一、wxpy安裝比較簡單,直接使用pip命令行安裝便可:pip install wxpyapi
1 from wxpy import * 學習
1 bot = Bot() .net
1 bot.file_helper.send('你好')
1 friend = bot.friends().search('朝十晚八')[0] 2 friend.send('你好')
1 @bot.register([Friend]) 2 def auto_monitor_friend_all(msg): 3 with cond : 4 if msg.text.startswith(orderHeader) and msg.sender.name in destusers : 5 print(u'收到一條好友指令消息:', msg.text) 6 __dealwith_order(msg) 7 else : 8 print(u'收到一條好友消息', msg) 9 if msg.type == PICTURE : 10 image_cache = image_cache_path + '/' + msg.file_name 11 msg.get_file(image_cache) 12 tuling.do_reply(msg)
1 tuling = Tuling(api_key='3d131c218dd44aa88def35ac37b5c9ab')
1 # 註冊好友請求類消息 2 @bot.register(msg_types = FRIENDS) 3 def auto_accept_friends(msg): 4 with cond : 5 # 接受好友 (msg.card 爲該請求的用戶對象) 6 new_friend = bot.accept_friend(msg.card) 7 new_friend.send(u'圖靈接受了你的好友請求,咱們能夠開始聊天了')
1 def restartTimer() : 2 global t 3 if t.is_alive() : 4 t.stop() 5 6 t = Timer.Timer(deamonMsg, timerInterval) 7 t.setDaemon(True) 8 t.start() 9 10 def deamonMsg() : 11 with cond : 12 msgCount = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') 13 print(u'發送消息給文件夾助手,保持鏈接活躍。消息內容:', msgCount) 14 bot.file_helper.send(msgCount)
1 def __dealwith_order(msg) : 2 orderstr = msg.text.lower()#不區分大小寫 3 orderstr = orderstr[len(orderHeader):] 4 if orderstr == "1" : 5 bot.registered.enable(auto_accept_friends) 6 msg.reply('自動接收好友請求已開啓') 7 elif orderstr == "2" : 8 bot.registered.disable(auto_accept_friends) 9 msg.reply('自動接收好友請求已關閉') 10 elif orderstr == "3" : 11 if t.is_alive() : 12 if t.is_pause() : 13 msg.reply('後臺線程已掛起') 14 else : 15 msg.reply('後臺線程運行正常') 16 else : 17 msg.reply('後臺線程已退出') 18 elif orderstr == "4" : 19 t.resume() 20 msg.reply('後臺線程已恢復') 21 elif orderstr == "5" : 22 t.pause() 23 msg.reply('後臺線程已掛起') 24 elif orderstr == "6" : 25 restartTimer() 26 msg.reply('後臺線程已重啓') 27 elif orderstr.startswith("7 ") : 28 global timerInterval 29 timerInterval = int(orderstr[2:].strip()) 30 restartTimer() 31 msg.reply('後臺線程刷新間隔已修改:{0}'.format(timerInterval)) 32 else : 33 msg.reply('指令:order+序號\n一、開啓自動接收好友請求\n二、關閉自動接收好友請求\n三、查看後臺線程是否活躍\n四、恢復後臺線程\n五、掛起後臺線程\n六、從新啓動後臺線程\n')
一、使用pip命令安裝openpyxl:pip install openpyxl
1 if os.path.exists(fileName) : 2 wbk = openpyxl.load_workbook(fileName) 3 names = wbk.sheetnames 4 else : 5 wbk = openpyxl.Workbook() 6 sheet = wbk.active 7 sheet.title = 'all' 8 names.append('all') 9 FixedSheetWidth(sheet)
1 headList = ['發送者', '羣聊', '接受者', '發送時間', '接受時間','分享內容', '網址'] 2 3 def GetCellKey(r, c) : 4 cell = chr(ord('A') + c - 1) + str(r) 5 return cell 6 7 def FixedSheetWidth(sheet) : 8 for i in range(0, len(cwidth)): 9 sheet.column_dimensions[chr(ord('A') + i)].width = cwidth[i] 10 11 def WriteSheetTitle(sheet) : 12 i = 1 13 for svalue in headList: 14 sheet[GetCellKey(1, i)] = svalue 15 sheet[GetCellKey(1, i)].font = openpyxl.styles.Font(bold = True) 16 i = i + 1
1 def WriteSheetRow(wbk, sheet, rowValueList, rowIndex, isBold): 2 i = 1 3 for svalue in rowValueList : 4 if isBold : 5 sheet[GetCellKey(rowIndex, i)] = svalue 6 sheet[GetCellKey(rowIndex, i)].font = openpyxl.styles.Font(bold = True) 7 else: 8 sheet[GetCellKey(rowIndex, i)] = svalue 9 i = i + 1 10 11 #寫入單獨已用戶名爲標籤的sheet 12 name = rowValueList[0] 13 subsheet = None 14 if name not in names : 15 subsheet = wbk.create_sheet(name) 16 WriteSheetTitle(subsheet) 17 FixedSheetWidth(subsheet) 18 names.append(name) 19 else : 20 subsheet = wbk[name] 21 22 j = 1 23 rowIndex = subsheet.max_row + 1 24 for svalue in rowValueList: 25 if isBold : 26 subsheet[GetCellKey(rowIndex, j)] = svalue 27 else: 28 subsheet[GetCellKey(rowIndex, j)] = svalue 29 j = j + 1
1 #備份文件 2 file2see = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), generateFileName('')) 3 if not os.path.exists(file2see) : 4 shutil.copyfile(fileName, file2see) 5 else : 6 if os.access(file2see, os.W_OK) : 7 shutil.copyfile(fileName, file2see)
1 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 2 3 import time 4 import threading 5 6 class Timer(threading.Thread): 7 def __init__(self, fun, seconds): 8 self.__runTime = seconds 9 self.__runfun = fun 10 self.__elapsed = 0.0 #流失的時間 11 self.__flag = threading.Event() # 用於暫停線程的標識 12 self.__flag.set() # 設置爲True 13 self.__running = threading.Event() # 用於中止線程的標識 14 self.__running.set() # 將running設置爲True 15 threading.Thread.__init__(self) 16 print("initialize Timer completed!") 17 18 def run(self): 19 while self.__running.isSet(): 20 self.__flag.wait() # 爲True時當即返回, 爲False時阻塞直到內部的標識位爲True後返回 21 time.sleep(0.1) #100ms檢測一次退出狀態 22 self.__elapsed = self.__elapsed + 0.1 23 if self.__elapsed > self.__runTime : 24 self.__elapsed = 0.0 25 self.__runfun() 26 27 def pause(self): 28 self.__flag.clear() # 設置爲False, 讓線程阻塞 29 30 def is_pause(self) : 31 return self.__flag.isSet() == False 32 33 def resume(self): 34 self.__flag.set() # 設置爲True, 讓線程中止阻塞 35 36 def stop(self): 37 self.__flag.set() # 將線程從暫停狀態恢復, 如何已經暫停的話 38 self.__running.clear() # 設置爲False 39 self.__elapsed = 0.0