b) = ",JSON.stringify(a)==JSON.stringify(b)); 6 console.log("JSON.stringify(a)===JSON.stringify(b) = ",JSON.stringify(a)===JSON.stringify(b)); 7 console.log("JSON.stringify(a) = ",JSON.stringify(a)); 8 console.log("JSON.stringify(b) = ",JSON.stringify(b)); 9 console.log("a[2]=123,b[2]=55555"); 10 a[2]=123,b[2]=55555; 11 console.log("a=",a,"\t\t","b=",b); 12 13 console.log("b=clone(a);"); 14 b=clone(a); 15 console.log("JSON.stringify(a)==JSON.stringify(b) = ",JSON.stringify(a)==JSON.stringify(b)); 16 console.log("JSON.stringify(a)===JSON.stringify(b) = ",JSON.stringify(a)===JSON.stringify(b)); 17 console.log("JSON.stringify(a) = ",JSON.stringify(a)); 18 console.log("JSON.stringify(b) = ",JSON.stringify(b)); 19 console.log("a[2]=1234,b[2]=33333"); 20 a[2]=1234,b[2]=33333; 21 console.log("a=",a,"\t\t","b=",b);
能夠看到, 輸出結果 `a` 和 `b` 是相等的,可是 改變 `a` 的元素的值, 並不會影響到 `b` 的元素。this