class base{ virtual int get(); }; int base::get(){}
爲每一個怪物類編寫 Attack、FightBack和Hurted成員函數
//基類CCreature class CCreature{ protected: int m_nLifeValue,m_nPower; public: virtual void Attack(CCreature* pCreature){}; virtual void Hurted(int nPower){}; virtual void FightBack(CCreature *pCreature){}; }; //派生類 CDragon class CDragon:public CCreature{ public: virtual void Attack(CCreature* pCreature){}; virtual void Hurted(int nPower){}; virtual void FightBack(CCreature *pCreature){}; }; void CDragon::Attack(CCreature *p) { //省略一些代碼 p->Hurted(m_nPower);//多態 p->FightBack(this);//多態 } void CDragon::Hurted(int nPower) { //省略一些代碼 m_nLifeValue -= nPower; } void CDragon::FightBack(CCreature *p) { p->Hurted(m_nPower/2);//多態 }
#Include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> using namespace std; class CShape { public: virtual double Area() = 0;//純虛函數 virtual void PrintInfo() = 0; }; class CRectangle:piblic CShape { public: int w,h; virtual double Area(); virtual void PrintInfo(); } class CCircle:piblic CShape { public: int r; virtual double Area(); virtual void PrintInfo(); } class CTriangle:piblic CShape { public: int a,b,c; virtual double Area(); virtual void PrintInfo(); } double CRectangle::Area(){ return w*h; } void CRectangle::PrintInfo(){ cout<<"Rectangle:"<<Area()<<endl; } double CCircle::Area(){ return 3.14*r*r; } void CCircle::PrintInfo(){ cout<<"Circle:"<<Area()<<endl; } double CTriangle::Area(){ double p = (a+b+c)/2.0; return sqrt(p*(p-a)*(p-b)*(p-c));//Helen公式 } void CTriangle::PrintInfo(){ cout<<"Triangle:"<<Area()<<endl; } CShape *pShapes[100]; int MyCompare(const void *s1,const void *s2); int main() { int i;int n; CRectangle *pr;CCircle *pc;CTriangle *pt; cin>>n; for(i = 0;i < n;i++){ char c; cin>>c; switch(c){ case'R': pr = new CRectangle(); cin >> pr->w >> pr->h; pShapes[i] = pr; break; case'C': pc = new CCircle(); cin >> pc->r; pShape[i] = pc; break; case'T': pt = new CTriangle(); cin >> pt->a >> pt->b >> pt->c; pShapes[i] = pt; break; } } qsort(pShapes,n,sizeof(CShanpe*),MyCompare); for(i = 0;i < n;i++) pSHapes[i] ->PrintInfo(); return 0; } int MyCompare(const void *s1, const void *s2) { double a1,a2; CShape* *p1; //s1,s2是void*,不可寫「*s1」來取得s1指向的內容 CShape* *p2; p1 = (CShape**)s1;//s1,s2指向pSHapes數組中的元素,數組元素的類型是CShape* p2 = (Cshape**)s2;//故p1,p2都是指向指針的指針,類型爲CShape ** a1 = (*p1)->Area();//*p1的類型是CShape*,是基類指針,此句爲多態 a2 = (*p2)->Area(); if(a1 < a2) return -1; else if(a2 < a1) return 1; else return 0; } //若是添加新的幾何形體,只須要從CShape派生出CPentagon,以及在main中的switch語句中增長一個case便可
class Base{ public: void fun1(){this->fun2();}//this是基類指針,fun2是虛函數,因此是多態 virtual void fun2(){cout<<"Base::fun2()"<<endl;} }; class Derived:public Base{ public: virtual void fun2(){cout<<"Derived:fun2()"<<endl;} }; int main(){ Derived d; Base* pBase = &d; pBase -> fun1(); return 0; } //輸出:Derived:fun2()
class CSon{ public:~CSon(){ }; }; class CGrandson:CSon{ public:~CGrandson(){}; } int main(){ CSon *p = new CGrandson;//基類指針指向派生類 delete p;//會引發一些問題:編譯器該執行基類析構函數仍是派生類析構函數? return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { private: int nVal; public: void Fun() { cout << "A::Fun" << endl; } void Do() { cout << "A::Do" << endl; } }; class B:public A { public: virtual void Do() { cout << "B::Do" << endl; } }; class C:public B { public: void Do( ) { cout << "C::Do" <<endl; } void Fun() { cout << "C::Fun" << endl; } }; void Call( // 在此處補充你的代碼 B& p ) { p.Fun(); p.Do(); } int main() { C c; Call(c); return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { // 在此處補充你的代碼 public: virtual ~A(){cout << "destructor A" << endl;} }; class B:public A { public: ~B() { cout << "destructor B" << endl; } }; int main() { A * pa; pa = new B; delete pa; return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { private: int nVal; public: void Fun() { cout << "A::Fun" << endl; } virtual void Do() { cout << "A::Do" << endl; } }; class B:public A { public: virtual void Do() { cout << "B::Do" << endl; } }; class C:public B { public: void Do( ) { cout << "C::Do" << endl; } void Fun() { cout << "C::Fun" << endl; } }; void Call( // 在此處補充你的代碼 A* p ) { p->Fun(); p->Do(); } int main() { Call( new A() ); Call( new C() ); return 0; }
//這道題實在是太可怕了Orz我題都讀不太明白…… //因此就直接搜了一版,抄上去了……等之後技術好了再回過頭來看看這道題是個什麼狀況吧Orz #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<vector> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; enum Knight_name{dragon, ninja, iceman, lion, wolf};//武士名稱 enum Weapon_name{sword, bomb, arrow};//武器名稱 string Knight[5] = {"dragon", "ninja", "iceman", "lion", "wolf"};//武士名稱,輸出使用 Knight_name Order[2][5] = {{iceman, lion, wolf, ninja, dragon},//製造順序 {lion, dragon, ninja, iceman, wolf}}; string Color[2] = {"red", "blue"};//司令部顏色,輸出使用 string Weapons_[3] = {"sword", "bomb", "arrow"};//武器名稱,輸出使用 int Attack_[5];//各武士初始攻擊力 int Loyal_reduce;//lion未殺死敵人所減小士氣 int Hour, Minute;//計時器 int Total_Minutes;//終止時間 int Life_Make[5];//製造各類武士所需生命元 int arrow_attack;//arrow攻擊力 void Print_time(){//輸出前面時間 cout.width(3); cout.fill('0'); cout << Hour << ':';cout.width(2); cout << Minute << ' '; } class City; class Command; class Weapon{//武器 private: int name, sword_attack, arrow_usetime;//武器名稱,sword攻擊力,arrow剩餘使用次數 public: Weapon(int i, int satt):name(i), sword_attack(satt),arrow_usetime(3){}//武器狀態初始化 bool sword_dull(){//sword變鈍 sword_attack = int (sword_attack * 0.8); return sword_attack; } int &usetime(){return arrow_usetime;} int sw_atk(){return sword_attack;} }; class Warrior{//士兵 private: int Num, Life, Attack, Loyal, Step, l_life;//編號,生命力,攻擊力,忠誠度,步數 Knight_name name;//武士名稱 double Morale;//士氣 City* City_Belong_to;//所屬城市 Command* Command_Belong_to;//所屬司令部 bool If_win,If_kill;//戰鬥是否獲勝,是否殺死敵人 Weapon* weapon[3];//裝備 public: Warrior(int n, Knight_name &name_, int &life, int &t_life,Command *COMD){//初始化士兵屬性 Num = n; name = name_; Life = life; Attack = Attack_[name]; Step = 0; l_life = 0; weapon[0] = NULL; weapon[1] = NULL; weapon[2] = NULL; switch(name){ case dragon:case iceman: weapon[Num % 3] = new Weapon(Num % 3, int(Attack_[name] * 0.2)); break; case ninja: weapon[Num % 3] = new Weapon(Num % 3, int(Attack_[name] * 0.2)); weapon[(Num + 1) % 3] = new Weapon((Num + 1) % 3, int(Attack_[name] * 0.2)); break; default: break; }; if (weapon[sword]) if (!weapon[sword]->sw_atk()) weapon[sword] = NULL;//若初始武器攻擊爲0,則delete Morale = double(t_life) / double(Life); Loyal = t_life; If_win = false; If_kill = false; City_Belong_to = NULL; Command_Belong_to = COMD; cout << Knight[name] << ' ' << Num << " born\n"; if (name == dragon){ cout << "Its morale is "; cout.precision(2); cout << fixed << Morale << endl; } if (name == lion){cout << "Its loyalty is " << Loyal << endl;} } bool &IF_win(){return If_win;} int life(){return Life;} bool Minute_5();//lion是否逃跑 輸出 void Minute_10(bool );//武士前進輸出 void Minute_30(int );//獲取城市生命元及輸出 void arrow_shot();//使用弓箭輸出 void Be_shoted();//被射中處理及輸出 void Change_City(City * Cp){City_Belong_to = Cp;} void Morale_Change(){If_win ? Morale += 0.2: Morale -=0.2;} bool weapon_(Weapon_name name){return weapon[name];} void Use_bomb(Warrior *);//使用bomb輸出 int fight(Warrior* Wp){//假設戰鬥,判斷是否會獲勝 if (Life > 0 and Wp->Life > 0){ int swatk = 0; if (weapon[sword]) swatk = weapon[sword]->sw_atk(); if (Wp->Life - Attack- swatk > 0){ if (Wp->name == ninja) return 0; else{ int E_swatk = 0; if (Wp->weapon[sword]) E_swatk = (Wp->weapon[sword])->sw_atk(); if (Life - (Wp->Attack / 2) - E_swatk > 0) return 0; else return -1; } }else return 1; } return 0; } bool bomb(Warrior *, int);//判斷是否使用bomb void Fight(Warrior *);//武士戰鬥處理及輸出 void Dead();//武士死亡輸出 void account(Warrior * Wp){//部分戰後處理 If_win = true; if(If_kill) {Wp->Dead();If_kill = false;} if (Wp->name == lion) Life += Wp->l_life; if (name == wolf) for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (Wp->weapon[i] and !weapon[i]){ weapon[i] = Wp->weapon[i]; Wp->weapon[i] = NULL; } Morale_Change(); } void Reward();//打敗後獲取獎勵 void ADD(int);//所屬司令部增長生命元 void Loyal_Reduce(){Loyal -= Loyal_reduce;} void Report_weapon();//報告武器使用狀況 ~Warrior(){ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if (weapon[i]) delete weapon[i]; } }; class City{ private: int Number, Life, Flag, Flag_G[2];//城市編號,生命元,旗幟,各方士兵連續勝利場次 Warrior *Warrior_In_City[2]; public: int Num(){return Number;} int Life_(){return Life;} City(int N){ Number = N; Life = 0; Flag = -1;//-1 表示無旗城市 Warrior_In_City[0] = NULL; Flag_G[0] = 0; Warrior_In_City[1] = NULL; Flag_G[1] = 0; } void Minute_5(){//處理逃跑lion for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) if(Warrior_In_City[i]) if (Warrior_In_City[i]->Minute_5()){ delete Warrior_In_City[i]; Warrior_In_City[i] = NULL; } } void Move(City* Cp, int i){//warrior前進 Warrior_In_City[i] = Cp->Warrior_In_City[i]; if(Warrior_In_City[i]) Warrior_In_City[i]->Change_City(this); } void Move(Command *, int);//warrior進入敵方司令部 void Move(Warrior *Wp, int i){//warrior從command進入city Warrior_In_City[i] = Wp; if (Warrior_In_City[i]) Warrior_In_City[i]->Change_City(this); } bool If_exist(int i){return Warrior_In_City[i];} void Minute_10(){//warrior前進輸出 if (Warrior_In_City[0]) Warrior_In_City[0]->Minute_10(false); if (Warrior_In_City[1]) Warrior_In_City[1]->Minute_10(false); } void Add_Life(){Life += 10;} void Minute_30(){//城內單獨warrior獲取生命元 for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) if ((Warrior_In_City[i]) and (!Warrior_In_City[1-i])){ Warrior_In_City[i]->Minute_30(Life); Life = 0; break; } } void Minute_35(City* Cp[]){//處理arrow事件 for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) if (Warrior_In_City[j]) if (Warrior_In_City[j]->weapon_(arrow)) if (Cp[1-j]) if ((Cp[1-j]->Warrior_In_City[1-j])){ Warrior_In_City[j]->arrow_shot(); Cp[1-j]->Warrior_In_City[1-j]->Be_shoted(); } } void Minute_38(){//處理bomb事件,順帶處理35分鐘時城市中兩隻warrior均被被射死的狀況 if (Warrior_In_City[0] and Warrior_In_City[1]){ bool p =false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) if (Warrior_In_City[i]->weapon_(bomb)){ if (Flag == -1) p = Warrior_In_City[i]->bomb(Warrior_In_City[1-i], Number); else p = Warrior_In_City[i]->bomb(Warrior_In_City[1-i], Flag+1); if (p){ delete Warrior_In_City[0]; Warrior_In_City[0] = NULL; delete Warrior_In_City[1]; Warrior_In_City[1] = NULL; break; } } if (!p and Warrior_In_City[0]->life() <= 0 and Warrior_In_City[1]->life() <= 0){ delete Warrior_In_City[0]; Warrior_In_City[0] = NULL; delete Warrior_In_City[1]; Warrior_In_City[1] = NULL; } } } void Battle(){//戰鬥及輸出,不進行生命元獎勵、獲取處理 if (Warrior_In_City[0] and Warrior_In_City[1]){ if (Flag == -1){ if (Number % 2) Warrior_In_City[0]->Fight(Warrior_In_City[1]); else Warrior_In_City[1]->Fight(Warrior_In_City[0]); }else Warrior_In_City[Flag]->Fight(Warrior_In_City[1-Flag]); } } void Flag_Set(int i){//戰鬥後旗幟設置 if (i == -1){Flag_G[0] = 0; Flag_G[1] = 0;} else{ ++Flag_G[i]; Flag_G[1-i] = 0; if (Flag_G[i] == 2 and Flag != i){ Flag = i; Print_time(); cout << Color[i] << " flag raised in city " << Number << endl;} } } void Reward(int i){if(Warrior_In_City[i]) Warrior_In_City[i]->Reward();} void Warrior_report(int i){if(Warrior_In_City[i]) Warrior_In_City[i]->Report_weapon();} void Win_get(){//獎勵獲勝士兵生命元 for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) if (Warrior_In_City[i]){ if (Warrior_In_City[i]->IF_win()){ Warrior_In_City[i]->ADD(Life); Life = 0; Warrior_In_City[i]->IF_win() = false; }else if (Warrior_In_City[i]->life() <=0){ delete Warrior_In_City[i]; Warrior_In_City[i] = NULL; } } } }; class Command{ private: int Total_Life, Knights_Num, Colour, Enemy_Enter;//生命元,造士兵數量,command顏色,有多少敵人進入 bool Weather_Enter;//是否有敵人進入 Warrior* Enemys[2];//進入的敵人 Warrior* Knight;//warrior public: int colour(){return Colour;} string colour(bool p){return p? Color[Colour]: Color[1-Colour];} Command(int TLife, int col){ Total_Life = TLife;Colour = col; Knights_Num = 0; Knight = NULL; Enemy_Enter = 0; Weather_Enter = false; Enemys[0] = NULL; Enemys[1] = NULL; } void Minute_0(){//製造warrior及輸出 if (Total_Life >= Life_Make[Order[Colour][Knights_Num % 5]]){ Total_Life -= Life_Make[Order[Colour][Knights_Num % 5]]; Print_time(); cout << Color[Colour] << ' '; Knight = new Warrior(Knights_Num+1, Order[Colour][Knights_Num % 5], Life_Make[Order[Colour][Knights_Num% 5]], Total_Life, this); Knights_Num++; } } void Minute_5(){//處理逃跑lion if (Knight) if (Knight->Minute_5()){delete Knight; Knight = NULL;} } void Move(City* Cp, int i){Cp->Move(Knight, i); Knight = NULL;}//warrior走出command void Enemy_Move_In(Warrior* enemy){//敵方warrior進入 Enemys[Enemy_Enter] = enemy; Weather_Enter = true; ++Enemy_Enter; } void Minute_10(){//敵方warrior進入輸出 if (Weather_Enter){ Enemys[Enemy_Enter-1]->Minute_10(true); Weather_Enter = false; } } bool If_occupied(){//command是否被佔領 if (Enemy_Enter == 2){ Print_time(); cout << Color[Colour] << " headquarter was taken\n"; return true; } return false; } void Minute_30(int Add_life){Total_Life += Add_life;} int &Life(){return Total_Life;} void Report_life(){//command報告生命元 Print_time(); cout << Total_Life << " elements in " << Color[Colour] << " headquarter\n"; } void Report(){if (Enemy_Enter) Enemys[Enemy_Enter-1]->Report_weapon();}//已進入command的warrior仍要report ~Command(){ if (Knight) delete Knight; if (Enemys[0]) delete Enemys[0]; if (Enemys[1]) delete Enemys[1]; } }; void Game_Start(){ int times = 0; cin >> times; for (int t = 0; t < times; ++t){ int M, N;//初始command生命元,城市數量 cin >> M >> N >> arrow_attack >> Loyal_reduce >> Total_Minutes; Command COM[2] = {Command(M,0),Command(M,1)}; vector<City> Citys; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i){ City temp(i + 1); Citys.push_back(temp); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) cin >> Life_Make[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) cin >> Attack_[i]; cout << "Case " << t + 1 << ":\n"; Hour = 0; Minute = 0;//計時開始 while(Hour * 60 <= Total_Minutes){ COM[0].Minute_0(); COM[1].Minute_0(); Minute = 5;//第0分鐘 if (Hour * 60 + Minute > Total_Minutes) break;//第5分鐘 else { COM[0].Minute_5(); for (vector<City>::iterator i = Citys.begin(); i != Citys.end(); ++i) (*i).Minute_5(); COM[1].Minute_5(); Minute = 10; } if (Hour * 60 + Minute > Total_Minutes) break;//第10分鐘 else { if (Citys[0].If_exist(1)) Citys[0].Move(&COM[0], 1);//warrior前進 for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i) Citys[i].Move(&Citys[i+1], 1); COM[1].Move(&Citys[N - 1], 1); if (Citys[N-1].If_exist(0)) Citys[N-1].Move(&COM[1], 0); for (int i = N - 1; i > 0; --i) Citys[i].Move(&Citys[i-1], 0); COM[0].Move(&Citys[0], 0); COM[0].Minute_10();//warrior移動輸出 bool p = COM[0].If_occupied(); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) Citys[i].Minute_10(); COM[1].Minute_10(); if (p + COM[1].If_occupied()) break; } Minute = 20; if (Hour * 60 + Minute > Total_Minutes) break;//第20分鐘 else for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) Citys[i].Add_Life(); Minute = 30; if (Hour * 60 + Minute > Total_Minutes) break;//第30分鐘 else for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) Citys[i].Minute_30(); Minute = 35; if (Hour * 60 + Minute > Total_Minutes) break;//第35分鐘 else if (N > 1){//city數大於1時纔會發生arrow事件 City* Cp[2] = {}; Cp[0] = NULL; Cp[1] = &Citys[1]; Citys[0].Minute_35(Cp); for (int i = 1; i < N-1; ++i){ Cp[0] = &Citys[i-1]; Cp[1] = &Citys[i+1]; Citys[i].Minute_35(Cp); } Cp[0] = &Citys[N-2]; Cp[1] = NULL; Citys[N-1].Minute_35(Cp); } Minute = 38; if (Hour * 60 + Minute > Total_Minutes) break;//第38分鐘 else for (vector<City>::iterator i = Citys.begin(); i != Citys.end(); ++i) (*i).Minute_38(); Minute = 40; if (Hour * 60 + Minute > Total_Minutes) break;//第40分鐘 else{ for (vector<City>::iterator i = Citys.begin(); i != Citys.end(); ++i)//戰鬥及輸出 (*i).Battle(); for (vector<City>::iterator i = Citys.begin(); i != Citys.end(); ++i)//獎勵生命元 (*i).Reward(0); for (vector<City>::reverse_iterator i = Citys.rbegin(); i != Citys.rend(); ++i) (*i).Reward(1); for (vector<City>::iterator i = Citys.begin(); i != Citys.end(); ++i)//獲取city生命元 (*i).Win_get(); } Minute = 50; if (Hour * 60 + Minute > Total_Minutes) break;//第50分鐘 else COM[0].Report_life();COM[1].Report_life(); Minute = 55; if (Hour * 60 + Minute > Total_Minutes) break;//第55分鐘 else{ for (vector<City>::iterator i = Citys.begin(); i != Citys.end(); ++i) (*i).Warrior_report(0); COM[1].Report();COM[0].Report(); for (vector<City>::iterator i = Citys.begin(); i != Citys.end(); ++i) (*i).Warrior_report(1); } Minute = 0; Hour++; } } } int main(){ // freopen("d:\\anser.txt", "w", stdout); Game_Start(); // fclose(stdout); return 0; } bool Warrior::Minute_5(){ if (name == lion) if (Loyal <= 0){ Print_time(); cout << Command_Belong_to->colour(true) << " lion " << Num << " ran away\n"; return true; } return false; } void Warrior::Minute_10(bool If_arrive){ ++Step; if (name == iceman and !(Step % 2)){ if (Life < 10) Life = 1; else Life -= 9; Attack += 20; } Print_time(); cout << Command_Belong_to->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[name] << ' ' << Num; if (If_arrive) cout << " reached " << Command_Belong_to->colour(false) << " headquarter"; else cout << " marched to city " << City_Belong_to->Num(); cout << " with " << Life << " elements and force " << Attack << endl; } void Warrior::Minute_30(int Add_life){ Print_time(); cout << Command_Belong_to->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[name] << ' ' << Num << " earned " << Add_life << " elements for his headquarter\n"; Command_Belong_to->Minute_30(Add_life); } void Warrior::arrow_shot(){ Print_time(); cout << Command_Belong_to->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[name] << ' ' << Num << " shot"; weapon[arrow]->usetime()--; if(!weapon[arrow]->usetime()){delete weapon[arrow]; weapon[arrow] = NULL;} } void Warrior::Be_shoted(){ Life -= arrow_attack; if (Life <= 0){cout << " and killed " << Command_Belong_to->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[name] << ' ' << Num;} cout << endl; } void City::Move(Command *Cp, int i){ Cp->Enemy_Move_In(Warrior_In_City[i]); Warrior_In_City[i] = NULL; } void Warrior::Use_bomb(Warrior *Wp){ Print_time(); cout << Command_Belong_to->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[name] << ' ' << Num << " used a bomb and killed " << (Wp->Command_Belong_to)->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[Wp->name] << ' ' << Wp->Num << endl; } bool Warrior::bomb(Warrior *Wp, int p){ if ((p + Command_Belong_to->colour()) % 2){ if (fight(Wp) == -1) {Use_bomb(Wp); return true;} }else if (Wp->fight(this) == 1) {Use_bomb(Wp); return true;} return false; } void Warrior::Dead(){ Print_time(); cout << Command_Belong_to->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[name] << ' ' << Num << " was killed in city " << City_Belong_to->Num() << endl; } void Warrior::Fight(Warrior *Wp){ Warrior *Wp_win = NULL; Warrior *Wp_lose = NULL; l_life = Life; Wp->l_life = Wp->Life; if (Life > 0 and (Wp->Life) > 0){ int swatk = 0; if (weapon[sword]) swatk = weapon[sword]->sw_atk(); Print_time(); cout << Command_Belong_to->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[name] << ' ' << Num << " attacked " << (Wp->Command_Belong_to)->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[Wp->name] << ' ' << Wp->Num << " in city " << City_Belong_to->Num() << " with " << Life << " elements and force " << Attack << endl; Wp->Life = Wp->Life - Attack - swatk; if (swatk) if (!weapon[sword]->sword_dull()){delete weapon[sword]; weapon[sword] = NULL;} if (Wp->Life > 0){ if (Wp->name == ninja) {City_Belong_to->Flag_Set(-1);Morale_Change();Loyal_Reduce();} else{ int E_swatk = 0; if (Wp->weapon[sword]) E_swatk = (Wp->weapon[sword])->sw_atk(); Print_time(); cout << (Wp->Command_Belong_to)->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[Wp->name] << ' ' << Wp->Num << " fought back against " << Command_Belong_to->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[name] << ' ' << Num << " in city " << City_Belong_to->Num() <<endl; Life = Life - (Wp->Attack / 2) - E_swatk; if (E_swatk) if(!(Wp->weapon[sword])->sword_dull()){delete Wp->weapon[sword]; Wp->weapon[sword] = NULL;} if (Life > 0) {City_Belong_to->Flag_Set(-1);Morale_Change();Wp->Morale_Change();Loyal_Reduce();Wp->Loyal_Reduce();} else{Wp->If_kill = true;Wp_lose = this;Wp_win = Wp;} } }else{If_kill = true;Wp_win = this;Wp_lose = Wp;} }else{ if (Life > 0){Wp->l_life = 0;Wp_win = this;Wp_lose = Wp;} else {l_life = 0;Wp_lose = this;Wp_win = Wp;} } if (Wp_win){Wp_win->account(Wp_lose);} if (name == dragon and Life > 0 and Morale > 0.8){ Print_time(); cout << Command_Belong_to->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[name] << ' ' << Num << " yelled in city " << City_Belong_to->Num() << endl; } if (Wp_win){ Print_time(); cout << (Wp_win->Command_Belong_to)->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[Wp_win->name] << ' ' << Wp_win->Num << " earned " << City_Belong_to->Life_() << " elements for his headquarter\n"; (Wp_win->City_Belong_to)->Flag_Set((Wp_win->Command_Belong_to)->colour()); } } void Warrior::Reward(){ if (If_win) if (Command_Belong_to->Life() > 7){ Command_Belong_to->Life() -= 8; Life += 8; } } void Warrior::ADD(int life){Command_Belong_to->Life() += life;} void Warrior::Report_weapon(){ bool p = false; Print_time(); cout << Command_Belong_to->colour(true) << ' ' << Knight[name] << ' ' << Num << " has "; for (int i = 2; i >= 0; --i) if (weapon[i]){ if (p) cout << ',';else p = true; cout << Weapons_[i]; if (i == 2) cout << '(' << weapon[arrow]->usetime() << ')'; if (i == 0) cout << '(' << weapon[sword]->sw_atk() << ')'; } if(!p) cout << "no weapon"; cout << endl; }