js 頁面拖動 滾動條平移_如何使用Microsoft Office的平移手而不是滾動條

js 頁面拖動 滾動條平移

js 頁面拖動 滾動條平移

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Older versions of Microsoft Office had a visible 「panning hand」 option that let you scroll through files using your mouse. The feature hasn’t been visible since around Office 2010, so here’s how to make this super-handy function available again.

較早版本的Microsoft Office具有可見的「平移手」選項,可讓您使用鼠標滾動瀏覽文件。 自Office 2010左右以來,該功能就一直不可見,因此,這是使此超級方便功能再次可用的方法。

什麼是「撫摸的手」? (What Is a 「Panning Hand?」)

The panning hand is a tool in some apps in Microsoft Office (and Internet Explorer) that changes the mouse pointer to a hand icon and allows you to hold the left button down and drag the page up and down or left and right instead of using the scroll bars or mouse wheel.

平移手是Microsoft Office(和Internet Explorer)中某些應用程序中的工具,可將鼠標指針更改爲手形圖標,並允許您按住左鍵並上下左右拖動頁面,而不必使用滾動條或鼠標滾輪。

In older versions of Office, the panning hand was visible at the top of the scroll bars. By Office 2013, it disappeared from the standard interface, but the functionality is still there if you need it.

在較早版本的Office中,平移手在滾動條的頂部可見。 到Office 2013時,它已從標準界面中消失,但是如果需要,該功能仍然存在。

It’s particularly useful for long documents or large spreadsheets that go off the right-hand side. The panning hand is very precise and lets you drag the page in all directions, including diagonally, which is why it was a popular tool for navigating large spreadsheets that scroll both down and across.

對於長文件或右側的大型電子表格尤其有用。 平移手非常精確,可以讓您向各個方向(包括對角線)拖動頁面,這就是爲什麼它是用於導航向下滾動和向下滾動的大型電子表格的流行工具的原因。

You might have noticed we said it was a popular tool for navigating large spreadsheets. This is because, sadly, the panning hand is no longer available for Excel, but it is still available for OneNote, Word, and Outlook.

您可能已經注意到我們說它是用於導航大型電子表格的流行工具。 這是因爲,遺憾的是,平移手不再適用於Excel,但仍適用於OneNote,Word和Outlook。

如何顯示「撫摸的手」? (How Do I Make the 「Panning Hand」 Visible?)

The panning hand can’t be added to the top of scroll bars again—which we think is a shame because it’s really useful—but it can be added to the ribbon or the quick access toolbar. The process for doing so is similar for both, but we’re going to add it to the quick access toolbar. If you want to add it to the ribbon, then we have instructions for that.

無法將搖動手再次添加到滾動條的頂部(我們認爲這很可惜,因爲它確實有用),但它可以添加到功能區或快速訪問工具欄上,這很可惜。 兩者的執行過程相似,但是我們將其添加到快速訪問工具欄中。 如果您要將其添加到功能區,那麼我們將提供相關說明

We’re going to use Word in this example, but the instructions are the same in OneNote and Outlook.


Open the Word application, click the down arrow on the quick access toolbar, and then choose 「More Commands.」


The "More Commands" menu option.

Select the arrow next to 「Popular Commands」 and choose 「Commands Not In The Ribbon」 from the dropdown.


The "Commands Not in the Ribbon" dropdown option.

Scroll down to the 「Panning Hand」 command and select it. Click the 「Add」 button and then select 「OK.」

向下滾動到「 Paning Hand」命令並選擇它。 點擊「添加」按鈕,然後選擇「確定」。

The "Panning Hand" being added to the toolbar.

The hand symbol will now be visible in the quick access toolbar.


The panning hand command visible in the toolbar.

To use it, simply click the hand icon and the cursor will turn into a hand. Hold down the left mouse or trackpad button and drag the page around.

要使用它,只需單擊手形圖標,光標就會變成手形。 按住鼠標左鍵或觸控板按鈕,然後拖動頁面。

To change back to the normal cursor, either click the hand button in the toolbar again or hit the ESC key.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/673555/how-to-use-microsoft-offices-panning-hand-instead-of-the-scroll-bar/

js 頁面拖動 滾動條平移